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The Communist Manifesto 003 – III.SOCIALIST AND COMMUNIST LITERATURE – 008
This annexation took place in the same way in which a foreign language is appropriated, namely, by translation.It is well known how the monks wrote silly lives of Catholic Saints over the manuscripts on which the classical works of ancient heathendom had been written.The German literati reversed this process with the profane French literature.They wrote their philosophical nonsense beneath the French original.For instance, beneath the French criticism of the economic functions of money, they wrote “Alienation of Humanity,” and beneath the French criticism of the bourgeois State they wrote “dethronement of the Category of the General,” and so forth.The introduction of these philosophical phrases at the back of the French historical criticisms they dubbed “Philosophy of Action,” “True Socialism,” “German Science of Socialism,” “Philosophical Foundation of Socialism,” and so on
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
This annexation / took place / in the same way / in which a foreign language / is appropriated, / namely, by translation.
이 병합은 외국어를 번역하여 취하는 것과 동일한 방식으로 이루어졌습니다.
It is well known / how the monks / wrote silly lives / of Catholic Saints / over the manuscripts / on which the classical works / of ancient heathendom / had been written.
고대 이교의 고전 작품이 쓰여 있던 원고 위에 수도사들이 가톨릭 성인의 어리석은 일생을 적은 것은 잘 알려져 있습니다.
The German literati / reversed this process / with the profane French literature.
독일 문인들은 이러한 과정을 세속적인 프랑스 문학으로 역전시켰습니다.
They wrote / their philosophical nonsense / beneath the French original.
그들은 프랑스 원문 아래에 철학적인 헛소리를 적었습니다.
For instance, / beneath the French criticism / of the economic functions / of money, / they wrote “Alienation of Humanity,” / and beneath the French criticism / of the bourgeois State / they wrote “dethronement of the Category / of the General,” / and so forth.
예를 들어, 프랑스의 화폐 경제 기능에 대한 비판 아래에 그들은 “인간 소외”라고 적었고, 부르주아 국가에 대한 프랑스의 비판 아래에는 “보편적 범주의 폐위”라고 적었습니다.
The introduction / of these philosophical phrases / at the back of the French historical criticisms / they dubbed “Philosophy of Action,” / “True Socialism,” / “German Science of Socialism,” / “Philosophical Foundation of Socialism,” / and so on.
이러한 철학적 구절을 프랑스 역사 비판 뒤에 덧붙인 것을 그들은 “행동 철학”, “진정한 사회주의”, “독일 사회주의 학문”, “사회주의의 철학적 기초” 등으로 불렀습니다.
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