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The Communist Manifesto 003 – III.SOCIALIST AND COMMUNIST LITERATURE – 009

The French Socialist and Communist literature was thus completely emasculated.
And, since it ceased in the hands of the German to express the struggle of one class with the other, he felt conscious of having overcome “French one-sidedness” and of representing, not true requirements, but the requirements of truth; not the interests of the proletariat, but the interests of Human Nature, of Man in general, who belongs to no class, has no reality, who exists only in the misty realm of philosophical fantasy.

This German Socialism, which took its schoolboy task so seriously and solemnly, and extolled its poor stock-in-trade in such mountebank fashion, meanwhile gradually lost its pedantic innocence.

The fight of the German, and especially, of the Prussian bourgeoisie, against feudal aristocracy and absolute monarchy, in other words, the liberal movement, became more earnest.

By this, the long wished-for opportunity was offered to “True” Socialism of confronting the political movement with the Socialist demands, of hurling the traditional anathemas against liberalism, against representative government, against bourgeois competition, bourgeois freedom of the press, bourgeois legislation, bourgeois liberty and equality, and of preaching to the masses that they had nothing to gain, and everything to lose, by this bourgeois movement.
German Socialism forgot, in the nick of time, that the French criticism, whose silly echo it was, presupposed the existence of modern bourgeois society, with its corresponding economic conditions of existence, and the political constitution adapted thereto, the very things whose attainment was the object of the pending struggle in Germany

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. The French Socialist and Communist literature / was thus completely emasculated.

    프랑스의 사회주의와 공산주의 문학은 / 이처럼 완전히 무력화되었다.

  2. ⦁ emasculated: 무력화된
    – The legislation was emasculated by numerous amendments. (법안은 수많은 수정안에 의해 무력화되었다.)

    ⦁ literature: 문학
    – The literature of that period was highly romantic. (그 시대의 문학은 매우 낭만적이었다.)

  3. And, / since it ceased / in the hands of the German / to express the struggle / of one class with the other, / he felt conscious / of having overcome / “French one-sidedness” / and of representing, / not true requirements, / but the requirements of truth;

    그리고, / 그것이 중단되었기 때문에 / 독일인의 손에 의해 / 한 계급과 다른 계급의 투쟁을 표현하는 것이 /, 그는 의식했다 / “프랑스의 편향성”을 극복했다고 / 그리고 “진정한 요구”가 아닌 / 진리의 요구를 대표했다고;

  4. ⦁ conscious: 의식적인
    – He was conscious of his surroundings. (그는 주변을 의식하고 있었다.)

    ⦁ requirements: 요구 사항
    – The job has specific requirements. (그 일에는 특정 요구 사항이 있다.)

  5. not the interests / of the proletariat, / but the interests / of Human Nature, / of Man in general, / who belongs to no class, / has no reality, / who exists only / in the misty realm / of philosophical fantasy.

    노동계급의 이익이 아닌 / 인간 본성의 이익, / 전반적인 인간의 이익, / 어떤 계급에도 속하지 않으며 / 실재하지 않는, / 오직 안개 같은 철학적 환상의 영역에만 존재하는.

  6. ⦁ proletariat: 노동계급
    – The proletariat played a dominant role in the revolution. (노동계급은 혁명에서 주도적인 역할을 했다.)

    ⦁ philosophical: 철학적인
    – He had a philosophical discussion about morality. (그는 도덕에 대해 철학적인 토론을 벌였다.)

  7. This German Socialism, / which took its schoolboy task / so seriously and solemnly, / and extolled its poor stock-in-trade / in such mountebank fashion, / meanwhile gradually / lost its pedantic innocence.

    이 독일 사회주의는, / 그것의 학생 과제를 / 그렇게 진지하고 엄숙하게 받아들였고, / 그것의 빈약한 재고를 / 그러한 사기적 방식으로 칭찬하였으며, / 그동안 서서히 / 고지식한 순수함을 잃어갔다.

  8. ⦁ solemnly: 엄숙하게
    – He spoke solemnly at the funeral. (그는 장례식에서 엄숙하게 말했다.)

    ⦁ innocence: 순수함
    – The child’s innocence was touching. (아이의 순수함이 감동적이었다.)

  9. The fight / of the German, / and especially, / of the Prussian bourgeoisie, / against feudal aristocracy / and absolute monarchy, / in other words, / the liberal movement, / became more earnest.

    독일 작가와 특히, / 프러시아 부르주아지가 / 봉건 귀족제와 / 절대 군주제에 맞서는 싸움은 / 다시 말해, / 자유주의 운동은 / 더욱 진지해졌다.

  10. ⦁ aristocracy: 귀족
    – The aristocracy lived in luxurious palaces. (귀족들은 호화로운 궁전에 살았다.)

    ⦁ earnest: 진지한
    – They had an earnest discussion about the issue. (그들은 그 문제에 대해 진지하게 논의했다.)

  11. By this, / the long wished-for opportunity / was offered / to “True” Socialism / of confronting the political movement / with the Socialist demands, / of hurling the traditional anathemas / against liberalism, / against representative government, / against bourgeois competition, / bourgeois freedom of the press, / bourgeois legislation, / bourgeois liberty and equality, / and of preaching to the masses / that they had nothing to gain, / and everything to lose, / by this bourgeois movement.

    이에 따라, / 오랫동안 바래왔던 기회가 / “진정한” 사회주의에 제공되었고 / 정치적 운동에 맞서 / 사회주의 요구를 대면하게 되었으며, / 자유주의에 반대하는 / 대표 정부에 반대하는 / 부르주아 경쟁, / 부르주아 언론의 자유, / 부르주아 입법, / 부르주아 자유와 평등에 대한 / 전통적 저주를 퍼부으며 / 대중에게 설교하였다 / 그들이 얻을 것은 하나도 없고, / 잃을 것만 있을 뿐이라고 / 이 부르주아 운동으로 인해.

  12. ⦁ anathemas: 저주
    – He spoke out against the law as if it were an anathema. (그는 그 법을 저주하는 듯이 발언했다.)

    ⦁ preachers: 설교자
    – Preachers often give sermons on morality. (설교자들은 종종 도덕에 대한 설교를 한다.)

  13. German Socialism / forgot, / in the nick of time, / that the French criticism, / whose silly echo it was, / presupposed the existence / of modern bourgeois society, / with its corresponding economic conditions of existence, / and the political constitution adapted thereto, / the very things whose attainment / was the object / of the pending struggle in Germany.

    독일 사회주의는 / 제시간에 잊었다, / 그것이 어리석은 메아리였던 프랑스 비판은, / 현대 부르주아 사회의 존재를 / 전제하고 있었으며, / 거기에 따른 경제적 조건들과 / 정치적 헌법을 포함하는, / 바로 그것들의 달성이 / 독일에서 진행 중인 투쟁의 / 목적이었다는 것을.

  14. ⦁ presuppose: 전제하다
    – This theory presupposes the existence of an underlying cause. (이 이론은 근본 원인의 존재를 전제하고 있다.)

    ⦁ pending: 진행 중인
    – There were several pending issues in the meeting. (회의에서는 몇 가지 진행 중인 문제가 있었다.)

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