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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


“Hey, Huck!—you hear that?”

Huck began to dig and scratch now.
Some boards were soon uncovered and removed.
They had concealed a natural chasm which led under the rock.
Tom got into this and held his candle as far under the rock as he could, but said he could not see to the end of the rift.
He proposed to explore.
He stooped and passed under; the narrow way descended gradually.
He followed its winding course, first to the right, then to the left, Huck at his heels.
Tom turned a short curve, by-and-by, and exclaimed:

“My goodness, Huck, lookyhere!”

It was the treasure-box, sure enough, occupying a snug little cavern, along with an empty powder-keg, a couple of guns in leather cases, two or three pairs of old moccasins, a leather belt, and some other rubbish well soaked with the water-drip.

“Got it at last!” said Huck, ploughing among the tarnished coins with his hand

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. “Hey, Huck!—you hear that?”

    “이봐, 헉!—들리니?”

  2. ⦁ hear: 듣다
    – I can hear the birds singing. (나는 새들이 노래하는 소리를 들을 수 있다.)

    ⦁ that: 저것
    – Look at that! (저걸 봐!)

  3. Huck / began to dig / and scratch now.
    Some boards / were soon uncovered / and removed.

    헉은 이제 / 땅을 파고 / 긁기 시작했다.
    몇몇 나무 판자가 곧 드러나고 제거되었다.

  4. ⦁ dig: 파다
    – The dog begins to dig for its bone. (강아지가 뼈를 찾기 위해 파기 시작한다.)

    ⦁ uncover: 드러내다
    – They uncovered the hidden treasure. (그들은 숨겨진 보물을 드러냈다.)

  5. They / had concealed / a natural chasm / which led under the rock.

    그들은 / 자연적인 틈새를 / 숨겨놓았다 / 그것은 바위 아래로 이어졌다.

  6. ⦁ conceal: 숨기다
    – She concealed the letter inside the book. (그녀는 편지를 책 안에 숨겼다.)

    ⦁ chasm: 틈새
    – There was a deep chasm between the cliffs. (절벽 사이에 깊은 틈새가 있었다.)

  7. Tom / got into this / and held his candle / as far under the rock / as he could, / but said / he could not see / to the end of the rift.

    톰은 / 거기로 들어가 / 초를 들고 / 바위 아래 / 가능한 멀리까지 비추었지만, / 그는 말했다 / 틈새의 끝까지 볼 수 없다고.

  8. ⦁ candle: 양초
    – She lit a candle to read the book. (그녀는 책을 읽기 위해 양초를 켰다.)

    ⦁ rift: 틈
    – There’s a rift between old friends. (오랜 친구 사이에 갈등이 있다.)

  9. He proposed / to explore.
    He stooped / and passed under; / the narrow way / descended gradually.

    그는 제안했다 / 탐험하기로.
    그는 몸을 구부리고 / 아래로 지나갔다.; / 좁은 길은 / 서서히 내려갔다.

  10. ⦁ propose: 제안하다
    – He proposed a new plan. (그는 새로운 계획을 제안했다.)

    ⦁ explore: 탐험하다
    – They want to explore the jungle. (그들은 정글을 탐험하고 싶어한다.)

  11. He followed / its winding course, / first to the right, / then to the left, / Huck / at his heels.

    그는 따랐다 / 그 구불구불한 길을, / 먼저 오른쪽으로, / 그 다음 왼쪽으로, / 헉이 / 그의 뒤를 따라.

  12. ⦁ follow: 따르다
    – She always follows her heart. (그녀는 항상 그녀의 마음을 따른다.)

    ⦁ winding: 구불구불한
    – The winding road was difficult to drive. (구불구불한 길은 운전하기 어려웠다.)

  13. Tom / turned a short curve, / by-and-by, / and exclaimed: “My goodness, Huck, lookyhere!”

    톰은 / 짧은 곡선을 돌고, / 곧, / 소리쳤다: “이런, 헉, 여기를 봐!”

  14. ⦁ curve: 곡선
    – The road curves sharply. (길이 급하게 구부러진다.)

    ⦁ exclaim: 소리치다
    – She exclaimed in surprise. (그녀는 놀라서 소리쳤다.)

  15. It was the treasure-box, / sure enough, / occupying a snug little cavern, / along with an empty powder-keg, / a couple of guns / in leather cases, / two or three pairs of old moccasins, / a leather belt, / and some other rubbish / well soaked / with the water-drip.

    그것은 보물 상자였다, / 확실히, / 아늑한 작은 동굴을 차지하고 있었다, / 빈 화약통과 함께, / 두 자루의 총, / 가죽 케이스에 넣어진, / 두세 켤레의 낡은 모카신, / 가죽 벨트, / 그리고 어떤 쓰레기들 / 물방울에 잘 젖어 있는.

  16. ⦁ treasure: 보물
    – They found buried treasure. (그들은 묻힌 보물을 발견했다.)

    ⦁ rubbish: 쓰레기
    – He picked up the rubbish from the ground. (그는 땅에서 쓰레기를 주웠다.)

  17. “Got it / at last!” said Huck, / ploughing among / the tarnished coins / with his hand.

    “마침내 / 얻었어!”라고 헉이 말했다, / 그의 손으로 / 퇴색된 동전들 사이를 / 뒤지며.

  18. ⦁ plough: 파다
    – He ploughed the field. (그는 밭을 갈았다.)

    ⦁ tarnish: 퇴색되다
    – The silver tarnished over time. (은은 시간이 지나면서 퇴색되었다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)