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TREASURE ISLAND 005 IThe Old Sea dog at the Admiral Benbow 008

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TREASURE ISLAND 005 – IThe Old Sea-dog at the “Admiral Benbow” – 008

If ever he mentioned it, the captain blew through his nose so loudly that you might say he roared, and stared my poor father out of the room.
I have seen him wringing his hands after such a rebuff, and I am sure the annoyance and the terror he lived in must have greatly hastened his early and unhappy death.

All the time he lived with us the captain made no change whatever in his dress but to buy some stockings from a hawker.
One of the cocks of his hat having fallen down, he let it hang from that day forth, though it was a great annoyance when it blew.
I remember the appearance of his coat, which he patched himself upstairs in his room, and which, before the end, was nothing but patches.
He never wrote or received a letter, and he never spoke with any but the neighbours, and with these, for the most part, only when drunk on rum.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. If ever he mentioned it, / the captain blew through his nose so loudly / that you might say he roared, / and stared my poor father out of the room.

    그가 그것을 언급할 때마다, 선장은 코를 매우 크게 풀어서 그 소리가 마치 포효하는 것처럼 들렸고, 내 불쌍한 아버지를 방에서 쫓아냈다.

  2. ⦁ mentioned: 언급했다
    – She mentioned her plans for the weekend. (그녀는 주말 계획을 언급했다.)

    ⦁ stared: 응시했다
    – He stared at the screen for hours. (그는 몇 시간 동안 화면을 응시했다.)

  3. I have seen him / wringing his hands / after such a rebuff, / and I am sure the annoyance / and the terror he lived in / must have greatly hastened his early and unhappy death.

    나는 그런 거절을 당한 후 그가 손을 비틀며 괴로워하는 것을 본 적이 있으며, 그가 겪은 불쾌함과 공포가 그의 이른 불행한 죽음을 크게 앞당겼을 것이라고 확신한다.

  4. ⦁ rebuff: 거절
    – She faced a harsh rebuff from her boss. (그녀는 상사로부터 가혹한 거절을 당했다.)

    ⦁ hastened: 서두르게 했다
    – The news hastened his decision. (그 소식이 그의 결정을 서두르게 했다.)

  5. All the time he lived with us / the captain made no change whatever in his dress / but to buy some stockings / from a hawker.

    그가 우리와 함께 사는 동안, 선장은 옷을 바꾸지 않았고, 거리에서 양말을 사는 것 외에는 아무런 변화가 없었다.

  6. ⦁ dress: 옷
    – She wore a beautiful dress to the party. (그녀는 파티에 아름다운 옷을 입었다.)

    ⦁ hawker: 거리 상인
    – The hawker sold various items on the street. (거리 상인은 다양한 물건을 팔았다.)

  7. One of the cocks of his hat having fallen down, / he let it hang from that day forth, / though it was a great annoyance / when it blew.

    모자의 한쪽이 떨어졌을 때, 그는 그 날 이후로 그것을 그냥 매달아 놓았고, 바람이 불 때마다 큰 불편을 겪었다.

  8. ⦁ annoyance: 불쾌함
    – The constant noise was a real annoyance. (끊임없는 소음이 정말로 불쾌했다.)

    ⦁ blew: 불었다
    – The wind blew fiercely all night. (밤새 바람이 세차게 불었다.)

  9. I remember / the appearance of his coat, / which he patched himself upstairs in his room, / and which, before the end, / was nothing but patches.

    나는 그의 코트의 모습을 기억하는데, 그는 자신의 방에서 그것을 직접 기웠고, 나중에는 기운 것들로만 이루어졌다.

  10. ⦁ patched: 기운
    – She patched the hole in her shirt. (그녀는 셔츠의 구멍을 기웠다.)

    ⦁ appearance: 외관
    – His appearance changed drastically over the years. (그의 외모는 세월이 지나면서 급격히 변했다.)

  11. He never wrote or received a letter, / and he never spoke with any but the neighbours, / and with these, / for the most part, / only when drunk on rum.

    그는 결코 편지를 쓰거나 받지 않았고, 이웃과만 대화했으며, 그마저도 대부분 럼주에 취했을 때였다.

  12. ⦁ received: 받았다
    – He received a package in the mail. (그는 우편으로 소포를 받았다.)

    ⦁ drunk: 취한
    – He was drunk after the party. (그는 파티 후에 취했다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)