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TREASURE ISLAND 026 – XIXNarrative Resumed by Jim Hawkins: The Garrison in the Stockade – 009
From time to time the doctor came to the door for a little air and to rest his eyes, which were almost smoked out of his head, and whenever he did so, he had a word for me.“That man Smollett,” he said once, “is a better man than I am.And when I say that it means a deal, Jim.”Another time he came and was silent for a while.Then he put his head on one side, and looked at me.“Is this Ben Gunn a man?” he asked.“I do not know, sir,” said I.“I am not very sure whether he’s sane.”“If there’s any doubt about the matter, he is,” returned the doctor.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
From time to time / the doctor / came to the door / for a little air / and to rest his eyes, / which were almost smoked out / of his head,/ and whenever he did so, / he had a word / for me.
가끔씩 의사는 / 문 앞에 와서 / 환기를 하거나 / 눈을 쉬게 했어, / 그의 눈은 거의 / 연기에 타버린 것 같았거든, / 매번 그럴 때마다 / 그는 나에게 / 한마디 했어.
⦁ doctor: 의사 – The doctor examined me thoroughly. (의사가 나를 철저히 검사했다.) ⦁ rest: 쉬다 – I need to rest my eyes. (나는 눈을 쉬어야 돼.) -
“That man Smollett,” / he said once, / “is a better man than I am. / And when I say that / it means a deal, Jim.”
“그 사람 Smollett는, / 한 번은 그가 말했지, / 나보다 더 나은 사람이다. / 내가 언제 그런 말을 한다는 것은 / 엄청난 의미가 있지, Jim.”
⦁ better: 더 나은 – She is better at chess than me. (그녀는 나보다 체스를 더 잘해.) ⦁ means: 의미하다 – This word means “happy” in English. (이 단어는 영어로 “행복”을 의미한다.) -
Another time / he came and was silent / for a while. / Then he put his head / on one side, / and looked at me.
또 다른 때에는 / 그가 와서 / 잠시 동안 침묵했어. / 그러더니 그는 고개를 / 옆으로 기울였고, / 나를 바라봤어.
⦁ silent: 침묵한 – The room was completely silent. (방은 완전히 조용했다.) ⦁ while: 잠깐 – I waited for a while. (나는 잠시 동안 기다렸다.) -
“Is this Ben Gunn a man?” / he asked.
“이 Ben Gunn, / 사람이 맞나?” / 그가 물었어.
⦁ man: 사람 – He is a kind man. (그는 친절한 사람이다.) ⦁ asked: 물었다 – She asked me a question. (그녀는 나에게 질문을 했다.) -
“I do not know, sir,” / said I. / “I am not very sure / whether he’s sane.”
“모르겠어요, 선생님,” / 내가 말했어요. / “그가 제정신인지 / 잘 모르겠어요.”
⦁ know: 알다 – Do you know him? (그를 아세요?) ⦁ sane: 제정신의 – Is he still sane? (그는 아직도 제정신인가요?) -
“If there’s any doubt / about the matter, / he is,” / returned the doctor.
“만약 그 문제에 대해 / 의심이 있다면, / 그는 그런 셈이야,” / 의사는 답했어.
⦁ doubt: 의심 – I have no doubt about it. (거기에 대해 의심이 없다.) ⦁ matter: 문제 – It’s a matter of time. (그건 시간 문제야.)
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