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TREASURE ISLAND 020 – XIVThe First Blow – 010
Good-bye to the Hispaniola; good-bye to the squire, the doctor, and the captain! There was nothing left for me but death by starvation or death by the hands of the mutineers.All this while, as I say, I was still running, and without taking any notice, I had drawn near to the foot of the little hill with the two peaks and had got into a part of the island where the live-oaks grew more widely apart and seemed more like forest trees in their bearing and dimensions.Mingled with these were a few scattered pines, some fifty, some nearer seventy, feet high.The air too smelt more freshly than down beside the marsh.And here a fresh alarm brought me to a standstill with a thumping heart..
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Good-bye / to the Hispaniola; / good-bye / to the squire, / the doctor, / and the captain! / There was nothing left / for me / but death / by starvation / or death / by the hands / of the mutineers.
히스파니올라호에게 작별인사, 지주, 의사, 선장에게 작별인사! 남은 것은 기아로 죽거나 반란자들에게 죽는 것뿐이었다.
All this while, / as I say, / I was still running, / and without taking any notice, / I had drawn near / to the foot / of the little hill / with the two peaks / and had got / into a part / of the island / where the live-oaks grew / more widely apart / and seemed more / like forest trees / in their bearing / and dimensions.
그동안, 말하자면, 나는 계속 달리고 있었고, 전혀 주의를 기울이지 않고, 두 개의 봉우리 있는 작은 언덕의 기슭에 가까이 다가갔으며, 섬의 일부에 도착했다. 그곳에서 상록 참나무가 더 널리 자라고 있었고 그들의 수형이나 크기가 더 숲의 나무들처럼 보였다.
Mingled with these / were a few scattered pines, / some fifty, / some nearer seventy, / feet high. / The air too smelt / more freshly / than down / beside the marsh.
이와 섞여 흩어진 소나무 몇 그루가 섞여 있었는데, 어떤 것은 50피트, 어떤 것은 70피트 가까이 높았다. 공기 역시 습지 옆보다 훨씬 신선한 냄새가 났다.
And here / a fresh alarm / brought me / to a standstill / with a thumping heart.
그리고 여기서 새로운 경보가 나를 심장이 쿵쾅거리는 채로 멈추게 했다.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)