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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


He sprung his secret about Huck’s share in the adventure in the finest dramatic manner he was master of, but the surprise it occasioned was largely counterfeit and not as clamorous and effusive as it might have been under happier circumstances.
However, the widow made a pretty fair show of astonishment, and heaped so many compliments and so much gratitude upon Huck that he almost forgot the nearly intolerable discomfort of his new clothes in the entirely intolerable discomfort of being set up as a target for everybody’s gaze and everybody’s laudations.

The widow said she meant to give Huck a home under her roof and have him educated; and that when she could spare the money she would start him in business in a modest way.
Tom’s chance was come.
He said:

“Huck don’t need it.
Huck’s rich.”

Nothing but a heavy strain upon the good manners of the company kept back the due and proper complimentary laugh at this pleasant joke.
But the silence was a little awkward.
Tom broke it:

“Huck’s got money.
Maybe you don’t believe it, but he’s got lots of it

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. He sprung / his secret / about Huck’s share / in the adventure / in the finest dramatic manner / he was master of, / but the surprise / it occasioned / was largely counterfeit / and not / as clamorous and effusive / as it might have been / under happier circumstances.

    그는 허크가 모험에서 차지한 몫에 대한 비밀을 극적으로 폭로했지만, 그로 인한 놀라움은 대부분 가짜였고 더 행복한 상황이었다면 더 떠들썩하고 감격스러웠을 것이다.

    ⦁ surprise: 놀라움
    – He couldn’t hide his surprise. (그는 놀라움을 감출 수 없었다.)

    ⦁ counterfeit: 가짜의
    – The money was found to be counterfeit. (그 돈은 가짜로 판명되었다.)
  2. However, / the widow / made a pretty fair show of astonishment, / and heaped / so many compliments / and so much gratitude / upon Huck / that he almost forgot / the nearly intolerable discomfort / of his new clothes / in the entirely intolerable discomfort / of being set up / as a target / for everybody’s gaze / and everybody’s laudations.

    그러나 과부는 꽤 놀라운 척했고, 허크에게 너무나 많은 칭찬과 감사를 쏟아부어서 허크는 새 옷의 거의 참을 수 없는 불편함을 모두의 시선과 칭찬의 표적이 되는 것의 완전히 참을 수 없는 불편함에서 거의 잊었다.

    ⦁ astonishment: 놀라움
    – Her astonishment was evident. (그녀의 놀라움은 뚜렷했다.)

    ⦁ discomfort: 불편함
    – He felt discomfort in his new shoes. (그는 새 신발에서 불편함을 느꼈다.)
  3. The widow / said / she meant to give Huck / a home / under her roof / and have him educated; / and that / when she could spare the money / she would start him / in business / in a modest way.

    과부는 그녀의 집 아래 허크에게 집을 주고 교육을 시킬 생각이라고 말했다. 그녀가 돈을 아낄 수 있게 되면 그를 소박하게 사업에 착수하게 할 것이라고도 말했다.

    ⦁ educated: 교육된
    – He was well educated. (그는 잘 교육받았다.)

    ⦁ modest: 소박한
    – They lived in a modest house. (그들은 소박한 집에 살았다.)
  4. Tom’s chance / was come.
    He said:
    “Huck don’t need it.
    Huck’s rich.”

    톰의 기회가 왔다. 그는 말했다: “허크는 필요 없어. 허크는 부자야.”

    ⦁ chance: 기회
    – This is my chance to win. (이것은 내가 이길 기회다.)

    ⦁ rich: 부유한
    – He is a rich man. (그는 부유한 사람이다.)
  5. Nothing but a heavy strain / upon the good manners / of the company / kept back / the due and proper complimentary laugh / at this pleasant joke.

    회사 사람들의 좋은 예의 덕택에 이 재미있는 농담에 대한 정당하고 적절한 칭찬의 웃음을 참았다.

    ⦁ strain: 긴장
    – She felt a strain in her relationship. (그녀는 그녀의 관계에서 긴장을 느꼈다.)

    ⦁ proper: 적절한
    – He gave a proper response. (그는 적절한 반응을 보였다.)
  6. But the silence / was a little awkward.
    Tom broke it:
    “Huck’s got money.
    Maybe you don’t believe it, / but he’s got lots of it.”

    그러나 침묵은 약간 어색했다. 톰이 그것을 깼다: “허크는 돈이 있어. 아마도 믿지 않겠지만, 그는 많은 돈을 갖고 있어.”

    ⦁ silence: 침묵
    – The silence was deafening. (그 침묵은 귀가 먹먹할 정도였다.)

    ⦁ awkward: 어색한
    – The conversation was awkward. (그 대화는 어색했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)