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The Communist Manifesto 003 – III.SOCIALIST AND COMMUNIST LITERATURE – 017
Future history resolves itself, in their eyes, into the propaganda and the practical carrying out of their social plans.In the formation of their plans they are conscious of caring chiefly for the interests of the working class, as being the most suffering class.Only from the point of view of being the most suffering class does the proletariat exist for them.The undeveloped state of the class struggle, as well as their own surroundings, causes Socialists of this kind to consider themselves far superior to all class antagonisms.They want to improve the condition of every member of society, even that of the most favoured.Hence, they habitually appeal to society at large, without distinction of class; nay, by preference, to the ruling class
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Future history / resolves itself, / in their eyes, / into the propaganda / and the practical carrying out / of their social plans.
미래 역사는 그들의 눈에는 선전과 그들의 사회적 계획의 실천으로 귀결된다.
In the formation / of their plans / they are conscious / of caring chiefly / for the interests / of the working class, / as being / the most suffering class.
그들의 계획을 세우는 데 있어, 그들은 주로 가장 고통받는 계급인 노동 계급의 이익을 염두에 둔다.
Only from the point of view / of being the most suffering class / does the proletariat exist / for them.
오직 가장 고통받는 계급이라는 관점에서만 프롤레타리아가 그들에게 존재한다.
The undeveloped state / of the class struggle, / as well as / their own surroundings, / causes Socialists of this kind / to consider themselves / far superior / to all class antagonisms.
이런 종류의 사회주의자들은 계급 투쟁의 미발달 상태와 그들 자신의 환경 때문에 자신들이 모든 계급 대립을 초월한다고 생각한다.
They want to improve / the condition of / every member of society, / even that of / the most favoured.
그들은 사회의 모든 구성원의 상태를 개선하고자 한다, 심지어 가장 혜택받은 사람들의 상태까지도.
Hence, / they habitually appeal to society / at large, / without distinction of class; / nay, / by preference, / to the ruling class
따라서, 그들은 흔히 계급 구분 없이 전체 사회에 호소한다, 아니, 오히려 지배 계급에 더 주로 호소한다.
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