❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
“Tom, I didn’t think of that.But that’s so.It’s luck for us, that cross is.I reckon we’ll climb down there and have a hunt for that box.”Tom went first, cutting rude steps in the clay hill as he descended.Huck followed.Four avenues opened out of the small cavern which the great rock stood in.The boys examined three of them with no result.They found a small recess in the one nearest the base of the rock, with a pallet of blankets spread down in it; also an old suspender, some bacon rind, and the well-gnawed bones of two or three fowls.But there was no moneybox
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Tom, / I didn’t think / of that.
톰, / 그 생각은 못했어.
But that’s so.
하지만 / 그건 정말 그래.
It’s luck / for us, / that cross is.
우리에겐 / 행운이야, / 저 십자가는.
I reckon / we’ll climb down there / and have a hunt / for that box.
내 생각에 / 우린 저 아래로 내려가 / 저 상자를 찾아볼 거야.
Tom went first, / cutting rude steps / in the clay hill / as he descended.
톰이 먼저 갔고, / 점토 언덕에 / 거친 계단을 내며 / 내려갔다.
Huck followed.
헉이 뒤따랐다.
Four avenues / opened out / of the small cavern / which the great rock stood in.
네 개의 통로가 / 열려 있었다 / 작은 동굴에서 / 큰 바위가 서 있던.
The boys / examined three of them / with no result.
소년들은 / 세 개를 조사했지만 / 아무런 결과가 없었다.
They found a small recess / in the one nearest the base / of the rock, / with a pallet of blankets / spread down in it; / also an old suspender, / some bacon rind, / and the well-gnawed bones / of two or three fowls.
그들은 작은 움푹 들어간 곳을 발견했고, / 바닥 근처의 하나에서 / 바위의, / 침구가 깔린 /; 또한 낡은 멜빵, / 일부 베이컨 껍질, / 그리고 잘 부서진 뼈 / 두세 마리 닭의.
But there was no moneybox.
하지만 돈 상자는 없었다.
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