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TREASURE ISLAND 023 – XVINarrative Continued by the Doctor: How the Ship Was Abandoned – 006
If any one of you six make a signal of any description, that man’s dead.”They were a good deal taken aback, and after a little consultation one and all tumbled down the fore companion, thinking no doubt to take us on the rear.But when they saw Redruth waiting for them in the sparred galley, they went about ship at once, and a head popped out again on deck.“Down, dog!” cries the captain.And the head popped back again; and we heard no more, for the time, of these six very faint-hearted seamen.By this time, tumbling things in as they came, we had the jolly-boat loaded as much as we dared.Joyce and I got out through the stern-port, and we made for shore again as fast as oars could take us.This second trip fairly aroused the watchers along shore.“Lillibullero” was dropped again; and just before we lost sight of them behind the little point, one of them whipped ashore and disappeared.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
If any one of you six / make a signal / of any description, / that man’s dead.
너희 여섯 명 중 누구라도 어떤 신호를 보낸다면 그자는 죽게 될 것이다.
They were / a good deal / taken aback, / and after a little consultation / one and all tumbled down / the fore companion, / thinking no doubt / to take us / on the rear.
그들은 상당히 당황했고, 약간의 상의 끝에 모두 앞쪽 동료에게 달려가며 분명히 우리를 후방에서 잡을 생각이었다.
But when they saw / Redruth waiting / for them / in the sparred galley, / they went about ship / at once, / and a head popped out / again / on deck.
그러나 그들이 Redruth가 저장 공간에서 기다리고 있는 것을 보고, 즉시 배를 돌렸고, 갑판 위로 다시 머리가 나타났다.
“Down, dog!” / cries the captain.
“숨으라, 이 자식들아!”라고 선장이 외쳤다.
And the head / popped back again; / and we heard / no more, / for the time, / of these six very faint-hearted seamen.
그리고 그 머리는 다시 숨었고, 우리는 잠시 동안 이 여섯 명의 겁먹은 선원들에 대해서 더 이상 듣지 못했다.
By this time, / tumbling things in / as they came, / we had the jolly-boat loaded / as much as we dared.
이때가 되어서야, 우리들은 오는 대로 물건들을 쏟아 넣어서 작은 배를 최대한으로 실었다.
Joyce and I / got out / through the stern-port, / and we made for shore again / as fast as oars / could take us.
조이스와 나는 후미 포트를 통해 나와서 노가 닿는 만큼 최대한 빨리 다시 해안으로 향했다.
This second trip / fairly aroused / the watchers along shore. / “Lillibullero” / was dropped again; / and just before we lost sight / of them / behind the little point, / one of them / whipped ashore / and disappeared.
이 두 번째 여행은 해안가의 감시자들을 완전히 각성시켰다. “릴리불레로”가 다시 멈췄고, 우리가 작은 지점을 넘어 그들을 놓치기 직전에 그들 중 한 명이 해안으로 뛰어가서 사라졌다.
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