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TREASURE ISLAND 017 XIICouncil of War 006

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TREASURE ISLAND 017 – XIICouncil of War – 006

Livesey had communicated my request, for the next thing that I heard was the captain giving an order to Job Anderson, and all hands were piped on deck.

“My lads,” said Captain Smollett, “I’ve a word to say to you.
This land that we have sighted is the place we have been sailing for.
Trelawney, being a very open-handed gentleman, as we all know, has just asked me a word or two, and as I was able to tell him that every man on board had done his duty, alow and aloft, as I never ask to see it done better, why, he and I and the doctor are going below to the cabin to drink your health and luck, and you’ll have grog served out for you to drink our health and luck.
I’ll tell you what I think of this: I think it handsome.
And if you think as I do, you’ll give a good sea-cheer for the gentleman that does it.”

The cheer followed—that was a matter of course; but it rang out so full and hearty that I confess I could hardly believe these same men were plotting for our blood.

“One more cheer for Cap’n Smollett,” cried Long John when the first had subsided.

And this also was given with a will.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Livesey / had communicated / my request, / for the next thing / that I heard / was the captain / giving an order / to Job Anderson, / and all hands / were piped / on deck.

    리브시가 내 요청을 전달한 다음으로 들은 것은 선장이 조브 앤더슨에게 명령하고, 모든 선원들이 갑판에 모이라는 소리였다.

  2. ⦁ communicate: 전달하다
    – She communicated her plans to the team. (그녀는 팀에게 그녀의 계획을 전달했다.)

    ⦁ order: 명령
    – He gave an order to start the process. (그는 과정을 시작하라는 명령을 내렸다.)

  3. “My lads,” / said Captain Smollett, / “I’ve a word / to say to you.

    “이봐들,” 스몰렛 선장이 말하길, “너희들에게 할 말이 있다.”

  4. ⦁ word: 말, 단어
    – He had a word with his teacher. (그는 그의 선생님과 이야기를 나눴다.)

    ⦁ lads: 친구들, 젊은이들
    – The lads went to the park. (젊은이들이 공원에 갔다.)

  5. This land / that we have sighted / is the place / we have been sailing for.
    Mr. Trelawney, / being a very open-handed gentleman, / as we all know, / has just asked me / a word or two, / and as I was able / to tell him / that every man / on board / had done his duty, / alow and aloft, / as I never ask / to see it done better, / why, / he and I and the doctor / are going below / to the cabin / to drink / your health and luck, / and you’ll have grog / served out / for you / to drink our health and luck.

    우리가 본 그 땅은 우리가 항해해온 목적지이다. 트릴로니 씨는, 우리가 모두 아는대로, 매우 관대한 분이어서, 방금 나에게 몇 마디를 물어보셨다. 그리고 나는 배에 있는 모든 사람이 할 일을 다 했다고 말씀드릴 수 있었다, 높낮이를 가리지 않고 말이다, 내가 더 잘해달라고 요청할 필요도 없이 말이다. 그래서, 그분과 나, 그리고 의사가 같이 객실로 내려가서 당신들의 건강과 행운을 위해 건배할 것이다. 그리고 여러분들은 우리를 위해 그로그를 마실 것이다.

  6. ⦁ sighted: 발견하다
    – They sighted land after weeks at sea. (그들은 몇 주 동안 항해한 후 땅을 발견했다.)

    ⦁ duty: 의무
    – It is your duty to report the issue. (문제를 보고하는 것이 당신의 의무입니다.)

  7. I’ll tell you / what I think of this: / I think it / handsome.
    And if you think / as I do, / you’ll give a good sea-cheer / for the gentleman / that does it.”

    내가 이것에 대해 어떻게 생각하냐면: 멋지다고 생각한다. 그리고 너희들도 나와 같이 생각한다면, 이 일을 해준 신사분을 위해 큰 해군 함성을 질러라.”

  8. ⦁ handsome: 멋진, 훌륭한
    – He made a handsome gesture of kindness. (그는 훌륭한 친절한 행동을 보였다.)

    ⦁ cheer: 응원
    – The crowd gave a loud cheer. (관중들이 큰 응원을 보냈다.)

  9. The cheer / followed— / that was a matter / of course; / but it rang out / so full / and hearty / that I confess / I could hardly / believe these same men / were plotting / for our blood.

    응원의 함성이 따라 나왔다—그것은 당연한 일이다; 그러나 그것은 너무도 가득하고 열정적으로 울려 퍼져서 내가 고백하건대, 이들이 우리 피를 노리고 음모를 꾸미고 있다는 것을 거의 믿을 수 없었다.

  10. ⦁ hearty: 열정적인
    – They shared a hearty laugh. (그들은 열정적으로 웃음을 나눴다.)

    ⦁ plot: 음모를 꾸미다
    – They were plotting against the king. (그들은 왕에 대해 음모를 꾸미고 있었다.)

  11. “One more cheer / for Cap’n Smollett,” / cried Long John / when the first / had subsided.
    And this also / was given / with a will.

    “스몰렛 선장을 위해 한 번 더 응원의 함성을!” 롱 존이 첫 번째 함성이 가라앉을 때 외쳤다. 그리고 이것 또한 열정적으로 주어졌다.

  12. ⦁ subsided: 가라앉다
    – The noise finally subsided. (소음이 마침내 가라앉았다.)

    ⦁ will: 열정, 의지
    – They worked with a strong will. (그들은 강한 의지로 일했다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)