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TREASURE ISLAND 016 – XIWhat I Heard in the Apple-Barrel – 011
“You just jump up, like a sweet lad, and get me an apple, to wet my pipe like.”You may fancy the terror I was in! I should have leaped out and run for it if I had found the strength, but my limbs and heart alike misgave me.I heard Dick begin to rise, and then someone seemingly stopped him, and the voice of Hands exclaimed, “Oh, stow that! Don’t you get sucking of that bilge, John.Let’s have a go of the rum.”“Dick,” said Silver, “I trust you.I’ve a gauge on the keg, mind.There’s the key; you fill a pannikin and bring it up.”Terrified as I was, I could not help thinking to myself that this must have been how Mr.Arrow got the strong waters that destroyed him.Dick was gone but a little while, and during his absence Israel spoke straight on in the cook’s ear.It was but a word or two that I could catch, and yet I gathered some important news, for besides other scraps that tended to the same purpose, this whole clause was audible: “Not another man of them’ll jine.” Hence there were still faithful men on board.When Dick returned, one after another of the trio took the pannikin and drank—one “To luck,” another with a “Here’s to old Flint,” and Silver himself saying, in a kind of song, “Here’s to ourselves, and hold your luff, plenty of prizes and plenty of duff.”Just then a sort of brightness fell upon me in the barrel, and looking up, I found the moon had risen and was silvering the mizzen-top and shining white on the luff of the fore-sail; and almost at the same time the voice of the lookout shouted, “Land ho!”.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
You just jump up, / like a sweet lad, / and get me an apple, / to wet my pipe like.
너 그냥 뛰어올라가서, 착한 아이처럼, 나에게 사과를 하나 따 줘, 내가 담배를 피울 때 먹으려고.
You may fancy / the terror / I was in!
너는 내가 얼마나 공포에 떨고 있었는지 상상할 수 있을 거야!
I should have leaped out / and run for it / if I had found the strength, / but my limbs / and heart alike / misgave me.
나는 힘을 냈다면 튀어나가서 도망쳤을 거야, 하지만 내 팔다리와 마음 모두가 나를 저버렸어.
I heard / Dick begin to rise, / and then / someone seemingly stopped him, / and the voice of Hands exclaimed, / “Oh, stow that! / Don’t you get sucking / of that bilge, / John.
나는 딕이 일어서기 시작하는 소리를 들었고, 그러다 누군가가 그를 막는 것 같았고, 핸즈의 목소리가 외치는 소리를 들었어, “이봐, 그만둬! 그 거짓말에 속지 마, 존.
Let’s have a go / of the rum.”
럼주나 한잔 하자.”
“Dick,” said Silver, / “I trust you.
“딕,” 실버가 말했어, “난 널 믿어.
I’ve a gauge / on the keg, / mind.
난 통에 게이지가 있어, 알겠지?
There’s the key; / you fill a pannikin / and bring it up.”
열쇠는 여기 있어; 너는 잔에 럼주를 채워서 가져와.”
Terrified as I was, / I could not help thinking to myself / that this must have been / how Mr. Arrow got the strong waters / that destroyed him.
나는 두려웠지만, 나는 생각하지 않을 수 없었어, 이것이 아로우 씨가 자신을 망친 강한 술을 어떻게 얻었는지에 대한 방법이 틀림없다고.
Dick was gone / but a little while, / and during his absence / Israel spoke straight on / in the cook’s ear.
딕은 잠시 사라졌고, 그의 부재 동안 이스라엘은 요리사의 귀에 직접 말했어.
It was but a word or two / that I could catch, / and yet / I gathered some important news, / for besides other scraps / that tended to the same purpose, / this whole clause was audible: / “Not another man of them’ll jine.”
내가 들을 수 있었던 것은 단지 몇 마디뿐이었고, 그러나 나는 중요한 소식을 포착했어, 동일한 목적을 지닌 다른 조각들 외에도, 이 전체 문장은 들렸어: “다른 그들은 합류하지 않을 거야.”
Hence / there were still faithful men / on board.
따라서 여전히 충실한 사람들이 배에 남아 있어.
When Dick returned, / one after another / of the trio / took the pannikin / and drank /— one “To luck,” / another with a “Here’s to old Flint,” / and Silver himself saying, / in a kind of song, / “Here’s to ourselves, / and hold your luff, / plenty of prizes / and plenty of duff.”
딕이 돌아왔을 때, 셋 중 하나가 잔을 들고 마셨어 — 하나는 “행운을 위하여,” 또 다른 하나는 “오래된 플린트를 위하여,” 그리고 실버 스스로가 노래하듯이 “우리 자신에게, 좋은 바람을 받아, 많은 상금과 많은 더프를 위하여.”
Just then / a sort of brightness / fell upon me / in the barrel, / and looking up, / I found the moon had risen / and was silvering the mizzen-top / and shining white / on the luff of the fore-sail; / and almost at the same time / the voice of the lookout / shouted, / “Land ho!”
바로 그때, 일종의 밝은 빛이 통에 있는 나에게 비췄고, 올려다보니, 달이 떠올라서 선미 꼭대기를 은빛으로 물들이고 있었고, 앞돛의 전면을 하얗게 비추고 있었어; 거의 동시에 망보는 사람의 목소리가 외쳤어, “육지가 보여!”
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