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TREASURE ISLAND 021 – XVThe Man of the Island – 012
“They have begun to fight!” I cried.“Follow me.”And I began to run towards the anchorage, my terrors all forgotten, while close at my side the marooned man in his goatskins trotted easily and lightly.“Left, left,” says he; “keep to your left hand, mate Jim! Under the trees with you! Theer’s where I killed my first goat.They don’t come down here now; they’re all mastheaded on them mountings for the fear of Benjamin Gunn.Ah! And there’s the cetemery”—cemetery, he must have meant.“You see the mounds? I come here and prayed, nows and thens, when I thought maybe a Sunday would be about doo.It weren’t quite a chapel, but it seemed more solemn like; and then, says you, Ben Gunn was short-handed—no chapling, nor so much as a Bible and a flag, you says.”So he kept talking as I ran, neither expecting nor receiving any answer.The cannon-shot was followed after a considerable interval by a volley of small arms.Another pause, and then, not a quarter of a mile in front of me, I beheld the Union Jack flutter in the air above a wood.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
“They have begun to fight!” / I cried. / “Follow me.”
“그들이 싸우기 시작했어!” 내가 외쳤다. “날 따라와.”
And I began to run / towards the anchorage, / my terrors all forgotten, / while close at my side / the marooned man / in his goatskins / trotted easily and lightly.
그리고 나는 닻을 내린 곳으로 달리기 시작했다. 나의 모든 공포를 잊은 채, 내 옆에 가까이에서 염소 가죽을 입은 조난자가 가볍고 쉽게 걸음을 재촉했다.
“Left, left,” / says he; / “keep to your left hand, / mate Jim! / Under the trees with you! / There’s where I killed / my first goat.
“왼쪽, 왼쪽,” 그가 말했다. “왼쪽 손을 유지해, 짐 동지! 나무 아래로! 내가 처음으로 염소를 잡았던 곳이야.
They don’t come down here now; / they’re all mastheaded / on them mountings / for the fear of Benjamin Gunn.Ah! / And there’s the cetemery”—cemetery, / he must have meant.
그들은 이제 여기로 내려오지 않아; 그들은 모두 벤저민 건을 두려워한 나머지 산속에 있다. 아! 그리고 저곳이 공동묘지거든—그가 뜻한 것은 분명 묘지였을 것이다.
“You see the mounds? / I come here and prayed, / nows and thens, / when I thought maybe / a Sunday would be about due.
“저 언덕들이 보이는가? 나는 여기에 와서 기도하곤 했어, 가끔씩, 일요일이 다가올 때면 말이야.
It weren’t quite a chapel, / but it seemed more solemn like; / and then, / says you, / Ben Gunn was short-handed—no chapling, / nor so much as a Bible and a flag, / you says.”
그건 진짜 예배당은 아니지만, 더 장엄해 보였지; 그리고, 너는 말하겠지, 벤 건이 사람 손이 부족하다고—예배당도 없고, 성경과 깃발도 없다고, 너는 말했지.”
So he kept talking / as I ran, / neither expecting / nor receiving any answer. / The cannon-shot was followed / after a considerable interval / by a volley of small arms.
그는 내가 달리는 동안 계속 말을 이어갔다, 전혀 대답을 기대하지도 받아들이지도 않으며. 대포 소리는 꽤 시간이 지난 후 작은 무기들의 연발 사격 소리로 이어졌다.
Another pause, / and then, / not a quarter of a mile / in front of me, / I beheld the Union Jack / flutter in the air / above a wood.
다시 한 번 멈칫한 후, 내 앞쪽 1/4 마일도 안 되는 거리에, 나는 숲 위에 펄럭이는 유니언 잭을 보았다.
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