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TREASURE ISLAND 019 – XIIIHow I Began My Shore Adventure – 003
“Well,” he said with an oath, “it’s not forever.”I thought this was a very bad sign, for up to that day the men had gone briskly and willingly about their business; but the very sight of the island had relaxed the cords of discipline.All the way in, Long John stood by the steersman and conned the ship.He knew the passage like the palm of his hand, and though the man in the chains got everywhere more water than was down in the chart, John never hesitated once.“There’s a strong scour with the ebb,” he said, “and this here passage has been dug out, in a manner of speaking, with a spade.”We brought up just where the anchor was in the chart, about a third of a mile from each shore, the mainland on one side and Skeleton Island on the other.The bottom was clean sand.The plunge of our anchor sent up clouds of birds wheeling and crying over the woods, but in less than a minute they were down again and all was once more silent.The place was entirely land-locked, buried in woods, the trees coming right down to high-water mark, the shores mostly flat, and the hilltops standing round at a distance in a sort of amphitheatre, one here, one there.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
“Well,” / he said /with an oath, /”it’s not forever.”
“글쎄,” / 그가 욕설을 하며 말했다. / “이것은 영원하지 않아.”
I thought / this was a very bad sign, / for up to that day / the men had gone briskly / and willingly / about their business; / but the very sight / of the island / had relaxed / the cords of discipline.
나는 이것이 매우 나쁜 징조라고 생각했다. 왜냐하면 그날까지 / 남자들은 활발하고 / 자발적으로 / 그들의 일을 했지만, / 그 섬의 모습을 보는 것만으로도 / 규율이 풀어졌기 때문에.
All the way in, / Long John / stood / by the steersman / and coned / the ship. / He knew / the passage / like the palm of his hand, / and though the man / in the chains / got everywhere more water / than was down / in the chart, / John never hesitated once.
길 내내, / 롱 존은 / 키잡이 옆에 서서 / 배를 조종했다. / 그는 / 그 항로를 / 손바닥처럼 알았고, / 사슬을 잡은 남자가 어느 곳에서든 / 차트에 표시된 것보다 더 많은 물을 / 얻었지만, / 존은 한 번도 망설이지 않았다.
“There’s a strong scour / with the ebb,” / he said, / “and this here passage / has been dug out, / in a manner of speaking, / with a spade.”
“썰물과 함께 강한 물살이 있어,” / 그는 말했다. / “이 항로는, / 말하자면, / 삽으로 파낸 것이다.”
We brought up / just where the anchor / was in the chart, / about a third of a mile / from each shore, / the mainland / on one side / and Skeleton Island / on the other. / The bottom / was clean sand.
우리는 / 차트에 표시된 / 닻을 내렸다. / 각 해안에서 / 약 3분의 1마일 / 떨어진 곳이었다. / 한쪽에는 본토가 / 있고, / 다른 한쪽에는 / 해골 섬이 있었다. / 바닥은 / 깨끗한 모래였다.
The plunge / of our anchor / sent up / clouds of birds wheeling / and crying / over the woods, / but in less than a minute / they were down again / and all was once more / silent.
우리의 닻이 / 내려가자 / 구름처럼 많은 새들이 / 돌아다니며 / 숲 위를 울었지만, / 1분도 채 되지 않아 / 다시 내려왔고, / 모든 것은 다시 / 조용했다.
The place / was entirely land-locked, / buried in woods, / the trees coming right down / to high-water mark, / the shores / mostly flat, / and the hilltops / standing round / at a distance / in a sort of amphitheatre, / one here, / one there.
그곳은 / 완전히 육지로 둘러싸여 있었고, / 숲 속에 묻혀 있었으며, / 나무들이 / 만조선까지 내려왔고, / 해안은 / 대부분 평평했으며, / 언덕 꼭대기는 / 멀리서 / 일종의 원형극장처럼 / 둘러싸고 있었다. / 여기 하나, / 저기 하나.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)