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TREASURE ISLAND 021 XVThe Man of the Island 003

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TREASURE ISLAND 021 – XVThe Man of the Island – 003

Then he hesitated, drew back, came forward again, and at last, to my wonder and confusion, threw himself on his knees and held out his clasped hands in supplication.

At that I once more stopped.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“Ben Gunn,” he answered, and his voice sounded hoarse and awkward, like a rusty lock.
“I’m poor Ben Gunn, I am; and I haven’t spoke with a Christian these three years.”

I could now see that he was a white man like myself and that his features were even pleasing.
His skin, wherever it was exposed, was burnt by the sun; even his lips were black, and his fair eyes looked quite startling in so dark a face.
Of all the beggar-men that I had seen or fancied, he was the chief for raggedness.
He was clothed with tatters of old ship’s canvas and old sea-cloth, and this extraordinary patchwork was all held together by a system of the most various and incongruous fastenings, brass buttons, bits of stick, and loops of tarry gaskin.
About his waist he wore an old brass-buckled leather belt, which was the one thing solid in his whole accoutrement.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Then he hesitated, / drew back, / came forward again, / and at last, / to my wonder and confusion, / threw himself on his knees / and held out his clasped hands / in supplication.

    그러더니 그는 주저했고, / 뒤로 물러났다가, / 다시 앞으로 나와, / 마침내, / 내 경이로움과 혼란 속에서, / 무릎을 꿇고 / 그의 두 손을 모아 / 간청했다.

  2. ⦁ hesitate: 주저하다
    – He hesitated before answering. (그는 대답하기 전에 주저했다.)

    ⦁ supplication: 간청
    – The monk prayed earnestly in supplication. (그 수도승은 간청하며 열심히 기도했다.)

  3. At that / I once more stopped.

    그제서야 / 나는 다시 멈췄다.

  4. ⦁ stop: 멈추다
    – Please stop talking. (말을 멈춰 주세요.)

    ⦁ once more: 한 번 더
    – Let me try once more. (한 번 더 해보게 해줘.)

  5. “Who are you?” / I asked.

    “누구냐?” / 내가 물었다.

  6. ⦁ ask: 묻다
    – She asked for directions. (그녀는 길을 물었다.)

    ⦁ who: 누구
    – Who is coming to the party? (누가 파티에 오나요?)

  7. “Ben Gunn,” / he answered, / and his voice sounded hoarse and awkward, / like a rusty lock.

    “Ben Gunn,” / 그가 대답했다, / 그리고 그의 목소리는 쉰소리와 어색하게 들렸다, / 마치 녹슨 자물쇠처럼.

  8. ⦁ hoarse: 쉰소리의
    – Her voice was hoarse from crying. (그녀의 목소리는 울어서 쉰소리였다.)

    ⦁ rusty: 녹슨
    – The old bike chain was rusty. (오래된 자전거 체인은 녹슬었다.)

  9. “I’m poor Ben Gunn, I am; / and I haven’t spoke with a Christian / these three years.”

    “나는 가난한 Ben Gunn이야; / 그리고 난 기독교인과 말해본 적이 없어 / 이 3년 동안.”

  10. ⦁ poor: 가난한
    – The poor family needed support. (그 가난한 가족은 지원이 필요했다.)

    ⦁ Christian: 기독교인
    – She is a devout Christian. (그녀는 독실한 기독교인이다.)

  11. I could now see that / he was a white man / like myself / and that / his features were even pleasing.

    이제 보니 / 그는 흰 남자였다 / 나처럼 / 그리고 / 그의 외모는 심지어 매력적이었다.

  12. ⦁ feature: 외모
    – He has sharp features. (그는 날카로운 외모를 가졌다.)

    ⦁ pleasing: 매력적인
    – The decor was pleasing to the eye. (장식은 눈에 매력적이었다.)

  13. His skin, / wherever it was exposed, / was burnt by the sun; / even his lips were black, / and his fair eyes looked quite startling / in so dark a face.

    그의 피부는, / 노출된 곳마다, / 햇볕에 타 있었다; / 심지어 그의 입술도 검었고, / 그의 밝은 눈은 꽤 놀라워 보였다 / 그렇게 검은 얼굴에서.

  14. ⦁ expose: 노출하다
    – Do not expose the film to light. (필름을 빛에 노출하지 마세요.)

    ⦁ startling: 놀라운
    – The news was startling to everyone. (그 뉴스는 모두에게 놀라웠다.)

  15. Of all the beggar-men / that I had seen or fancied, / he was the chief for raggedness.

    내가 본 또는 상상했던 / 모든 거지들 중에서, / 그는 가장 너덜너덜했다.

  16. ⦁ beggar-man: 거지
    – The beggar-man asked for food. (그 거지는 음식을 구했다.)

    ⦁ raggedness: 너덜너덜함
    – His clothes were in a state of raggedness. (그의 옷은 너덜너덜한 상태였다.)

  17. He was clothed with tatters of old ship’s canvas and old sea-cloth, / and this extraordinary patchwork was all held together by a system of the most various and incongruous fastenings, / brass buttons, / bits of stick, / and loops of tarry gaskin.

    그는 낡은 배의 캔버스와 낡은 바다 천의 조각으로 옷을 입고 있었다, / 그리고 이 놀라운 조각 맞추기는 / 가장 다양한 어울리지 않는 고정 장치로 모두 함께 묶여 있었다, / 황동 버튼, / 막대기 조각, / 그리고 끈적한 가스킨 고리.

  18. ⦁ patchwork: 조각 맞추기
    – The quilt was a colorful patchwork. (그 퀼트는 다채로운 조각 맞추기였다.)

    ⦁ fastening: 고정 장치
    – The bag has a zip fastening. (가방에는 지퍼 고정 장치가 있다.)

  19. About his waist / he wore an old brass-buckled leather belt, / which was the one thing solid / in his whole accoutrement.

    그의 허리 둘레에서는 / 오래된 황동 버클 가죽 벨트를 착용하고 있었다, / 그것은 한 가지 튼튼한 것이었다 / 그의 전체 장비에서.

  20. ⦁ waist: 허리
    – The skirt fits well at the waist. (스커트는 허리에 잘 맞는다.)

    ⦁ solid: 튼튼한
    – The table is made of solid oak. (그 테이블은 튼튼한 참나무로 만들어졌다.)

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