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TREASURE ISLAND 021 – XVThe Man of the Island – 001
rom the side of the hill, which was here steep and stony, a spout of gravel was dislodged and fell rattling and bounding through the trees.My eyes turned instinctively in that direction, and I saw a figure leap with great rapidity behind the trunk of a pine.What it was, whether bear or man or monkey, I could in no wise tell.It seemed dark and shaggy; more I knew not.But the terror of this new apparition brought me to a stand.I was now, it seemed, cut off upon both sides; behind me the murderers, before me this lurking nondescript.And immediately I began to prefer the dangers that I knew to those I knew not.Silver himself appeared less terrible in contrast with this creature of the woods, and I turned on my heel, and looking sharply behind me over my shoulder, began to retrace my steps in the direction of the boats.Instantly the figure reappeared, and making a wide circuit, began to head me off.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
From the side / of the hill, / which was here / steep and stony, / a spout of gravel / was dislodged / and fell / rattling and bounding / through the trees.
언덕 옆, 가파르고 돌이 많은 곳에서, 자갈 한 줄기가 떨어져 나와 나무 사이로 무섭게 떨어졌다.
My eyes / turned instinctively / in that direction, / and I saw / a figure / leap with great rapidity / behind the trunk / of a pine.
내 눈은 본능적으로 그 방향으로 향했고, 나는 소나무 뒤로 빠르게 뛰어가는 형체를 보았다.
What it was, / whether bear or man / or monkey, / I could in no wise tell.
그것이 곰인지 사람인지 원숭이인지 알 수 없었다.
It seemed / dark and shaggy; / more I knew not.
그것은 어둡고 털이 많아 보였다; 더 이상 알 수 없었다.
But the terror / of this new apparition / brought me / to a stand.
그러나 이 새로운 형체의 공포는 나를 멈추게 했다.
I was now, / it seemed, / cut off / upon both sides; / behind me / the murderers, / before me / this lurking nondescript.
이제 나는 양쪽에서 길이 막힌 것 같았다. 뒤에는 살인자들, 앞에는 숨어있는 정체불명의 무언가.
And immediately / I began to prefer / the dangers / that I knew / to those / I knew not.
그리고 즉시 나는 알지 못하는 위험보다 아는 위험을 더 선호하기 시작했다.
Silver himself / appeared less terrible / in contrast / with this creature / of the woods, / and I turned / on my heel, / and looking sharply / behind me / over my shoulder, / began to retrace / my steps / in the direction / of the boats.
실버 자신도 이 숲 속 생물과 비교했을 때 덜 무섭게 보였고, 나는 발길을 돌려 어깨 너머로 날카롭게 뒤를 쳐다보며 보트 쪽으로 발걸음을 되돌리기 시작했다.
Instantly / the figure reappeared, / and making a wide circuit, / began to head me off.
즉시 그 형체가 다시 나타나 넓은 원을 그리며 나를 가로막기 시작했다.
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