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I got to wear shoes all Sunday.
The widder eats by a bell; she goes to bed by a bell; she gits up by a bell—everything’s so awful reg’lar a body can’t stand it.”

“Well, everybody does that way, Huck.”

“Tom, it don’t make no difference.
I ain’t everybody, and I can’t stand it.
It’s awful to be tied up so.
And grub comes too easy—I don’t take no interest in vittles, that way.
I got to ask to go a-fishing; I got to ask to go in a-swimming—dern’d if I hain’t got to ask to do everything.
Well, I’d got to talk so nice it wasn’t no comfort—I’d got to go up in the attic and rip out awhile, every day, to git a taste in my mouth, or I’d a died, Tom

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. I got to wear / shoes / all Sunday.

    일요일에는 하루 종일 신발을 신어야만 해.

  2. ⦁ wear: 입다, 신다
    – She likes to wear dresses. (그녀는 드레스를 입는 것을 좋아해.)

    ⦁ shoes: 신발
    – My shoes are dirty. (내 신발이 더럽다.)

  3. The widder / eats by a bell; / she goes to bed / by a bell; / she gits up by a / bell—/ everything’s / so awful reg’lar / a body / can’t stand it.

    그 과부는 벨소리에 따라 먹고, 벨소리에 따라 잠자리에 들고, 벨소리에 따라 일어나—모든 것이 너무 끔찍하게 규칙적이어서 몸이 못 견딜 지경이야.

  4. ⦁ bell: 종소리
    – The bell rings at noon. (정오에 종이 울린다.)

    ⦁ awful: 끔찍한
    – The movie was awful. (그 영화는 끔찍했어.)

  5. Well, / everybody / does that way, / Huck.

    글쎄, 모두 다 그렇게 해, 허크.

  6. ⦁ everybody: 모두
    – Everybody knows him. (모두가 그를 알고 있어.)

    ⦁ way: 방법, 방식
    – That’s the way it works. (그게 작동하는 방식이야.)

  7. Tom, / it don’t / make no difference.

    톰, 그게 무슨 상관이야.

  8. ⦁ difference: 차이
    – There is a difference between them. (그들 사이에 차이가 있다.)

    ⦁ make: 만들다
    – Make a cake. (케이크를 만들어.)

  9. I ain’t everybody, / and I can’t / stand it.

    나는 모두가 아니고, 못 견디겠어.

  10. ⦁ everybody: 모두
    – Everybody here is friendly. (모두가 친절해.)

    ⦁ stand: 견디다
    – I can’t stand the heat. (더위를 못 견디겠어.)

  11. It’s awful / to be tied up so.

    이렇게 얽매이는 건 끔찍해.

  12. ⦁ awful: 끔찍한
    – The weather is awful today. (오늘 날씨가 끔찍해.)

    ⦁ tied up: 묶여있는
    – He is tied up with work. (그는 일로 묶여 있다.)

  13. And grub / comes too easy—/ I don’t / take no interest / in vittles, / that way.

    음식도 너무 쉽게 구할 수 있어—그렇게 되니까 음식에 관심이 없어.

  14. ⦁ grub: 음식
    – The grub was delicious. (음식이 맛있었어.)

    ⦁ interest: 관심
    – He has an interest in history. (그는 역사에 관심이 있다.)

  15. I got to ask / to go a-fishing; / I got to ask / to go / in a-swimming—dern’d / if I hain’t got / to ask / to do everything.

    낚시 가고 싶으면 허락을 받아야 하고, 수영하러 가고 싶으면 허락을 받아야 해—빌어먹을, 뭘 하려면 다 허락을 받아야 해.

  16. ⦁ ask: 물어보다, 요청하다
    – Ask her for help. (그녀에게 도움을 요청해.)

    ⦁ fishing: 낚시
    – We went fishing last weekend. (지난주말에 낚시하러 갔었어.)

  17. Well, / I’d got to talk / so nice / it wasn’t / no comfort—/ I’d got to go up / in the attic / and rip out / awhile, / every day, / to git a taste / in my mouth, / or I’d a died, / Tom.

    글쎄, 예쁘게 말해야 해서 전혀 편하지 않아—매일매일 다락방에 올라가 한바탕 욕설을 내뱉어야만 했어, 혀에 맛이라도 느끼려면, 안 그랬으면 죽었을걸, 톰.

  18. ⦁ comfort: 편안함
    – This chair is very comfort. (이 의자는 아주 편안해.)

    ⦁ attic: 다락방
    – The attic is full of old stuff. (다락방은 오래된 물건들로 가득 차 있다.)

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