❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Oh, you needn’t smile—I reckon I can show you.You just wait a minute.”Tom ran out of doors.The company looked at each other with a perplexed interest—and inquiringly at Huck, who was tongue-tied.“Sid, what ails Tom?” said Aunt Polly.“He—well, there ain’t ever any making of that boy out.I never—”Tom entered, struggling with the weight of his sacks, and Aunt Polly did not finish her sentence.Tom poured the mass of yellow coin upon the table and said:“There—what did I tell you? Half of it’s Huck’s and half of it’s mine!”The spectacle took the general breath away.All gazed, nobody spoke for a moment.Then there was a unanimous call for an explanation
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Oh, you needn’t smile—I reckon / I can show you.
오, 웃지 않아도 돼—내가 보여줄 수 있을 것 같아.
You just wait / a minute.
잠깐만 기다려.
Tom ran / out of doors.
톰은 밖으로 뛰어나갔다.
The company / looked at each other / with a perplexed interest—/and inquiringly / at Huck, / who was tongue-tied.
사람들은 당황스러운 관심을 가진 채 / 서로를 바라보았고 / 입을 다물고 있던 / 헉을 / 궁금해하며 / 쳐다보았다.
“Sid, what ails Tom?” said Aunt Polly.
“시드, 톰이 왜 그러니?” 앤트 폴리가 말했다.
“He—well, / there ain’t ever / any making /of that boy out.I never—”
“그는—음, / 그 아이는 / 도저히 / 이해할 수가 없어.나는 절대—”
Tom entered, / struggling / with the weight / of his sacks, / and Aunt Polly / did not finish her sentence.
톰이 / 고군분투하며 / 자루의 무게와 함께 / 들어오고, / 앤트 폴리는 / 말을 끝마치지 않았다.
Tom poured the mass of yellow coin / upon the table / and said:“There—what did I tell you? / Half of it’s Huck’s / and half of it’s mine!”
톰은 노란 동전 덩어리를 / 테이블 위에 쏟아 부으며 말했다:“저기—내가 뭐라고 했지? / 절반은 헉의 것이고 / 절반은 내 것이야!”
The spectacle / took / the general breath away.All gazed, / nobody spoke / for a moment.Then there was a unanimous call / for an explanation.
광경을 보고 / 모두가 / 숨을 멈췄다.모두가 쳐다보았고, / 순간 동안 / 아무도 / 말을 하지 않았다.그러자 모두가 일제히 / 설명을 요구했다.
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