❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
If it hadn’t ben for me he’d be down in Texas now, all right.”Then Huck told his entire adventure in confidence to Tom, who had only heard of the Welshman’s part of it before.“Well,” said Huck, presently, coming back to the main question, “whoever nipped the whiskey in No.2, nipped the money, too, I reckon—anyways it’s a goner for us, Tom.”“Huck, that money wasn’t ever in No.2!”“What!” Huck searched his comrade’s face keenly.“Tom, have you got on the track of that money again?”“Huck, it’s in the cave!”Huck’s eyes blazed.“Say it again, Tom.”“The money’s in the cave!”“Tom—honest injun, now—is it fun, or earnest?”“Earnest, Huck—just as earnest as ever I was in my life.Will you go in there with me and help get it out?”“I bet I will! I will if it’s where we can blaze our way to it and not get lost.”“Huck, we can do that without the least little bit of trouble in the world.”“Good as wheat! What makes you think the money’s—”“Huck, you just wait till we get in there.If we don’t find it I’ll agree to give you my drum and every thing I’ve got in the world.I will, by jings.”“All right—it’s a whiz
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
If it hadn’t ben / for me / he’d be down in Texas now, / all right.”
나 아니었으면 그는 지금쯤 텍사스에 있을 거야, 확실히.
Then Huck told / his entire adventure / in confidence to Tom, / who had only heard / of the Welshman’s part / of it before.
그러고 나서 헉은 톰에게 / 그의 모든 모험을 / 자신 있게 이야기했고, / 톰은 그 전에 웨일스 사람의 부분만 들었었다.
“Well,” said Huck, / presently, / coming back to the main question, / “whoever nipped / the whiskey / in No. 2, / nipped the money, too, I reckon—anyways it’s a goner for us, / Tom.”
“그래,” 헉이 말했다. / 잠시 후에 / 본 질문으로 돌아오며, / “누군가가 위스키를 / 2번지에서 가져갔다면 / 돈도 가져갔을 거야, / 어쨌든 우리에게는 끝난 거야, 톰.”
“Huck, / that money / wasn’t ever / in No. 2!”
“헉, / 그 돈은 / 절대 / 2번지에 없었어!”
“What!” / Huck searched / his comrade’s face / keenly.
“뭐!” / 헉은 / 그의 동료의 얼굴을 / 예리하게 살폈다.
“Tom, / have you got / on the track of that money again?”
“톰, / 그 돈의 단서를 / 다시 찾은 거야?”
“Huck, it’s in the cave!”
“헉, 그것은 동굴에 있어!”
Huck’s eyes / blazed.
헉의 눈이 / 번쩍였다.
“Say it again, / Tom.”
“다시 말해봐, / 톰.”
“The money’s / in the cave!”
“돈은 / 동굴에 있어!”
“Tom—honest injun, / now—is it fun, / or earnest?”
“톰—정말 진심으로, / 지금—장난이야, / 진심이야?”
“Earnest, Huck—just as earnest / as ever I was / in my life.
“진심이야, 헉—그 어느 때보다 / 내 인생에서 진심으로 한 적이 없어.
Will you go in there / with me / and help get it out?”
나랑 거기 들어가서 / 꺼내는 거 도와줄래?”
“I bet I will! / I will / if it’s where / we can blaze our way / to it / and not get lost.”
“나는 분명 할거야! / 할거야 / 그곳이 / 우리가 길을 낼 수 있고 / 그걸 찾기 위해 / 길을 잃지 않는다면.”
“Huck, / we can do that / without the least little bit / of trouble / in the world.”
헉, / 우리는 그걸 할 수 있어 / 전혀 / 문제없이 /전혀 문제없이.
“Good as wheat! / What makes you think / the money’s—”
“밀처럼 좋다! / 네가 / 그 돈이 있다고 생각하게 하는 것은—”
“Huck, / you just wait / till we get in there.
헉, / 너 잠깐만 기다려 / 우리가 거기 들어갈 때까지.
If we don’t find it / I’ll agree / to give you / my drum / and everything I’ve got / in the world. I will, / by jings.”
우리가 그것을 발견하지 못하면 / 난 동의할 거야 / 네게 줄게 / 내 드럼과 / 내가 가진 모든 걸 / 세계에서.의를 표현하며) 내가 정말 좋아해.
“All right—it’s a whiz.
좋아—그건 대단한 일이야.
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