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Siddy, you jist ’tend to your own business.
What’s all this blowout about, anyway?”

“It’s one of the widow’s parties that she’s always having.
This time it’s for the Welshman and his sons, on account of that scrape they helped her out of the other night.
And say—I can tell you something, if you want to know.”

“Well, what?”

“Why, old Mr.
Jones is going to try to spring something on the people here tonight, but I overheard him tell auntie today about it, as a secret, but I reckon it’s not much of a secret now.
Everybody knows—the widow, too, for all she tries to let on she don’t.
Jones was bound Huck should be here—couldn’t get along with his grand secret without Huck, you know!”

“Secret about what, Sid?”

“About Huck tracking the robbers to the widow’s.
I reckon Mr

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Siddy, you just ’tend to your own business.

    시디, 네 일이나 신경 써.

  2. What’s all this blowout about, anyway?

    도대체 이 소란은 뭐야?

  3. It’s one of the widow’s parties / that she’s always having.

    이건 과부가 항상 여는 파티 중 하나야.

  4. This time it’s for the Welshman and his sons, / on account of that scrape / they helped her out of the other night.

    이번에는 웨일즈 사람과 그의 아들들을 위한 거야, / 며칠 전 밤에 그들이 그녀를 도와준 덕분에.

  5. And say—I can tell you something, / if you want to know.

    그런데 있잖아—네가 알고 싶다면 / 내가 뭔가 알려줄 수 있어.

  6. Well, what?


  7. Why, old Mr. Jones is going to try / to spring something on the people here tonight, / but I overheard him tell auntie today about it, as a secret, / but I reckon it’s not much of a secret now.

    음, 존스 씨가 오늘 밤 여기 사람들에게 / 뭔가를 깜짝 공개하려고 해, / 그런데 내가 오늘 그가 이모한테 비밀로 말하는 걸 엿들었거든, / 이제 별로 비밀이 아닌 것 같아.

  8. Everybody knows—the widow, too, / for all she tries to let on she don’t.

    다들 알고 있어—과부도 알지, / 비록 그녀가 모르는 척하려고 해도.

  9. Mr. Jones was bound / Huck should be here—couldn’t get along / with his grand secret without Huck, you know!

    존스 씨는 분명히 했어 / 허크가 여기 있어야 한다고—허크 없이는 / 그의 대단한 비밀을 공개할 수 없거든!

  10. Secret about what, Sid?

    무슨 비밀인데, 시드?

  11. About Huck tracking the robbers to the widow’s. I reckon Mr.

    허크가 강도를 과부 집까지 추적한 거. 내 생각에, Mr.

⦁ blowout: 소란, 난리
– The party last night was a real blowout. (어젯밤 파티는 정말 소란스러웠어.)

⦁ scrape: 곤경, 곤란
– They got into a scrape with the law. (그들은 법과 곤욕을 치렀다.)

⦁ secret: 비밀
– He told me a secret. (그는 비밀을 내게 말했다.)

⦁ reckon: 생각하다, 계산하다
– I reckon we should leave now. (이제 떠나야 한다고 생각해.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)