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TREASURE ISLAND 020 – XIVThe First Blow – 005
The rocks of the Spy-glass re-echoed it a score of times; the whole troop of marsh-birds rose again, darkening heaven, with a simultaneous whirr; and long after that death yell was still ringing in my brain, silence had re-established its empire, and only the rustle of the redescending birds and the boom of the distant surges disturbed the languor of the afternoon.Tom had leaped at the sound, like a horse at the spur, but Silver had not winked an eye.He stood where he was, resting lightly on his crutch, watching his companion like a snake about to spring.“John!” said the sailor, stretching out his hand.“Hands off!” cried Silver, leaping back a yard, as it seemed to me, with the speed and security of a trained gymnast.“Hands off, if you like, John Silver,” said the other.“It’s a black conscience that can make you feared of me.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The rocks of the Spy-glass / re-echoed it / a score of times;
스파이글라스의 바위들이 / 수십 번씩 / 그 소리를 반향했다;
the whole troop of marsh-birds / rose again, / darkening heaven, / with a simultaneous whirr;
모든 늪새들이 다시 날아올라 / 하늘을 어둡게 했다, / 동시에 ‘윙’ 하는 소리를 내며;
and long after / that death yell / was still ringing / in my brain, / silence had re-established / its empire,
그리고 죽음의 비명이 / 내 머릿속에서 여전히 울리고 있은지 / 오래 후에 / 침묵이 다시 / 그 제국을 수립했다,
and only the rustle / of the redescending birds / and the boom / of the distant surges / disturbed the languor / of the afternoon.
그리고 오직 다시 내려오는 새들의 / 바스락거림과 / 먼 파도 소리의 / 울림이 / 오후의 나른함을 / 방해했다.
Tom had leaped / at the sound, / like a horse / at the spur, / but Silver / had not winked / an eye.
톰은 그 소리에 / 뛰어올랐다, / 마치 말이 / 채찍에 / 그렇듯, / 그러나 실버는 / 눈 하나 깜박하지 않았다.
He stood / where he was, / resting lightly / on his crutch, / watching his companion / like a snake / about to spring.
그는 / 서 있었다, / 그의 목발에 / 가볍게 기대어, / 그의 동료를 / 마치 뱀이 / 튀어오를 듯 / 쳐다보며.
“John!” / said the sailor, / stretching out / his hand.
“존!” / 선원이 말했다, / 손을 내밀며.
“Hands off!” / cried Silver, / leaping back / a yard, / as it seemed to me, / with the speed / and security / of a trained gymnast.
“손 치워!” / 실버가 외쳤다, / 한 야드 뒤로 / 뛰어올라, / 내게 그렇게 보였다, / 훈련받은 체조 선수의 / 속도와 / 안정감으로.
“Hands off, / if you like, John Silver,” / said the other.
“손 치워, / 원한다면, 존 실버,” / 다른 사람이 말했다.
“It’s a black conscience / that can make you / feared of me.”
“너를 / 나를 두려워하게 만들 수 있는 것은 / 어두운 양심이다.”
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