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TREASURE ISLAND 025 – XVIIINarrative Continued by the Doctor: End of the First Day’s Fighting – 008
We had no ricochet to fear, and though one popped in through the roof of the log-house and out again through the floor, we soon got used to that sort of horse-play and minded it no more than cricket.“There is one good thing about all this,” observed the captain; “the wood in front of us is likely clear.The ebb has made a good while; our stores should be uncovered.Volunteers to go and bring in pork.”Gray and Hunter were the first to come forward.Well armed, they stole out of the stockade, but it proved a useless mission.The mutineers were bolder than we fancied or they put more trust in Israel’s gunnery.For four or five of them were busy carrying off our stores and wading out with them to one of the gigs that lay close by, pulling an oar or so to hold her steady against the current.Silver was in the stern-sheets in command; and every man of them was now provided with a musket from some secret magazine of their own.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
We had no ricochet / to fear, / and though one popped in / through the roof / of the log-house / and out again / through the floor, / we soon got used / to that sort of horse-play / and minded it no more / than cricket.
우리는 탄환의 튀는 것을 두려워할 필요가 없었고, 하나가 나무집의 지붕을 뚫고 들어왔다가 바닥을 통해 나갔지만, 우리는 곧 그런 장난에 익숙해져서 크리켓만큼도 신경 쓰지 않았다.
“There is one good thing / about all this,” / observed the captain; / “the wood in front of us / is likely clear.
“이 모든 일에 한가지 좋은 점이 있다,” 캡틴이 말했다; “우리 앞의 숲이 아마도 깨끗하다.
The ebb has made / a good while; / our stores / should be uncovered.
썰물이 꽤 지난 상태니 우리의 물품들이 드러날 것이다.
Volunteers to go / and bring in pork.” / Gray and Hunter / were the first to come forward.
돼지고기를 가져오러 갈 자원자는?” / 그레이와 헌터가 제일 먼저 나섰다.
Well armed, / they stole out / of the stockade, / but it proved / a useless mission.
잘 무장한 상태로, / 그들은 울타리를 몰래 빠져 나갔지만, / 그것은 무의미한 임무임이 드러났다.
The mutineers / were bolder / than we fancied / or they put more trust / in Israel’s gunnery.
반란자들은 우리가 생각했던 것보다 / 더 대담했거나 / 또는 이스라엘의 사격술을 / 더 믿었던 것 같다.
For four or five / of them / were busy carrying off / our stores / and wading out / with them / to one of the gigs / that lay close by, / pulling an oar / or so / to hold her steady / against the current.
그들 중 네다섯 명이 / 우리 물품을 나르는 데 / 바빴고, / 그것들을 가지고 / 한 척의 소형 보트에 / 나아가 / 흐름을 거스르며 / 보트를 안정시키기 위해 / 노를 / 저었다.
Silver was / in the stern-sheets / in command; / and every man / of them / was now provided / with a musket / from some secret magazine / of their own.
실버는 / 뒤쪽 좌석에 / 지휘를 맡고 있었고, / 그들 모두가 / 비밀 창고에서 / 머스킷 소총을 / 제공받고 있었다.
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