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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


No, Tom, I won’t be rich, and I won’t live in them cussed smothery houses.
I like the woods, and the river, and hogsheads, and I’ll stick to ’em, too.
Blame it all! just as we’d got guns, and a cave, and all just fixed to rob, here this dern foolishness has got to come up and spile it all!”

Tom saw his opportunity—

“Lookyhere, Huck, being rich ain’t going to keep me back from turning robber.”

“No! Oh, good-licks; are you in real dead-wood earnest, Tom?”

“Just as dead earnest as I’m sitting here.
But Huck, we can’t let you into the gang if you ain’t respectable, you know.”

Huck’s joy was quenched.

“Can’t let me in, Tom? Didn’t you let me go for a pirate?”

“Yes, but that’s different.
A robber is more high-toned than what a pirate is—as a general thing.
In most countries they’re awful high up in the nobility—dukes and such.”

“Now, Tom, hain’t you always ben friendly to me? You wouldn’t shet me out, would you, Tom? You wouldn’t do that, now, would you, Tom?”

“Huck, I wouldn’t want to, and I don’t want to—but what would people say? Why, they’d say, ‘Mph! Tom Sawyer’s Gang! pretty low characters in it!’ They’d mean you, Huck

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. No, Tom, I won’t be rich, / and I won’t live / in them cussed smothery houses.

    아니, 톰, 나는 부자가 되지 않을 거야, / 그리고 나는 그런 좁고 답답한 집에서 살지 않을 거야.

  2. ⦁ rich: 부유한
    – He dreams of being rich and famous. (그는 부유하고 유명해지는 꿈을 꾼다.)

    ⦁ live: 살다
    – They live in a big house. (그들은 큰 집에서 산다.)

  3. I like the woods, and the river, and hogsheads, / and I’ll stick to ’em, too.

    나는 숲과 강과 큰 통을 좋아해, / 그리고 나는 그것들에게도 충실할 거야.

  4. ⦁ woods: 숲
    – The hike took us through dense woods. (그 하이킹은 우리를 울창한 숲을 통해 데려갔다.)

    ⦁ stick to: ~에 고수하다
    – He decided to stick to his routine. (그는 자신의 일과에 고수하기로 결심했다.)

  5. Blame it all! / just as we’d got guns, / and a cave, / and all just fixed to rob, / here this dern foolishness / has got to come up / and spile it all!”

    다 원망할 만해! / 우리가 총을 가지고 / 동굴도 확보하고 / 다 계획대로 도둑질하려고 했을 때 / 바로 이 멍청한 일이 / 나타나서 / 다 망쳐버렸어!”

  6. ⦁ blame: 비난하다
    – Don’t blame me for your mistakes. (너의 실수에 대해 나를 비난하지 마라.)

    ⦁ foolishness: 어리석음
    – His foolishness led to a big mistake. (그의 어리석음은 큰 실수를 초래했다.)

  7. Tom saw his opportunity—

    톰은 그의 기회를 보았다—

  8. ⦁ opportunity: 기회
    – Opportunity doesn’t come often. (기회는 자주 오지 않는다.)

    ⦁ saw: 보다
    – He saw the movie last night. (그는 어젯밤 영화를 봤다.)

  9. “Lookyhere, Huck, being rich / ain’t going to keep me back / from turning robber.”

    “봐, 허크, 부자가 된다고 해서 / 내가 도둑이 되는 것을 / 막지는 못할 거야.”

  10. ⦁ keep back: 저지하다
    – Nothing can keep me back from achieving my dreams. (아무것도 내 꿈을 이루는 것을 저지할 수 없다.)

    ⦁ robber: 도둑
    – The robber was caught by the police. (그 도둑은 경찰에 잡혔다.)

  11. “No! Oh, good-licks; / are you in real dead-wood earnest, Tom?”

    “정말? 오, 좋겠네; / 너 정말 진지한 거야, 톰?”

  12. ⦁ earnest: 진지한
    – He gave an earnest speech. (그는 진지한 연설을 했다.)

    ⦁ real: 진짜의
    – Is this diamond real? (이 다이아몬드는 진짜인가요?)

  13. “Just as dead earnest / as I’m sitting here. / But Huck, / we can’t let you into the gang / if you ain’t respectable, / you know.”

    “내가 여기 앉아있는 것만큼 / 진지해. / 하지만 허크, / 네가 존경받을 만하지 않으면 / 우리 강도단에 / 들어올 수 없어, 알지.”

  14. ⦁ gang: 무리
    – He joined a new gang at school. (그는 학교에서 새로운 무리에 합류했다.)

    ⦁ respectable: 존경받을 만한
    – He has a respectable job. (그는 존경받을 만한 직업을 가지고 있다.)

  15. Huck’s joy was quenched.

    허크의 기쁨은 사라졌다.

  16. ⦁ joy: 기쁨
    – Their joy was evident at the party. (그들의 기쁨이 파티에서 분명히 드러났다.)

    ⦁ quench: 끄다, 사라지게 하다
    – The rain quenched the flames. (비가 불길을 껐다.)

  17. “Can’t let me in, Tom? / Didn’t you let me go for a pirate?”

    “나를 들여보낼 수 없다고, 톰? / 해적 놀이 할 때는 들여보냈잖아?”

  18. ⦁ let in: 들여보내다
    – She let me in after I knocked on the door. (그녀는 내가 문을 두드린 후 들여보냈다.)

    ⦁ pirate: 해적
    – The pirate ship sailed through the Caribbean. (해적선이 카리브해를 항해했다.)

  19. “Yes, but that’s different. / A robber is more high-toned than / what a pirate is—as a general thing. / In most countries they’re awful high up / in the nobility—dukes and such.”

    “응, 하지만 그건 달라. / 강도는 해적보다 더 고상해 / 일반적으로. / 대부분의 나라에서 그들은 정말로 높은 위치에 있어 / 귀족들—공작 같은.”

  20. ⦁ high-toned: 고상한
    – The event was a high-toned affair. (그 행사는 고상한 행사였다.)

    ⦁ nobility: 귀족
    – He was born into nobility. (그는 귀족 가문에 태어났다.)

  21. “Now, Tom, hain’t you always ben friendly to me? / You wouldn’t shet me out, would you, Tom? / You wouldn’t do that, now, would you, Tom?”

    “자, 톰, 너 항상 나한테 친절했잖아? / 날 내쫓지 않겠지, 톰? / 그런 일 안 하겠지, 그렇지, 톰?”

  22. ⦁ friendly: 친절한
    – She has a friendly smile. (그녀는 친절한 미소를 가지고 있다.)

    ⦁ shut out: 제외시키다
    – Don’t shut me out of your life. (너의 삶에서 나를 제외시키지 마.)

  23. “Huck, I wouldn’t want to, / and I don’t want to—but what would people say? / Why, they’d say, ‘Mph! Tom Sawyer’s Gang! / pretty low characters in it!’ / They’d mean you, Huck.

    “허크, 나도 원하지 않아, / 진짜 원하지 않아—하지만 사람들이 뭐라 말할지 생각해 봐. / 그들이 말할 거야, ‘흥! 톰 소여의 갱단! / 꽤나 하찮은 인물들이 있군!’ / 그들은 너를 지칭할 거야, 허크.

  24. ⦁ mean: 의미하다
    – What do you mean by that? (그게 무슨 뜻이야?)

    ⦁ character: 인물
    – He is a character in the story. (그는 이야기 속 인물이다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)