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TREASURE ISLAND 016 XIWhat I Heard in the Apple Barrel 009

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TREASURE ISLAND 016 – XIWhat I Heard in the Apple-Barrel – 009

You’ll have your mouthful of rum tomorrow, and go hang.”

“Everybody knowed you was a kind of a chapling, John; but there’s others as could hand and steer as well as you,” said Israel.
“They liked a bit o’ fun, they did.
They wasn’t so high and dry, nohow, but took their fling, like jolly companions every one.”

“So?” says Silver.
“Well, and where are they now? Pew was that sort, and he died a beggar-man.
Flint was, and he died of rum at Savannah.
Ah, they was a sweet crew, they was! On’y, where are they?”

“But,” asked Dick, “when we do lay ’em athwart, what are we to do with ’em, anyhow?”

“There’s the man for me!” cried the cook admiringly.
“That’s what I call business.
Well, what would you think? Put ’em ashore like maroons? That would have been England’s way.
Or cut ’em down like that much pork? That would have been Flint’s, or Billy Bones’s.”

“Billy was the man for that,” said Israel.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. You’ll have / your mouthful / of rum tomorrow, / and / go hang.

    / 내일 / 럼 한 잔을 / 마시고 / 교수형에 / 처해질 거야.

  2. ⦁ mouthful: 한 입 가득
    – He took a mouthful of water. (그는 물 한 모금을 마셨다.)

    ⦁ hang: 교수형에 처하다
    – The criminal was sentenced to hang. (그 범죄자는 교수형에 처해졌다.)

  3. Everybody knew / you was a kind / of a chaplain, John; / but there’s others / as could hand / and steer / as well / as you,” / said Israel.

    모두가 / 알고 있었다 / 네가 일종의 / 목사라는 걸, John; / 하지만 다른 사람들도 / 할 수 있다 / 길잡이를 / 그렇게나 / / 너처럼,” / 라고 말했다 Israel.

  4. ⦁ chaplain: 목사
    – The chaplain held a service for the soldiers. (그 목사는 병사들을 위한 예배를 열었다.)

    ⦁ steer: 조종하다
    – He tried to steer the conversation away from politics. (그는 대화를 정치에서 벗어나게 하려고 했다.)

  5. They liked / a bit o’ fun, / they did.

    그들은 / 조금의 재미를 / 좋아했다, / 그랬다.

  6. ⦁ fun: 재미
    – The party was full of fun and laughter. (그 파티는 재미와 웃음으로 가득했다.)

    ⦁ bit: 조금
    – She only had a bit of cake. (그녀는 케이크를 조금만 먹었다.)

  7. They wasn’t / so high / and dry, / nohow, / but took / their fling, / like jolly companions / every one.

    그들은 / 그렇게 / 거만하지 않았다, / 결코, / 하지만 / 즐겼다 / 그들의 시간을, / 마치 유쾌한 동료들처럼 / 모두가.

  8. ⦁ high: 거만한
    – She was too high and mighty for her own good. (그녀는 자기 자신에게 걸맞지 않게 너무 거만했다.)

    ⦁ fling: 흥청망청 즐김
    – They went out for one last fling before getting married. (그들은 결혼하기 전에 마지막으로 흥청망청 놀러 나갔다.)

  9. So? / says Silver. / Well, / and where are they now? / Pew was / that sort, / and he died / a beggar-man. / Flint was, / and he died / of rum / at Savannah.

    그래? / Silver가 말한다. / 그래서, / 지금 그들은 / 어디에 있냐? / Pew는 / 그런 놈이었다, / 그리고 그는 / 죽었다 / 거지로. / Flint도, / 그리고 그는 / 럼 때문에 / 죽었다 / Savannah에서.

  10. ⦁ beggar: 거지
    – He lived like a beggar on the streets. (그는 거리에서 거지처럼 살았다.)

    ⦁ die: 죽다
    – He died in a tragic accident. (그는 비극적인 사고로 죽었다.)

  11. Ah, / they was / a sweet crew, / they was! / On’y, / where are they?

    아, / 그들은 / 굉장한 팀이었다, / 그랬다! / 오직, / 그들은 / 어디에 있냐?

  12. ⦁ sweet: 멋진, 훌륭한
    – She has a sweet voice. (그녀는 감미로운 목소리를 가지고 있다.)

    ⦁ crew: 팀, 승무원
    – The crew worked hard to keep the ship afloat. (그 팀은 배를 뜨게 하기 위해 열심히 일했다.)

  13. But, / asked Dick, / when we do lay ’em athwart, / what are we to do with ’em, / anyhow?

    하지만, / Dick이 물었다, / 우리가 그들을 가로막았을 때, / 우리는 그들과 / 어떻게 해야 하죠, / 어쨌든?

  14. ⦁ lay: 놓다
    – Lay the book on the table. (책을 탁자 위에 놓아라.)

    ⦁ anyhow: 어쨌든
    – I’ll finish the work anyhow. (어쨌든 일을 끝내겠다.)

  15. There’s / the man for me! / cried the cook / admiringly. / That’s what I call / business.

    저게 / 내가 찾는 사람이다! / 요리사가 / 감탄하며 외쳤다. / 저게 바로 / 내가 하는 말이다 / 일이다.

  16. ⦁ admire: 감탄하다
    – I admire her dedication to her work. (나는 그녀의 일에 대한 헌신에 감탄한다.)

    ⦁ business: 일, 업무
    – He is busy with his business. (그는 자신의 일로 바쁘다.)

  17. Well, / what would you think? / Put ’em ashore / like maroons? / That would have been / England’s way.

    자, / 너는 어떻게 생각하냐? / 그들을 해안에 / 놔두는 거냐 / 버려진 사람들처럼? / 그것이 바로 / 영국의 방식이었다.

  18. ⦁ think: 생각하다
    – I need time to think. (나는 생각할 시간이 필요해.)

    ⦁ shore: 해안
    – We walked along the shore. (우리는 해안을 따라 걸었다.)

  19. Or / cut ’em down / like that much pork? / That would have been / Flint’s, / or Billy Bones’s.

    아니면 / 그들을 베는 거냐 / 돼지고기처럼 많이? / 그것이 바로 / Flint의 방식이었다, / 아니면 Billy Bones의 방식이었다.

  20. ⦁ cut: 자르다
    – He cut the rope with a knife. (그는 칼로 로프를 잘랐다.)

    ⦁ pork: 돼지고기
    – I prefer beef to pork. (나는 돼지고기보다 소고기를 선호한다.)

  21. Billy / was the man / for that, / said Israel.

    Billy는 / 그런 사람이다, / 라고 말했다 / Israel.

  22. ⦁ man: 사람
    – He is a good man. (그는 좋은 사람이다.)

    ⦁ said: 말했다
    – She said hello to me. (그녀는 나에게 인사했다.)

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