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Tom said he could furnish it, and he did.
The tale was long, but brimful of interest.
There was scarcely an interruption from any one to break the charm of its flow.
When he had finished, Mr.
Jones said:

“I thought I had fixed up a little surprise for this occasion, but it don’t amount to anything now.
This one makes it sing mighty small, I’m willing to allow.”

The money was counted.
The sum amounted to a little over twelve thousand dollars.
It was more than any one present had ever seen at one time before, though several persons were there who were worth considerably more than that in property.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Tom said / he could furnish it, / and he did. The tale was long, / but brimful / of interest.

    톰은 그것을 제공할 수 있다고 말했고, 확실히 그렇게 했다. 이야기는 길었지만, 흥미로 가득 차 있었다.

  2. ⦁ furnish: 제공하다
    – He promised to furnish the necessary details. (그는 필요한 세부 사항을 제공하기로 약속했다.)

    ⦁ brimful: 넘칠 정도로 가득 찬
    – Her eyes were brimful of tears. (그녀의 눈은 눈물로 가득 찼다.)

  3. There was scarcely an interruption / from any one / to break the charm / of its flow.

    그 이야기는 누구에게도 거의 방해받지 않고 자연스럽게 이어졌다.

  4. ⦁ scarcely: 거의 ~않다
    – I could scarcely believe what I was hearing. (나는 내가 듣고 있는 것을 거의 믿을 수 없었다.)

    ⦁ interruption: 방해
    – The noise caused a lot of interruptions. (그 소음은 많은 방해를 일으켰다.)

  5. When he had finished, / Mr. Jones said: “I thought I had / fixed up a little surprise / for this occasion, / but it don’t amount / to anything now. This one makes it sing / mighty small, I’m willing to allow.”

    그가 이야기를 마쳤을 때, 존스 씨가 말했다.

    “이번 기회에 작은 서프라이즈를 준비했다고 생각했는데, 이제는 그게 아무 의미 없게 됐네요. 이번 이야기 덕분에 무척 초라해졌어요.”

  6. ⦁ fixed up: 준비하다
    – She fixed up a lovely dinner for us. (그녀는 우리를 위해 멋진 저녁 식사를 준비해주었다.)

    ⦁ mighty: 무척
    – The task was mighty difficult. (그 일은 무척 어려웠다.)

  7. The money / was counted. / The sum / amounted to / a little over / twelve thousand dollars. It was more than any one / present / had ever seen / at one time before, though several persons / were there / who were worth / considerably more / than that / in property.

    돈이 세어졌다. 그 금액은 12,000달러가 조금 넘었다. 이는 그 자리에 있던 어느 누구도 한 번에 본 적 없는 금액이었지만, 그곳에는 그 정도의 재산을 가진 사람들이 몇 명 있었다.

  8. ⦁ counted: 세다
    – She counted the coins carefully. (그녀는 동전을 신중하게 셌다.)

    ⦁ amounted to: ~에 달하다
    – The total cost amounted to $500. (총 비용이 500달러에 달했다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)