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TREASURE ISLAND 025 XVIIINarrative Continued by the Doctor End of the First Day s Fighting 006

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TREASURE ISLAND 025 – XVIIINarrative Continued by the Doctor: End of the First Day’s Fighting – 006

“Why, yes,” returned the captain, scratching his head; “and making a large allowance, sir, for all the gifts of Providence, I should say we were pretty close hauled.”

“How do you mean?” I asked.

“It’s a pity, sir, we lost that second load.
That’s what I mean,” replied the captain.
“As for powder and shot, we’ll do.
But the rations are short, very short—so short, Dr.
Livesey, that we’re perhaps as well without that extra mouth.”

And he pointed to the dead body under the flag.

Just then, with a roar and a whistle, a round-shot passed high above the roof of the log-house and plumped far beyond us in the wood.

“Oho!” said the captain.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. “Why, yes,” / returned the captain, / scratching his head; / “and making a large allowance, sir, / for all the gifts of Providence, / I should say / we were pretty close hauled.”

    “왜 그러게 말일세,” 캡틴이 머리를 긁으며 대답했다. “모든 신의 은혜를 고려하더라도, 우리 상황은 꽤나 빠듯하다고 해야 할 것 같소.”

  2. ⦁ allowance: 여유, 여유를 줌
    – They made an allowance for the extra weight. (그들은 추가 무게를 고려했다.)

    ⦁ Providence: 신의 뜻, 섭리
    – They trusted in Providence to guide them. (그들은 신의 섭리가 그들을 인도하리라 믿었다.)

  3. “How do you mean?” / I asked.

    “어떻게 그런 말을 하는 거죠?” 내가 물었다.

  4. ⦁ mean: 의미하다, 뜻하다
    – What do you mean by that? (그게 무슨 뜻이죠?)

    ⦁ asked: 물었다
    – She asked about the meeting. (그녀는 회의에 대해 물었다.)

  5. “It’s a pity, sir, / we lost that second load. / That’s what I mean,” / replied the captain. / “As for powder and shot, / we’ll do. / But the rations are short, very short—so short, Dr. / Livesey, / that we’re perhaps as well / without that extra mouth.”

    “두 번째 짐을 잃어버린 건 안타깝습니다, 선생님. 그게 제가 말하는 바입니다,” 캡틴이 대답했다. “화약과 탄환은 괜찮을 겁니다. 하지만 식량 배급이 너무 짧습니다, 아주 짧습니다, 라이브시 박사. 그래서 아마 그 추가 인원이 없어서 오히려 낫습니다.”

  6. ⦁ pity: 유감, 안타까움
    – It’s a pity you couldn’t come. (당신이 오지 못해 유감입니다)

    ⦁ rations: 배급, 식량
    – The soldiers were low on rations. (군인들은 식량이 부족했다.)

  7. And he pointed / to the dead body / under the flag.

    그리고 그는 깃발 아래의 시체를 가리켰다.

  8. ⦁ pointed: 가리켰다
    – She pointed to the map. (그녀는 지도를 가리켰다.)

    ⦁ flag: 깃발
    – The flag fluttered in the wind. (깃발이 바람에 펄럭였다.)

  9. Just then, / with a roar and a whistle, / a round-shot passed high above the roof / of the log-house / and plumped far beyond us / in the wood.

    그때, 굉음과 휘파람 소리와 함께, 원형 탄환 하나가 통나무집 지붕 위를 지나 숲 저 멀리로 떨어졌다.

  10. ⦁ roar: 굉음, 포효
    – The lion let out a roar. (사자는 포효를 내질렀다.)

    ⦁ whistle: 휘파람 소리
    – He gave a sharp whistle. (그는 날카로운 휘파람을 불었다.)

  11. “Oho!” / said the captain.

    “오호!” 캡틴이 말했다.

  12. ⦁ said: 말했다
    – He said hello. (그는 인사했다.)

    ⦁ captain: 대장, 캡틴
    – The captain gave orders. (캡틴은 명령을 내렸다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)