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TREASURE ISLAND 006 IIBlack Dog Appears and Disappears 001

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

TREASURE ISLAND 006 – IIBlack Dog Appears and Disappears – 001

t was not very long after this that there occurred the first of the mysterious events that rid us at last of the captain, though not, as you will see, of his affairs.
It was a bitter cold winter, with long, hard frosts and heavy gales; and it was plain from the first that my poor father was little likely to see the spring.
He sank daily, and my mother and I had all the inn upon our hands, and were kept busy enough without paying much regard to our unpleasant guest.

It was one January morning, very early—a pinching, frosty morning—the cove all grey with hoar-frost, the ripple lapping softly on the stones, the sun still low and only touching the hilltops and shining far to seaward.
The captain had risen earlier than usual and set out down the beach, his cutlass swinging under the broad skirts of the old blue coat, his brass telescope under his arm, his hat tilted back upon his head.
I remember his breath hanging like smoke in his wake as he strode off, and the last sound I heard of him as he turned the big rock was a loud snort of indignation, as though his mind was still running upon Dr.

Well, mother was upstairs with father and I was laying the breakfast-table against the captain’s return when the parlour door opened and a man stepped in on whom I had never set my eyes before.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. It was not very / long after this / that there occurred / the first of the mysterious events / that rid us / at last of the captain, / though not, as you will see, / of his affairs.

    그 일이 있고 나서 얼마 지나지 않아 마침내 우리를 선장에게서 해방시킨 첫 번째 신비로운 사건이 일어났습니다. 비록 그의 일에 대해서는 그렇지 않았지만요.

  2. ⦁ mysterious: 신비로운
    – The disappearance of the keys was mysterious. (열쇠의 실종이 신비로웠다.)

    ⦁ occurred: 발생했다
    – An accident occurred on the highway. (고속도로에서 사고가 발생했다.)

  3. It was a bitter cold winter, / with long, hard frosts / and heavy gales; / and it was plain from the first / that my poor father / was little likely / to see the spring.

    추운 겨울이었고, 긴 얼음과 강한 바람이 있었습니다. 처음부터 가난한 아버지가 봄을 보기는 힘들 것이 분명했습니다.

  4. ⦁ plain: 분명한
    – It is plain that he doesn’t know the answer. (그가 답을 모른다는 것이 분명하다.)

    ⦁ likely: ~할 것 같은
    – She is likely to come to the party. (그녀는 파티에 올 것 같다.)

  5. He sank daily, / and my mother and I / had all the inn upon our hands, / and were kept busy enough / without paying much regard / to our unpleasant guest.

    그는 날마다 쇠약해졌고, 어머니와 나는 여관 일을 도맡아 했으며, 불쾌한 손님에 대해 크게 신경 쓰지 않고도 바쁘게 지냈습니다.

  6. ⦁ regard: 고려, 배려
    – He showed no regard for her feelings. (그는 그녀의 감정을 고려하지 않았다.)

    ⦁ unpleasant: 불쾌한
    – The weather was unpleasant that day. (그날 날씨가 불쾌했다.)

  7. It was one January morning, / very early—a pinching, frosty morning—the cove all grey with hoar-frost, / the ripple lapping softly on the stones, / the sun still low and only touching the hilltops / and shining far to seaward.

    어느 1월 아침, 아주 이른 시간에 바다쪽은 모두 서리가 내려 회색빛이었으며, 잔물결이 부드럽게 돌에 부딪혔고, 해는 아직 낮게 떠 있었고 언덕 정상만 비추며 멀리 바다로 빛나고 있었습니다.

  8. ⦁ ripple: 잔물결
    – The ripple in the water created a soothing sound. (물에 생긴 잔물결이 진정시키는 소리를 냈다.)

    ⦁ hoar-frost: 서리
    – The grass was covered with hoar-frost. (풀밭이 서리로 덮여 있었다.)

  9. The captain had risen / earlier than usual / and set out down the beach, / his cutlass swinging under the broad skirts / of the old blue coat, / his brass telescope under his arm, / his hat tilted back upon his head.

    선장은 평소보다 일찍 일어나 해변을 따라 나갔습니다. 그의 낡은 파란 코트 자락 아래로 단검이 흔들렸고, 그의 팔 아래에는 황동 망원경이 들려있었으며, 그의 모자는 머리 뒤로 젖혀져 있었습니다.

  10. ⦁ cutlass: 단검
    – The pirate held a cutlass in his hand. (해적은 손에 단검을 들고 있었다.)

    ⦁ brass: 황동
    – The door was made of brass. (문은 황동으로 만들어졌다.)

  11. I remembered his breath / hanging like smoke / in his wake / as he strode off, / and the last sound I heard of him / as he turned the big rock / was a loud snort of indignation, / as though his mind was still running / upon Dr. Livesey.

    나는 그가 걸어갈 때 그의 숨결이 마치 연기처럼 뒤에 남아있는 것을 기억했으며, 그가 큰 바위를 돌 때 내가 들은 마지막 소리는 마치 그의 생각이 아직도 리브시 박사에게 쏠려 있는 듯한 분노의 큰 콧바람 소리였습니다.

  12. ⦁ indignation: 분노
    – She expressed her indignation at the unfair treatment. (그녀는 부당한 대우에 대한 분노를 표현했다.)

    ⦁ strode: 성큼성큼 걸었다
    – He strode confidently into the room. (그는 자신감 있게 방으로 성큼성큼 걸어 들어갔다.)

  13. Well, mother was upstairs / with father / and I was laying the breakfast-table / against the captain’s return / when the parlour door opened / and a man stepped in / on whom I had never set my eyes before.

    어머니는 위층에서 아버지와 함께 있었고, 나는 선장 돌아오기를 준비하며 아침 식탁을 차리고 있을 때, 거실 문이 열리고 한 남자가 들어왔습니다. 나는 그를 처음 보았습니다.

  14. ⦁ laying: 준비하다
    – She was laying the table for dinner. (그녀는 저녁 식사를 위해 식탁을 차리고 있었다.)

    ⦁ parlour: 거실
    – They gathered in the parlour for tea. (그들은 차를 마시기 위해 거실에 모였다.)

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