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TREASURE ISLAND 013 VIIIAt the Sign of the Spy glass 002

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TREASURE ISLAND 013 – VIIIAt the Sign of the Spy-glass – 002

Indeed, he seemed in the most cheerful spirits, whistling as he moved about among the tables, with a merry word or a slap on the shoulder for the more favoured of his guests.

Now, to tell you the truth, from the very first mention of Long John in Squire Trelawney’s letter I had taken a fear in my mind that he might prove to be the very one-legged sailor whom I had watched for so long at the old Benbow.
But one look at the man before me was enough.
I had seen the captain, and Black Dog, and the blind man, Pew, and I thought I knew what a buccaneer was like—a very different creature, according to me, from this clean and pleasant-tempered landlord.

I plucked up courage at once, crossed the threshold, and walked right up to the man where he stood, propped on his crutch, talking to a customer.

Silver, sir?” I asked, holding out the note.

“Yes, my lad,” said he; “such is my name, to be sure.
And who may you be?” And then as he saw the squire’s letter, he seemed to me to give something almost like a start.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Indeed, / he seemed / in the most cheerful spirits, / whistling as he moved / about among the tables, / with a merry word / or a slap on the shoulder / for the more favoured / of his guests.

    실제로, 그는 매우 기분이 좋아 보였고, 탁자들 사이를 돌아다니며 휘파람을 불었고, 더 마음에 드는 손님들에게는 즐거운 말을 건네거나 어깨를 톡톡 두드렸다.

  2. ⦁ cheerful: 기분 좋은
    – She was in a cheerful mood. (그녀는 기분이 좋았다.)

    ⦁ favoured: 선호 받는
    – He is the favoured candidate. (그는 선호 받는 후보자이다.)

  3. Now, / to tell you the truth, / from the very first mention / of Long John / in Squire Trelawney’s letter / I had taken a fear / in my mind / that he might prove / to be the very one-legged sailor / whom I had watched / for so long / at the old Benbow.

    사실은, Trelawney 경의 편지에서 Long John이 처음 언급되었을 때부터 나는 그가 내가 오랫동안 Benbow에서 지켜보았던 바로 그 한쪽 다리 없는 선원일지 모른다는 두려움을 가졌었다.

  4. ⦁ truth: 진실
    – The truth is hard to believe. (진실은 믿기 힘들다.)

    ⦁ fear: 두려움
    – His fear was evident. (그의 두려움이 명백했다.)

  5. But one look / at the man before me / was enough.

    그러나 내 앞에 있는 사람을 한 번 쳐다보는 것으로 충분했다.

  6. ⦁ look: 쳐다보다
    – She gave him a curious look. (그녀는 그에게 호기심 가득한 눈길을 보냈다.)

    ⦁ enough: 충분한
    – Water is enough for today. (오늘은 물이 충분하다.)

  7. I had seen / the captain, / and Black Dog, / and the blind man, / Pew, / and I thought / I knew / what a buccaneer was like— / a very different creature, / according to me, / from this clean and pleasant-tempered landlord.

    나는 선장, Black Dog, 그리고 맹인 Pew를 보았고, 나는 해적이 어떤 모습일지 안다고 생각했다 — 내 생각에 이 깨끗하고 유쾌한 성격의 주인과는 매우 다른 존재였다.

  8. ⦁ buccaneer: 해적
    – The buccaneer sailed the seven seas. (그 해적은 일곱 바다를 항해했다.)

    ⦁ landlord: 주인
    – The landlord raised the rent. (주인이 임대료를 올렸다.)

  9. I plucked up courage / at once, / crossed the threshold, / and walked right up / to the man / where he stood, / propped on his crutch, / talking to a customer.

    나는 곧바로 용기를 내어, 문지방을 넘고 그가 서 있던 곳으로 똑바로 걸어가서 목발에 몸을 기대고 손님과 이야기하고 있는 그에게 다가갔다.

  10. ⦁ courage: 용기
    – She showed great courage. (그녀는 큰 용기를 보여줬다.)

    ⦁ crutch: 목발
    – He used a crutch to walk. (그는 걷기 위해 목발을 사용했다.)

  11. “Mr. / Silver, sir?” / I asked, / holding out the note.

    “Mr. Silver 맞습니까?” 나는 편지를 내밀며 물었다.

  12. “Yes, / my lad,” / said he; / “such is my name, / to be sure.

    “그래, 내 소년,” 그가 말했다; “확실히 내 이름이 그렇다.

  13. And / who may you be?” / And then / as he saw / the squire’s letter, / he seemed / to me / to give something / almost like a start.

    그런데 너는 누구냐?” 그리고 그가 경의 편지를 보자, 그는 거의 깜짝 놀란 듯했다.

  14. ⦁ lad: 소년
    – The lad ran quickly. (그 소년은 빠르게 달렸다.)

    ⦁ start: 놀라다
    – The noise gave him a start. (그 소음에 그는 놀랐다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)