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TREASURE ISLAND 009 VThe Last of the Blind Man 010

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TREASURE ISLAND 009 – VThe Last of the Blind Man – 010

“Perfectly right,” he interrupted very cheerily, “perfectly right—a gentleman and a magistrate.
And, now I come to think of it, I might as well ride round there myself and report to him or squire.
Master Pew’s dead, when all’s done; not that I regret it, but he’s dead, you see, and people will make it out against an officer of his Majesty’s revenue, if make it out they can.
Now, I’ll tell you, Hawkins, if you like, I’ll take you along.”

I thanked him heartily for the offer, and we walked back to the hamlet where the horses were.
By the time I had told mother of my purpose they were all in the saddle.

“Dogger,” said Mr.
Dance, “you have a good horse; take up this lad behind you.”

As soon as I was mounted, holding on to Dogger’s belt, the supervisor gave the word, and the party struck out at a bouncing trot on the road to Dr.
Livesey’s house.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Perfectly right, / he interrupted very cheerily, / perfectly right—a gentleman / and a magistrate.

    완전히 맞아, 그가 매우 쾌활하게 가로막으며 말했어요, 완전히 맞아—신사이자 치안판사야.

  2. ⦁ interrupted: 방해하다
    – The speaker was interrupted by applause. (연설자는 박수갈채로 방해받았다.)

    ⦁ magistrate: 치안판사
    – The magistrate issued a warrant for his arrest. (치안판사는 그의 체포 영장을 발부했다.)

  3. And, / now I come to think of it, / I might as well / ride round there myself / and report to him or squire.

    그리고, 지금 생각해 보니, 나도 직접 그곳을 돌아가서 그에게나 지주에게 보고를 해야겠어.

  4. ⦁ ride: 타다
    – He learned to ride a horse at a young age. (그는 어린 나이에 말을 타는 법을 배웠다.)

    ⦁ report: 보고하다
    – She needs to report to her supervisor. (그녀는 상사에게 보고해야 한다.)

  5. Master Pew’s dead, / when all’s done; / not that I regret it, / but he’s dead, / you see, / and people will make it out / against an officer / of his Majesty’s revenue, / if make it out they can.

    모든 것이 끝나면, 퓨 선생은 죽어 있어; 후회하는 건 아니야, 하지만 그는 죽었어, 알겠지, 그리고 사람들이 그것을 그분의 세무 공무원에게 불리하게 만들 거야, 할 수 있다면 말이야.

  6. ⦁ dead: 죽은
    – The tree was dead after the long drought. (긴 가뭄 후 나무는 죽어 있었다.)

    ⦁ revenue: 수입
    – The company’s revenue has increased. (회사의 수입이 증가했다.)

  7. Now, / I’ll tell you, / Hawkins, / if you like, / I’ll take you along.

    자, 하킨스, 네가 원한다면, 너도 데리고 갈게.

  8. ⦁ along: 함께
    – They brought their friend along to the party. (그들은 파티에 친구를 함께 데려왔다.)

    ⦁ tell: 말하다
    – She told her story to everyone. (그녀는 자신의 이야기를 모두에게 말했다.)

  9. I thanked him heartily / for the offer, / and we walked back / to the hamlet / where the horses were.

    나는 그의 제안에 진심으로 감사하며, 말이 있는 마을로 돌아갔어.

  10. ⦁ heartily: 진심으로
    – She laughed heartily at the joke. (그녀는 농담에 진심으로 웃었다.)

    ⦁ hamlet: 작은 마을
    – The hamlet was quiet and peaceful. (그 작은 마을은 조용하고 평화로웠다.)

  11. By the time / I had told mother / of my purpose / they were all in the saddle.

    내가 어머니에게 나의 목적을 말했을 때쯤, 그들은 모두 안장에 올라타고 있었어.

  12. ⦁ purpose: 목적
    – His purpose is to become a doctor. (그의 목적은 의사가 되는 것이다.)

    ⦁ saddle: 안장
    – He adjusted the saddle on his horse. (그는 말의 안장을 조정했다.)

  13. Dogger, / said Mr. Dance, / you have a good horse; / take up this lad behind you.

    도거, 댄스 씨가 말했어, 너는 좋은 말을 가지고 있어; 이 소년을 뒤에 태워줘.

  14. ⦁ lad: 소년
    – A young lad was playing in the park. (한 어린 소년이 공원에서 놀고 있었다.)

    ⦁ behind: 뒤에
    – She stood behind the door. (그녀는 문 뒤에 서 있었다.)

  15. As soon as / I was mounted, / holding on to Dogger’s belt, / the supervisor gave the word, / and the party struck out / at a bouncing trot / on the road / to Dr. Livesey’s house.

    내가 도거의 벨트를 붙잡고 안장에 오르자마자, 감독관이 출발 신호를 줬고, 우리 일행은 닥터 리브시의 집으로 가는 길에 경쾌한 속보로 출발했어.

  16. ⦁ mounted: 올라탄
    – He mounted his horse and rode away. (그는 말에 올라타서 떠났다.)

    ⦁ supervisor: 감독관
    – The supervisor oversees the work. (감독관은 일을 감독한다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)