e rode hard all the way till we drew up before Dr.Livesey’s door.The house was all dark to the front.Mr.Dance told me to jump down and knock, and Dogger gave me a stirrup to descend by.The door was opened almost at once by the maid.“Is Dr.Livesey in?” I asked.No, she said, he had come home in the afternoon but had gone up to the hall to dine and pass the evening with the squire.“So there we go, boys,” said Mr.
We rode hard / all the way / till we drew up / before Dr. Livesey’s door.
우리는 Dr. Livesey의 문 앞에 도착할 때까지 쉬지 않고 달렸습니다.
⦁ rode: (말을) 탔다 – He rode his bike to school every day. (그는 매일 자전거를 타고 학교에 갔다.) ⦁ drew up: 멈췄다 – The car drew up outside the house. (차가 집 밖에 멈췄다.)
The house / was all dark / to the front.
그 집은 앞이 모두 어두웠습니다.
⦁ house: 집 – They bought a new house in the countryside. (그들은 시골에 새 집을 샀다.) ⦁ dark: 어두운 – It was dark outside. (밖은 어두웠다.)
Mr. Dance told me / to jump down / and knock, / and Dogger gave me / a stirrup / to descend by.
Dance 씨는 내게 내려가서 문을 두드리라고 했고, Dogger는 내가 내려갈 수 있도록 등자 받침을 주었습니다.
⦁ knock: 두드리다 – She knocked on the door but no one answered. (그녀는 문을 두드렸지만 아무도 대답하지 않았다.) ⦁ stirrup: 등자 – He placed his foot in the stirrup before mounting the horse. (그는 말에 오르기 전에 발을 등자에 놓았다.)
The door / was opened / almost at once / by the maid.
문은 하녀에 의해 거의 즉시 열렸습니다.
⦁ maid: 하녀 – The maid cleaned the house every morning. (그 하녀는 매일 아침 집을 청소했다.) ⦁ opened: 열었다 – She opened the window to let in some fresh air. (그녀는 신선한 공기를 들이기 위해 창문을 열었다.)
“Is Dr. Livesey in?” / I asked.
“Dr. Livesey가 계신가요?” 내가 물었습니다.
⦁ asked: 물었다 – She asked for some help with her homework. (그녀는 숙제 도움을 요청했다.) ⦁ in: 있는 – Is she in today? (오늘 그녀가 있나요?)
No, she said, / he had come home / in the afternoon / but had gone up / to the hall / to dine / and pass the evening / with the squire.
아니요, 그녀는 말씀하시길, 오후에 집에 오셨는데 지금 홀에 가서 지주와 함께 저녁을 드시고 계신다고 했습니다.