❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
“I judged so; the boys in this town will take more trouble and fool away more time hunting up six bits’ worth of old iron to sell to the foundry than they would to make twice the money at regular work.But that’s human nature—hurry along, hurry along!”The boys wanted to know what the hurry was about.“Never mind; you’ll see, when we get to the Widow Douglas’.”Huck said with some apprehension—for he was long used to being falsely accused:“Mr.Jones, we haven’t been doing nothing.”The Welshman laughed.“Well, I don’t know, Huck, my boy.I don’t know about that.Ain’t you and the widow good friends?”“Yes.Well, she’s ben good friends to me, anyway.”“All right, then.What do you want to be afraid for?”This question was not entirely answered in Huck’s slow mind before he found himself pushed, along with Tom, into Mrs
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
I judged so; / the boys in this town / will take more trouble / and fool away more time / hunting up six bits’ worth / of old iron / to sell /to the foundry / than they would / to make twice the money / at regular work.
나는 그렇게 판단했다; 이 마을 소년들은 6센트 어치의 고철을 주워서 주조소에 파느라 더 많은 수고를 하고 더 많은 시간을 낭비할 것이다 / 그들이 일반적인 일로 두 배의 돈을 버는 것보다.
But that’s human nature—/ hurry along, / hurry along!
하지만 그게 인간 본성이야— / 빨리 가자, / 빨리 가자!
The boys wanted to know / what the hurry was about.
소년들은 왜 서두르는지 알고 싶어했다.
Never mind; / you’ll see, / when we get to the Widow Douglas’.
신경쓰지 마; / 우리가 위도우 더글라스에게 도착하면 / 알게 될 거야.
Huck said / with some apprehension—/ for he was long used to / being falsely accused:
허크가 몇 가지 걱정으로 말했다— / 그는 오랫동안 / 잘못된 누명을 쓰는 것에 익숙했기 때문에:
Mr. / Jones, / we haven’t been doing nothing.
존스씨, / 우리는 아무것도 하지 않았어요.
The Welshman laughed.Well, I don’t know, / Huck, / my boy.I don’t know / about that.Ain’t you and the widow / good friends?”
웨일즈인이 웃었다.음, / 나는 잘 모르겠구나, / 허크야.그것에 대해선 / 잘 모르겠구나.너와 미망인 / 사이가 좋지 않니?’
Yes. / Well, / she’s ben good friends to me, / anyway.
네. / 글쎄, / 어쨌든 / 그녀는 나에게 좋은 친구였어요.
All right, / then. / What do you want / to be afraid for?
좋아, / 그러면. / 왜 그렇게 / 두려워하는 거야?
This question / was not entirely answered / in Huck’s slow mind / before he found himself pushed, / along with Tom, / into Mrs.
이 질문은 / 허크의 느린 마음속에서 완전히 해결되지 않았었는데 / 그가 자신이 톰과 함께 밀려 들어가는 것을 / 발견했을 때까지, / 미세스에게로.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)