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TREASURE ISLAND 006 IIBlack Dog Appears and Disappears 012

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TREASURE ISLAND 006 – IIBlack Dog Appears and Disappears – 012

Come, now, make an effort.
I’ll help you to your bed for once.”

Between us, with much trouble, we managed to hoist him upstairs, and laid him on his bed, where his head fell back on the pillow as if he were almost fainting.

“Now, mind you,” said the doctor, “I clear my conscience—the name of rum for you is death.”

And with that he went off to see my father, taking me with him by the arm.

“This is nothing,” he said as soon as he had closed the door.
“I have drawn blood enough to keep him quiet awhile; he should lie for a week where he is—that is the best thing for him and you; but another stroke would settle him.”


❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Come, now, / make an effort. / I’ll help you / to your bed / for once.

    자, 이제 힘 좀 내세요. 이번 한 번은 제가 당신을 침대로 옮겨드리겠어요.

  2. ⦁ effort: 노력
    – He put a lot of effort into his project. (그는 자신의 프로젝트에 많은 노력을 기울였다.)

    ⦁ bed: 침대
    – She lay down on the bed. (그녀는 침대에 누웠다.)

  3. Between us, / with much trouble, / we managed to hoist him / upstairs, / and laid him / on his bed, / where his head / fell back / on the pillow / as if he were almost fainting.

    우리는 많은 애를 써서 그를 간신히 위층으로 올려 침대에 눕혔고, 그의 머리는 거의 기절한 것처럼 베개 위로 뒤로 떨어졌어요.

  4. ⦁ trouble: 문제, 어려움
    – She had trouble finding a job. (그녀는 일을 찾는 데 어려움을 겪었다.)

    ⦁ fainting: 기절하는
    – He felt fainting after standing up too quickly. (그는 너무 빨리 일어선 후 기절할 것 같았다.)

  5. “Now, mind you,” / said the doctor, / “I clear / my conscience / the name of rum / for you is death.”

    “이제, 명심하세요,” 의사가 말했습니다, “양심의 가책 없어요. 럼주는 당신에게 죽음을 의미해요.”

  6. ⦁ conscience: 양심
    – He couldn’t steal the money; his conscience wouldn’t allow it. (그는 돈을 훔칠 수 없었어요; 그의 양심이 허락하지 않았어요.)

    ⦁ death: 죽음
    – He feared death. (그는 죽음을 두려워했다.)

  7. And with that / he went off / to see my father, / taking me with him / by the arm.

  8. 그 말과 함께 그는 아버지를 보러 갔어요, 나를 팔로 데리고.

  9. ⦁ arm: 팔
    – He broke his arm. (그는 팔이 부러졌다.)

    ⦁ father: 아버지
    – My father is a doctor. (제 아버지는 의사예요.)

  10. “This is nothing,” / he said / as soon as he / had closed the door. / “I have drawn blood enough / to keep him / quiet awhile; / he should lie / for a week / where he is / that is the best thing / for him and you; / but another stroke / would settle him.”

    “이건 아무것도 아니에요,” 그가 문을 닫자마자 말했어요. “그를 잠시 조용히 있게 할 만큼 충분한 피를 뽑았어요; 그는 일주일 동안 그 자리에 누워 있어야 해요; 그게 그와 당신에게 가장 좋은 일이니까요; 하지만 또 다른 발작이 있으면 그는 끝날 거예요.”

  11. ⦁ blood: 피
    – He donated blood. (그는 피를 기부했다.)

    ⦁ stroke: 발작, 타격
    – She had a stroke last year. (그녀는 작년에 발작을 겪었다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)