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TREASURE ISLAND 025 – XVIIINarrative Continued by the Doctor: End of the First Day’s Fighting – 001
e made our best speed across the strip of wood that now divided us from the stockade, and at every step we took the voices of the buccaneers rang nearer.Soon we could hear their footfalls as they ran and the cracking of the branches as they breasted across a bit of thicket.I began to see we should have a brush for it in earnest and looked to my priming.“Captain,” said I, “Trelawney is the dead shot.Give him your gun; his own is useless.”They exchanged guns, and Trelawney, silent and cool as he had been since the beginning of the bustle, hung a moment on his heel to see that all was fit for service.At the same time, observing Gray to be unarmed, I handed him my cutlass.It did all our hearts good to see him spit in his hand, knit his brows, and make the blade sing through the air.It was plain from every line of his body that our new hand was worth his salt.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
We made our best speed / across the strip of wood / that now divided us / from the stockade, / and at every step we took / the voices of the buccaneers / rang nearer.
우리는 이제 우리와 요새를 가르는 나무 지대를 최대한 빠르게 가로질렀고, 우리가 한 발짝씩 내디딜 때마다 해적들의 목소리가 점점 더 가까워졌다.
Soon we could hear / their footfalls /as they ran / and the cracking of the branches / as they breasted across / a bit of thicket.
곧 우리는 그들이 뛰면서 내는 발소리와 약간의 덤불을 가르며 내는 가지의 부러지는 소리를 들을 수 있었다.
I began to see / we should have / a brush for it in earnest / and looked to my priming.
나는 우리가 진지하게 충돌할 것임을 깨닫고 내 화약을 점검했다.
“Captain,” / said I, / “Trelawney is the dead shot. / Give him your gun; / his own is useless.”
They exchanged guns, / and Trelawney, / silent and cool / as he had been / since the beginning of the bustle, / hung a moment on his heel / to see that all was fit for service.
“대장,” 내가 말했다, “트렐로니는 명사수입니다. 그의 총이 쓸모없으니 당신의 총을 주세요.” 그들은 총을 교환했고, 트렐로니는 소란이 시작된 이래로 침착하고 차분하게 모든 것이 사용할 준비가 되었는지를 잠시 점검했다.
At the same time, / observing Gray / to be unarmed, / I handed him / my cutlass.
It did all our hearts good / to see him spit in his hand, / knit his brows, / and make the blade sing through the air.
It was plain / from every line / of his body / that our new hand / was worth his salt.
동시에, 그레이가 무장하지 않은 것을 보고 내 단도를 그에게 건네주었다. 그는 손에 침을 바르고, 눈썹을 찌푸리고, 칼을 공중에서 휘두르며 우리는 모두 마음이 놓였다. 그의 몸의 모든 선에서 우리 새로운 동료가 유능하다는 것이 분명했다.
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