❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
TREASURE ISLAND 019 – XIIIHow I Began My Shore Adventure – 004
Two little rivers, or rather two swamps, emptied out into this pond, as you might call it; and the foliage round that part of the shore had a kind of poisonous brightness.From the ship we could see nothing of the house or stockade, for they were quite buried among trees; and if it had not been for the chart on the companion, we might have been the first that had ever anchored there since the island arose out of the seas.There was not a breath of air moving, nor a sound but that of the surf booming half a mile away along the beaches and against the rocks outside.A peculiar stagnant smell hung over the anchorage—a smell of sodden leaves and rotting tree trunks.I observed the doctor sniffing and sniffing, like someone tasting a bad egg.“I don’t know about treasure,” he said, “but I’ll stake my wig there’s fever here.”If the conduct of the men had been alarming in the boat, it became truly threatening when they had come aboard.They lay about the deck growling together in talk.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Two little rivers, / or rather two swamps, / emptied out / into this pond, / as you might call it; / and the foliage round that part of the shore / had a kind of poisonous brightness.
두 개의 작은 강, 아니면 두 개의 늪이 이 연못으로 흘러 들어갔다고 할 수 있으며, 그 부분의 해안 주변의 잎은 일종의 독성 밝기를 가지고 있었다.
⦁ foliage: 잎사귀 – The foliage turned bright red in the autumn. (가을에는 잎이 밝은 빨간색으로 변했다.) ⦁ poisonous: 독성의 – The mushroom was extremely poisonous. (그 버섯은 아주 독성이 강했다.) -
From the ship / we could see nothing / of the house or stockade, / for they were quite buried / among trees; / and if it had not been / for the chart / on the companion, / we might have been / the first that had ever anchored there / since the island arose / out of the seas.
배에서 우리는 집이나 울타리를 전혀 볼 수 없었다, 왜냐하면 그것들은 나무들 속에 꽤 묻혀 있었기 때문이다. 동료가 가진 지도가 아니었더라면, 우리가 그 섬이 바다에서 솟아난 후 처음으로 그곳에 정박한 사람들이었을 것이다.
⦁ stockade: 울타리 – They built a stockade around the camp. (그들은 캠프 주변에 울타리를 세웠다.) ⦁ anchored: 정박한 – The ship anchored near the shore. (그 배는 해안 근처에 정박했다.) -
There was not a breath / of air moving, / nor a sound / but that of the surf booming / half a mile away / along the beaches / and against the rocks outside.
바람 한 점 불지 않았고, 해변과 바깥쪽 바위에 부딪치는 파도 소리 이외에는 아무 소리도 들리지 않았다.
⦁ surf: 파도 – The surfers enjoyed the high surf. (서퍼들은 높은 파도를 즐겼다.) ⦁ booming: 울리는 – The fireworks went off with a booming sound. (불꽃놀이가 울리는 소리와 함께 터졌다.) -
A peculiar stagnant smell / hung over the anchorage—a smell / of sodden leaves / and rotting tree trunks.
특유의 고여 있는 냄새가 정박지에 퍼져 있었다—젖은 나뭇잎과 썩어가는 나무 줄기의 냄새였다.
⦁ peculiar: 독특한 – He has a peculiar way of speaking. (그는 독특한 말투를 가지고 있다.) ⦁ stagnant: 고여 있는 – The water in the pond was stagnant. (연못의 물은 고여 있었다.) -
I observed / the doctor sniffing and sniffing, / like someone / tasting a bad egg.
나는 의사가 마치 썩은 달걀을 맛보는 사람처럼 킁킁거리며 냄새 맡는 것을 관찰했다.
⦁ observed: 관찰하다 – She observed the stars through the telescope. (그녀는 망원경을 통해 별을 관찰했다.) ⦁ sniffing: 킁킁거리며 냄새 맡기 – The dog was sniffing around the yard. (그 개는 마당을 킁킁거리며 냄새를 맡고 있었다.) -
“I don’t know about treasure,” / he said, / “but I’ll stake my wig / there’s fever here.”
“보물에 대해선 잘 모르겠지만,” 그가 말했다, “여기 병이 있다는 건 확신한다.”
⦁ stake: 내걸다, 걸다 – He staked his reputation on the plan’s success. (그는 그 계획의 성공에 자신의 명성을 걸었다.) ⦁ fever: 열병 – She was shivering with fever. (그녀는 열병으로 떨고 있었다.) -
If the conduct of the men / had been alarming / in the boat, / it became truly threatening / when they had come aboard. / They lay about the deck / growling together in talk.
그 남자들의 행동이 배에서 이미 걱정스러웠다면, 그들이 배에 올라탄 후에는 진정으로 위협적이 되었다. 그들은 갑판에 누워 서로 으르렁거리며 이야기를 나누었다.
⦁ conduct: 행동 – His conduct was inappropriate. (그의 행동은 부적절했다.) ⦁ threatening: 위협적인 – The dog’s growl was very threatening. (그 개의 으르렁거림은 매우 위협적이었다.)
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