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TREASURE ISLAND 026 XIXNarrative Resumed by Jim Hawkins The Garrison in the Stockade 004

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TREASURE ISLAND 026 – XIXNarrative Resumed by Jim Hawkins: The Garrison in the Stockade – 004

Well, then”—still holding me—“I reckon you can go, Jim.
And, Jim, if you was to see Silver, you wouldn’t go for to sell Ben Gunn? Wild horses wouldn’t draw it from you? No, says you.
And if them pirates camp ashore, Jim, what would you say but there’d be widders in the morning?”

Here he was interrupted by a loud report, and a cannonball came tearing through the trees and pitched in the sand not a hundred yards from where we two were talking.
The next moment each of us had taken to his heels in a different direction.

For a good hour to come frequent reports shook the island, and balls kept crashing through the woods.
I moved from hiding-place to hiding-place, always pursued, or so it seemed to me, by these terrifying missiles.
But towards the end of the bombardment, though still I durst not venture in the direction of the stockade, where the balls fell oftenest, I had begun, in a manner, to pluck up my heart again, and after a long detour to the east, crept down among the shore-side trees.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Well, then— / still holding me— / I reckon / you can go, Jim.

    자, 그럼— / 여전히 나를 붙잡은 채로— / 네가 갈 수 있을 것 같구나, 짐.

    ⦁ reckon: 생각하다, 추측하다
    – I reckon I’ll head out soon. (나는 곧 출발할 것 같아.)

    ⦁ holding: 붙잡고 있는
    – He was holding my hand tightly. (그는 내 손을 꽉 잡고 있었다.)

  2. And, Jim, / if you was to see Silver, / you wouldn’t go / for to sell Ben Gunn? / Wild horses / wouldn’t draw it from you? / No, says you.

    그리고, 짐, / 만약 네가 실버를 본다면, / 벤 건을 팔기 위해 / 가지 않겠지? / 아무리 강제로 해도 / 너에게서 빼앗지 않을 거야? / 그렇지, 너는.

    ⦁ sell: 팔다
    – I decided to sell my old car. (나는 내 오래된 차를 팔기로 결심했다.)

    ⦁ draw: 끌다
    – She tried to draw his attention. (그녀는 그의 주의를 끌려고 했다.)

  3. And if them pirates / camp ashore, / Jim, / what would you say / but / there’d be widders / in the morning?

    그리고 만약 그 해적들이 / 해안에 캠프를 쳤다면, / 짐, / 너는 뭐라고 말할까 / 이외에 / 아침에 / 과부들이 있을 거라고?

    ⦁ pirates: 해적들
    – The pirates invaded the ship. (해적들이 배를 침략했다.)

    ⦁ widders (widows): 과부들
    – The war left many widows. (전쟁은 많은 과부를 남겼다.)

  4. Here he was / interrupted / by a loud report, / and a cannonball / came tearing through the trees / and pitched in the sand / not a hundred yards / from where we two / were talking.

    그가 여기서 / 큰 소리에 의해 / 방해를 받았고, / 하나의 대포알이 / 나무들을 뚫고 날아와 / 모래 속에 박혔다 / 백 야드도 안 되는 거리에 / 우리가 둘이서 / 이야기하던 곳에서.

    ⦁ interrupted: 방해받음
    – The meeting was interrupted by a phone call. (회의가 전화로 인해 방해받았다.)

    ⦁ cannonball: 대포알
    – The cannonball hit the castle wall. (대포알이 성벽에 맞았다.)

  5. The next moment / each of us / had taken to his heels / in a different direction.

    다음 순간 / 우리 각자는 / 서로 다른 방향으로 / 도망쳤다.

    ⦁ heels: 발뒤꿈치, 도망치다
    – She turned on her heels and left. (그녀는 급히 돌아서서 떠났다.)

    ⦁ direction: 방향
    – We headed in the same direction. (우리는 같은 방향으로 향했다.)

  6. For a good hour to come / frequent reports / shook the island, / and balls / kept crashing / through the woods.

    앞으로 한 시간 동안 / 잦은 대포 소리가 / 섬을 흔들었고, / 대포알이 / 계속 / 숲을 뚫고 지나갔다.

    ⦁ frequent: 잦은
    – He made frequent visits to the library. (그는 도서관을 자주 방문했다.)

    ⦁ crashing: 충돌하는
    – The car was crashing through the barriers. (차가 장벽을 뚫고 지나갔다.)

  7. I moved / from hiding-place / to hiding-place, / always pursued, / or so it seemed to me, / by these terrifying missiles.

    나는 이동했다 / 은신처에서 / 은신처로, / 계속 추적당했다, / 그런 것 같았다, / 이 무서운 포탄들에 의해.

    ⦁ hiding-place: 은신처
    – He found a good hiding-place in the woods. (그는 숲 속에서 좋은 은신처를 찾았다.)

    ⦁ pursued: 추적된
    – The thief was pursued by the police. (도둑은 경찰에게 추적당했다.)

  8. But towards the end of the bombardment, / though still I durst not venture / in the direction of the stockade, / where the balls fell oftenest, / I had begun, / in a manner, / to pluck up my heart again, / and after a long detour / to the east, / crept down / among the shore-side trees.

    그러나 포격이 끝나갈 무렵, / 아직도 나는 감히 나아가지 못했지만 / 목책 방향으로, / 대포알이 가장 많이 떨어지는 곳, / 나는 시작했다, / 어느 정도는, / 다시 용기를 내어, / 긴 우회를 한 후에 / 동쪽으로, / 해변가 나무들 사이로 / 기어들어갔다.

    ⦁ venture: 감히 하다
    – She didn’t venture out in the snowstorm. (그녀는 눈보라 속으로 감히 나가지 않았다.)

    ⦁ stockade: 목책, 방어용 울타리
    – They built a stockade around the camp. (그들은 캠프 주위에 목책을 세웠다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)