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TREASURE ISLAND 027 XXSilver s Embassy 003

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

TREASURE ISLAND 027 – XXSilver’s Embassy – 003

These poor lads have chosen me cap’n, after your desertion, sir”—laying a particular emphasis upon the word “desertion.” “We’re willing to submit, if we can come to terms, and no bones about it.
All I ask is your word, Cap’n Smollett, to let me safe and sound out of this here stockade, and one minute to get out o’ shot before a gun is fired.”

“My man,” said Captain Smollett, “I have not the slightest desire to talk to you.
If you wish to talk to me, you can come, that’s all.
If there’s any treachery, it’ll be on your side, and the Lord help you.”

“That’s enough, Cap’n,” shouted Long John cheerily.
“A word from you’s enough.
I know a gentleman, and you may lay to that.”

We could see the man who carried the flag of truce attempting to hold Silver back.
Nor was that wonderful, seeing how cavalier had been the captain’s answer.
But Silver laughed at him aloud and slapped him on the back as if the idea of alarm had been absurd.
Then he advanced to the stockade, threw over his crutch, got a leg up, and with great vigour and skill succeeded in surmounting the fence and dropping safely to the other side.

I will confess that I was far too much taken up with what was going on to be of the slightest use as sentry; indeed, I had already deserted my eastern loophole and crept up behind the captain, who had now seated himself on the threshold, with his elbows on his knees, his head in his hands, and his eyes fixed on the water as it bubbled out of the old iron kettle in the sand.
He was whistling “Come, Lasses and Lads.”

Silver had terrible hard work getting up the knoll.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. These poor lads / have chosen me cap’n, / after your desertion, sir”—laying a particular emphasis / upon the word “desertion.”

    이 불쌍한 아이들은 / 저를 사령관으로 선택했습니다, / 당신의 탈영 후, 선생님”— “탈영”이라는 단어에 / 특별히 강세를 주며.

    ⦁chosen: 선택한
    – The committee has chosen a new leader. (위원회는 새 지도자를 선택했습니다.)

    ⦁desertion: 탈영
    – Desertion from the army is a serious offense. (군대에서 탈영하는 것은 중대한 범죄입니다.)

  2. We’re willing / to submit, / if we can come to terms, / and no bones about it.

    우리는 / 기꺼이 / 항복하겠습니다, / 우리가 협정할 수 있다면, / 거리낌 없이.

    ⦁submit: 항복하다
    – The rebels were forced to submit. (반란군은 항복할 수밖에 없었습니다.)

    ⦁terms: 협정 조건
    – They are negotiating the terms of the contract. (그들은 계약 조건을 협상 중입니다.)

  3. All I ask / is your word, Cap’n Smollett, / to let me safe and sound / out of this here stockade, / and one minute to get out o’ shot / before a gun is fired.”

    제가 바라는 것은 / 당신의 약속입니다, 스몰렛 선장님, / 저를 무사히 / 이 울타리에서 꺼내주셔서, / 총이 발사되기 / 1분 전에 밖으로 나가게 해주세요.”

    ⦁safe: 안전한
    – The safe arrival of the ship was announced. (배의 안전한 도착이 공지되었습니다.)

    ⦁stockade: 울타리
    – The prisoners were kept inside a stockade. (죄수들은 울타리 안에 갇혀 있었습니다.)

  4. My man,” said Captain Smollett, / “I have not the slightest desire / to talk to you.

    자네,” 스몰렛 선장이 말했습니다, / “나는 당신과 이야기할 / 조금의 욕망도 없다.

    If you wish / to talk to me, / you can come, / that’s all.

    당신이 원한다면 / 나에게 이야기하고 싶은, / 당신은 다가와도 된다, / 그게 전부다.

    ⦁desire: 욕망
    – She has a desire to travel the world. (그녀는 세계를 여행하고 싶어합니다.)

    ⦁slightest: 극히 적은
    – There is not the slightest chance of success. (성공할 가능성은 극히 적습니다.)

  5. If there’s any treachery, / it’ll be on your side, / and the Lord help you.

    만약 어떤 배신이라도 있다면, / 그것은 당신 쪽에서 있을 것이고, / 주님이 당신을 도와주시기를.

    ⦁treachery: 배신
    – The act of treachery shocked everyone. (그 배신 행위는 모두를 충격에 빠뜨렸다.)

