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TREASURE ISLAND 020 XIVThe First Blow 003

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TREASURE ISLAND 020 – XIVThe First Blow – 003

This put me in a great fear, and I crawled under cover of the nearest live-oak and squatted there, hearkening, as silent as a mouse.

Another voice answered, and then the first voice, which I now recognized to be Silver’s, once more took up the story and ran on for a long while in a stream, only now and again interrupted by the other.
By the sound they must have been talking earnestly, and almost fiercely; but no distinct word came to my hearing.

At last the speakers seemed to have paused and perhaps to have sat down, for not only did they cease to draw any nearer, but the birds themselves began to grow more quiet and to settle again to their places in the swamp.

And now I began to feel that I was neglecting my business, that since I had been so foolhardy as to come ashore with these desperadoes, the least I could do was to overhear them at their councils, and that my plain and obvious duty was to draw as close as I could manage, under the favourable ambush of the crouching trees.

I could tell the direction of the speakers pretty exactly, not only by the sound of their voices but by the behaviour of the few birds that still hung in alarm above the heads of the intruders.

Crawling on all fours, I made steadily but slowly towards them, till at last, raising my head to an aperture among the leaves, I could see clear down into a little green dell beside the marsh, and closely set about with trees, where Long John Silver and another of the crew stood face to face in conversation.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. This / put me / in a great fear, / and I crawled under / cover of / the nearest live-oak / and squatted / there, / hearkening, / as silent as a mouse.

    이 일은 나를 큰 두려움에 빠뜨렸고, 나는 가까운 라이브오크 나무 아래에 숨어서 쭈그리고 앉아 쥐처럼 조용히 귀를 기울였다.

  2. ⦁ fear: 두려움
    – She had a fear of heights (그녀는 고소공포증을 가지고 있다)

    ⦁ hearken: 귀 기울이다
    – The children hearkened to the storyteller (아이들은 이야기꾼의 말을 귀 기울여 들었다)

  3. Another voice / answered, / and then / the first voice, / which I now recognized / to be Silver’s, / once more took up the story / and ran on / for a long while / in a stream, / only now and again / interrupted / by the other.

    다른 목소리가 대답했고, 이제 내가 실버의 목소리임을 알아차린 첫 번째 목소리가 다시 이야기를 이어갔고, 가끔 다른 목소리에 의해 끊기면서도 오랫동안 이어졌다.

  4. ⦁ recognized: 알아차렸다
    – She recognized him immediately (그녀는 그를 즉시 알아보았다)

    ⦁ interrupted: 중단된, 방해받은
    – The meeting was interrupted by a phone call (회의는 전화 통화로 중단되었다)

  5. By the sound / they must have been talking earnestly, / and almost fiercely; / but no distinct word / came to my hearing. / At last / the speakers seemed to have paused / and perhaps to have sat down, / for not only did they cease to draw any nearer, / but the birds themselves began to grow more quiet / and to settle again to their places / in the swamp.

    소리로 미루어 보아, 그들은 진지하게, 그리고 거의 격하게 이야기하고 있었을 것이다. 하지만 뚜렷한 단어는 내게 들리지 않았다. 마침내, 말하는 사람들이 멈춘 것 같았고, 아마도 앉은 것 같았다. 왜냐하면 그들이 더 이상 가까이 다가오지 않았고, 새들 자신도 더 조용해지며 늪지대의 자리에 다시 자리 잡기 시작했기 때문이다.

  6. ⦁ earnestly: 진지하게
    – He earnestly pleaded with her to stay (그는 그녀에게 머물러 달라고 진지하게 간청했다)

    ⦁ distinct: 뚜렷한
    – There was a distinct smell of gas (가스 냄새가 뚜렷했다)

  7. And now / I began to feel / that I was neglecting my business, / that since / I had been so foolhardy / as to come ashore / with these desperadoes, / the least I could do / was to overhear them / at their councils, / and that my plain and obvious duty / was to draw as close / as I could manage, / under the favourable ambush / of the crouching trees.

    그리고 이제 내가 내 일을 소홀히 하고 있다고 느끼기 시작했고, 내가 이 무모한 자들과 함께 육지로 나왔으니, 최소한 그들의 회의 내용을 엿듣는 것이 내가 할 수 있는 최소한의 일이었으며, 내가 할 수 있는 최대한 하여 유리한 매복처인 웅크린 나무들 아래로 최대한 가까이 다가가는 것이 내 명백한 의무라고 생각했다.

  8. ⦁ neglecting: 소홀히 하다
    – He was neglecting his duties (그는 자신의 의무를 소홀히 하고 있었다)

    ⦁ foolhardy: 무모한
    – It was foolhardy to swim in such rough seas (거친 바다에서 수영하는 것은 무모했다)

  9. I could tell / the direction of the speakers / pretty exactly, / not only by the sound of their voices / but by the behaviour of the few birds / that still hung in alarm / above the heads of the intruders. / Crawling on all fours, / I made steadily / but slowly / towards them, / till at last, / raising my head / to an aperture among the leaves, / I could see clear down / into a little green dell / beside the marsh, / and closely set about with trees, / where Long John Silver / and another of the crew / stood face to face / in conversation.

    나는 그들의 목소리 소리뿐만 아니라 여전히 침입자들 머리 위에 경계심을 가진 몇몇 새들의 행동으로 인해 화자들이 있는 방향을 꽤 정확하게 알 수 있었다. 나는 사지로 기어가며 꾸준히, 하지만 천천히 그들에게 다가갔고, 마침내 잎사귀들 사이의 틈새로 머리를 들어 올렸을 때, 나는 늪지대 옆 작은 초록색 골짜기에서 마주 보고 대화하는 롱 존 실버와 또 다른 선원의 모습을 똑똑히 볼 수 있었다.

  10. ⦁ steadily: 꾸준히
    – She has steadily improved her grades (그녀는 꾸준히 성적을 향상시켜왔다)

    ⦁ aperture: 틈새
    – He peered through a narrow aperture in the fence (그는 울타리의 좁은 틈새로 들여다보았다)

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