❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
As the sun dipped toward the horizon they pushed out and got under way.Tom skimmed up the shore through the long twilight, chatting cheerily with Huck, and landed shortly after dark.“Now, Huck,” said Tom, “we’ll hide the money in the loft of the widow’s woodshed, and I’ll come up in the morning and we’ll count it and divide, and then we’ll hunt up a place out in the woods for it where it will be safe.Just you lay quiet here and watch the stuff till I run and hook Benny Taylor’s little wagon; I won’t be gone a minute.”He disappeared, and presently returned with the wagon, put the two small sacks into it, threw some old rags on top of them, and started off, dragging his cargo behind him.When the boys reached the Welshman’s house, they stopped to rest.Just as they were about to move on, the Welshman stepped out and said:“Hallo, who’s that?”“Huck and Tom Sawyer.”“Good! Come along with me, boys, you are keeping everybody waiting.Here—hurry up, trot ahead—I’ll haul the wagon for you.Why, it’s not as light as it might be.Got bricks in it?—or old metal?”“Old metal,” said Tom
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
As the sun dipped toward / the horizon / they pushed out / and got under way.
해가 지면서 / 그들은 떠나기 시작했다.
Tom skimmed up the shore / through the long twilight, / chatting cheerily with Huck, / and landed shortly after dark.
톰은 긴 황혼을 가로질러 / 해안가를 따라 / 즐겁게 헉과 이야기를 나누며 / 어둠이 깔린 후에 도착했다.
“Now, Huck,” / said Tom, / “we’ll hide the money / in the loft of the widow’s woodshed, / and I’ll come up in the morning / and we’ll count it and divide, / and then / we’ll hunt up a place out in the woods / for it where it will be safe.
“이제 헉,” / 톰이 말했다, / “우리는 돈을 / 미망인의 나무 창고의 다락에 숨길 거야, / 그리고 아침에 와서 / 그것을 세고 나누고, / 그런 다음 / 그것이 안전한 숲속 어딘가에 숨길 장소를 찾을 거야.”
Just you / lay quiet here / and watch the stuff / till I run / and hook Benny Taylor’s little wagon; / I won’t be gone a minute.”
너는 / 여기에 가만히 누워 / 이 물건들을 지키고 있어 / 내가 잠시 가서 / 베니 테일러의 작은 수레를 가져올 때까지; / 금방 다녀올게.”
He disappeared, / and presently returned / with the wagon, / put the two small sacks into it, / threw some old rags on top of them, / and started off, / dragging his cargo behind him.
그는 사라졌다가, / 곧 수레를 끌고 돌아왔다, / 두 개의 작은 자루를 수레에 넣고, / 그 위에 낡은 헝겊 몇 개를 덮고, / 출발했다, / 그의 짐을 뒤로 끌면서.
When the boys / reached the Welshman’s house, / they stopped to rest.
Just as they were about / to move on, / the Welshman stepped out / and said:
“Hallo, / who’s that?”
“Huck and Tom Sawyer.”
“Good! / Come along / with me, / boys, / you are keeping everybody waiting.
Here—hurry up, / trot ahead—I’ll haul the wagon for you.
Why, / it’s not as light as it might be.
Got bricks in it? / —or old metal?”
“Old metal,” / said Tom
“좋아! / 나랑 같이 가자, / 얘들아, / 모두가 너희를 기다리고 있어.
여기—서둘러, / 앞으로 달려—내가 너희를 위해 수레를 끌어줄게.
왜, / 이게 그렇게 가벼운 것은 아닌데.
벽돌이라도 들어 있어? / —아니면 낡은 금속?
“낡은 금속,” / 톰이 말했다
소년들이 / 웰시맨의 집에 도착했을 때, / 그들은 쉬기 위해 멈췄다.
그들이 막 / 이동하려던 찰나에, / 웰시맨이 나와서 / 말했다:
“안녕하세요, / 누구세요?”
“헉과 톰 소여입니다.”
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)