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TREASURE ISLAND 028 – XXIThe Attack – 008
“At ’em, all hands—all hands!” he roared in a voice of thunder.At the same moment, another pirate grasped Hunter’s musket by the muzzle, wrenched it from his hands, plucked it through the loophole, and with one stunning blow, laid the poor fellow senseless on the floor.Meanwhile a third, running unharmed all around the house, appeared suddenly in the doorway and fell with his cutlass on the doctor.Our position was utterly reversed.A moment since we were firing, under cover, at an exposed enemy; now it was we who lay uncovered and could not return a blow.The log-house was full of smoke, to which we owed our comparative safety.Cries and confusion, the flashes and reports of pistol-shots, and one loud groan rang in my ears.“Out, lads, out, and fight ’em in the open! Cutlasses!” cried the captain.I snatched a cutlass from the pile, and someone, at the same time snatching another, gave me a cut across the knuckles which I hardly felt.I dashed out of the door into the clear sunlight.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
At ’em, all hands—all hands! / he roared / in a voice / of thunder.
모두 공격해, 모두! / 그는 천둥소리 같은 목소리로 고함쳤다.
⦁ roared: 포효했다 – The lion roared loudly. (사자가 크게 포효했다.) ⦁ thunder: 천둥 – The sound of thunder echoed in the valley. (천둥 소리가 계곡에 울려 퍼졌다.) -
At the same moment, / another pirate grasped / Hunter’s musket / by the muzzle, / wrenched it / from his hands, / plucked it / through the loophole, / and with one stunning blow, / laid the poor fellow / senseless / on the floor.
같은 순간, / 다른 해적이 / 헌터의 머스킷 총구를 잡고 / 그의 손에서 비틀어 빼앗은 후 / 그 구멍을 통해 / 한 번의 충격적인 타격으로 / 불쌍한 녀석을 / 의식을 잃게 만든 뒤 / 바닥에 쓰러뜨렸다.
⦁ grasped: 붙잡았다 – He grasped the rope firmly. (그는 밧줄을 단단히 붙잡았다.) ⦁ muzzle: 총구 – The hunter pointed the muzzle at the target. (사냥꾼이 목표물을 향해 총구를 겨눴다.) -
Meanwhile / a third, / running unharmed / all around the house, / appeared suddenly / in the doorway / and fell / with his cutlass / on the doctor.
한편, / 세 번째 해적이 / 아무 피해 없이 / 집 주변을 뛰어다니다가 / 갑자기 문간에 나타나 / 칼로 / 의사에게 달려들었다.
⦁ unharmed: 무사한 – The child was found unharmed. (아이는 무사히 발견되었다.) ⦁ doorway: 문간 – He stood in the doorway, waiting. (그는 문간에 서서 기다리고 있었다.) -
Our position / was utterly reversed.A moment since / we were firing, / under cover, / at an exposed enemy; / now it was / we who lay / uncovered / and could not return / a blow.
우리의 위치가 / 완전히 뒤집혔다.잠시 전만 해도 / 우리는 쏘고 있었다, / 엄폐물 뒤에서, / 노출된 적에게; / 이제는 / 우리가 / 덮여있지 않은 상태로 / 누워 / 반격할 수 없었다.
⦁ position: 위치 – Our position was compromised. (우리의 위치가 노출되었다.) ⦁ reversed: 뒤집힌 – The situation was completely reversed. (상황이 완전히 뒤집혔다.) -
The log-house / was full of smoke, / to which / we owed / our comparative safety.
통나무 집은 / 연기로 가득 차 있었고, / 그 덕분에 / 우리는 / 상대적인 안전을 / 유지할 수 있었다.
⦁ smoke: 연기 – The room filled with smoke. (방이 연기로 가득 찼다.) ⦁ safety: 안전 – Your safety is our priority. (당신의 안전이 우리의 최우선입니다.) -
Cries and confusion, / the flashes and reports / of pistol-shots, / and one loud groan / rang / in my ears.
비명과 혼란, / 피스톨 발사로 인한 섬광과 소리, / 그리고 하나의 큰 신음이 / 내 귀에 / 울렸다.
⦁ cries: 비명 – The cries of children were heard. (아이들의 비명이 들렸다.) ⦁ confusion: 혼란 – There was confusion in the room. (방 안에 혼란이 있었다.) -
Out, lads, / out, and fight ’em / in the open! / Cutlasses!” / cried the captain.
나가라, 친구들, / 나가서 싸워라 / 열린 곳에서! / 칼을 쥐어라!” / 선장 이 외쳤다.
⦁ fight: 싸우다 – They fought bravely. (그들은 용감히 싸웠다.) ⦁ open: 열린 곳 – They met in the open field. (그들은 열린 들판에서 만났다.) -
I snatched / a cutlass / from the pile, / and someone, / at the same time, / snatching another, / gave me / a cut / across the knuckles / which I hardly felt.I dashed / out of the door / into the clear sunlight.
나는 / 칼을 / 무더기에서 / 집어 들었고, / 동시에 / 다른 사람이 / 다른 칼을 잡아챘고, / 나에게 / 손가락 마디에 / 상처를 주었는데 / 나는 거의 느끼지 못했다.나는 / 문 밖으로 달려나가 / 맑은 햇빛 속으로 뛰쳐나갔다.
⦁ snatched: 잡아챘다 – The thief snatched the bag. (도둑이 가방을 잡아챘다.) ⦁ sunlight: 햇빛 – He basked in the sunlight. (그는 햇빛을 쬐었다.)
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