    ⦁Lord: 주님
    – They prayed to the Lord for guidance. (그들은 주님의 지도를 위해 기도했습니다.)

  6. That’s enough, Cap’n,” / shouted Long John cheerily.

    그거면 충분한데요, 선장님,” / 롱 존이 쾌활하게 외쳤습니다.

    A word from you’s enough.

    당신의 말 한마디면 충분합니다.

    I know a gentleman, / and you may lay to that.

    나는 신사를 알고 있습니다, / 그리고 당신도 그렇게 믿으셔도 됩니다.

    ⦁cheerily: 쾌활하게
    – She greeted him cheerily. (그녀는 그를 쾌활하게 맞이했습니다.)

    ⦁gentleman: 신사
    – He behaves like a true gentleman. (그는 진정한 신사처럼 행동합니다.)

  7. We could see the man / who carried the flag of truce / attempting to hold Silver back.

    우리는 깃발을 든 남자가 / 휴전기 깃발을 든 / 실버를 막으려는 모습을 볼 수 있었습니다.

    Nor was that wonderful, / seeing how cavalier / had been the captain’s answer.

    그것이 놀라운 일도 아니었습니다, / 얼마나 무신경하게 / 선장의 대답이 있었는지를 보고 나니.

    ⦁truce: 휴전
    – They agreed to a truce to negotiate peace. (그들은 평화 협상을 위해 휴전에 합의했습니다.)

    ⦁cavalier: 무신경한
    – He has a cavalier attitude towards safety. (그는 안전에 대해 무신경한 태도를 가지고 있습니다.)

  8. But Silver laughed / at him aloud / and slapped him on the back / as if the idea of alarm had been absurd.

    그러나 실버는 크게 웃으며 / 그의 등짝을 때렸습니다 / 경고의 개념이 터무니없다는 듯이.

    Then he advanced / to the stockade, / threw over his crutch, / got a leg up, / and with great vigour and skill / succeeded in surmounting the fence / and dropping safely / to the other side.

    그 후 그는 울타리를 향해 / 다가가서 / 그의 목발을 던지고 / 한쪽 다리를 올리고, / 대단한 힘과 기술로 / 울타리를 넘는 데 성공하고 / 안전하게 / 다른 쪽으로 떨어졌습니다.

    ⦁absurd: 터무니없는
    – The idea was completely absurd. (그 생각은 완전히 터무니없었습니다.)

    ⦁surmount: 넘다
    – They managed to surmount the obstacle. (그들은 장애물을 넘는 데 성공했습니다.)

  9. I will confess / that I was far too much taken up / with what was going on / to be of the slightest use / as sentry;

    저는 고백해야겠습니다 / 제가 너무 몰두하고 있어서 / 진행 중인 일들에 / 초병으로서 조금도 쓸모가 없다는 것을;

    indeed, / I had already deserted / my eastern loophole / and crept up behind the captain, / who had now seated himself / on the threshold, / with his elbows on his knees, / his head in his hands, / and his eyes fixed on the water / as it bubbled out of the old iron kettle in the sand.

    사실, / 저는 이미 저의 동쪽 총안에서 / 벗어나 / 선장의 뒤로 기어 올라왔고, / 그는 이제 문턱에 앉아, / 팔꿈치를 무릎에 얹고, / 손에 머리를 붙이고, / 물이 모래 속에서 솟아오르는 / 낡은 철 주전자에서 / 물이 끓는 것을 바라보고 있었습니다.

    ⦁confess: 고백하다
    – He confessed to the crime. (그는 범죄를 고백했습니다.)

    ⦁sentry: 초병
    – The sentry was on duty all night. (초병은 밤새도록 근무했습니다.)

  10. He was whistling “Come, Lasses and Lads.”

    그는 “Come, Lasses and Lads”를 휘파람으로 불고 있었습니다.

    Silver had terrible hard work / getting up the knoll.

    실버는 / 언덕을 오르는 데 / 엄청나게 힘들었습니다.

    ⦁whistling: 휘파람을 불다
    – He started whistling a happy tune. (그는 행복한 멜로디를 휘파람으로 불기 시작했습니다.)

    ⦁knoll: 작은 언덕
    – The house is built on a knoll overlooking the sea. (그 집은 바다를 내려다보는 작은 언덕 위에 지어졌습니다.)

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