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TREASURE ISLAND 030 – XXIIHow I Began My Sea Adventure – 003
Gray and I were sitting together at the far end of the block house, to be out of earshot of our officers consulting; and Gray took his pipe out of his mouth and fairly forgot to put it back again, so thunder-struck he was at this occurrence.“Why, in the name of Davy Jones,” said he, “is Dr.Livesey mad?”“Why no,” says I.“He’s about the last of this crew for that, I take it.”“Well, shipmate,” said Gray, “mad he may not be; but if he’s not, you mark my words, I am.”“I take it,” replied I, “the doctor has his idea; and if I am right, he’s going now to see Ben Gunn.”I was right, as appeared later; but in the meantime, the house being stifling hot and the little patch of sand inside the palisade ablaze with midday sun, I began to get another thought into my head, which was not by any means so right.What I began to do was to envy the doctor walking in the cool shadow of the woods with the birds about him and the pleasant smell of the pines, while I sat grilling, with my clothes stuck to the hot resin, and so much blood about me and so many poor dead bodies lying all around that I took a disgust of the place that was almost as strong as fear.All the time I was washing out the block house, and then washing up the things from dinner, this disgust and envy kept growing stronger and stronger, till at last, being near a bread-bag, and no one then observing me, I took the first step towards my escapade and filled both pockets of my coat with biscuit.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Gray and I /were sitting together /at the far end of the block house, /to be /out of earshot /of our officers consulting; /and Gray took his pipe out of his mouth /and fairly forgot to put it back again, /so thunder-struck he was /at this occurrence.
Gray와 나는 /최대한 멀리 앉아있었다 /우리 장교들이 회의하는 동안 /귀에 들리지 않게 /Gray는 그의 파이프를 입에서 뺐지만 /다시 넣는 것을 완전히 잊은 것처럼 /이 사건에 충격을 받았다
“Why, in the name /of Davy Jones,” /said he, /“is Dr. Livesey /mad?”
“왜, Davy Jones의 이름으로,” /그가 말했다 /“Dr. Livesey가 미쳤나?”
“Why no,” /says I. /“He’s about /the last of this crew /for that, I take it.”
“아니야,” /내가 말했다. /“그는 /이 선원 중에서 /가장 마지막 사람이야, /내가 보기엔.”
“Well, shipmate,” /said Gray, /“mad he may not be; /but if he’s not, /you mark my words, /I am.”
“글쎄, 동료,” /Gray가 말했다 /“그가 미치지 않았을지도 몰라; /하지만 그렇지 않다면, /내 말을 명심해, /내가 미친 거야.”
“I take it,” replied I, /“the doctor has his idea; /and if I am right, /he’s going now /to see Ben Gunn.”
“내 생각엔,” /내가 대답했다, /“의사 선생님은 그의 생각이 있어; /그리고 내가 맞다면, /그는 지금 Ben Gunn을 보러 가고 있어.”
I was right, /as appeared later; /but in the meantime, /the house being stifling hot /and the little patch of sand inside the palisade /ablaze with midday sun, /I began to get another thought /into my head, /which was not /by any means /so right.
내가 맞았다는 것은 /나중에 나타났지만; /하지만 그 동안에, /집은 숨 막히게 더웠고 /울타리 안의 작은 모래밭은 /한낮의 햇볕에 타오르고 있었고, /나는 다른 생각이 들기 시작했다 /내 머릿속에, /그것은 /결코 /맞는 생각이 아니었다.
What I began to do /was to envy the doctor /walking in the cool shadow of the woods /with the birds about him /and the pleasant smell of the pines, /while I sat grilling, /with my clothes stuck to the hot resin, /and so much blood about me /and so many poor dead bodies lying all around /that I took a disgust of the place /that was almost as strong as fear.
내가 시작한 일은 /의사를 부러워하는 것이었다 /숲의 서늘한 그늘에서 걷고 있는 /그의 주변엔 새들이 있고 /소나무의 기분 좋은 냄새가 나는, /내가 앉아 있는 동안 /뜨거운 수지에 옷이 달라붙어, /내 주변엔 너무 많은 피가 있고 /매우 많은 불쌍한 시체가 여기저기 누워 있어서 /나는 그 장소에 대한 혐오감을 느꼈다 /거의 두려움만큼 강한.
All the time I was washing out /the block house, /and then washing up the things from dinner, /this disgust and envy kept growing stronger and stronger, /till at last, /being near a bread-bag, /and no one then observing me, /I took the first step /towards my escapade /and filled both pockets of my coat /with biscuit.
내내 나는 씻고 있었다 /블록 하우스를 /그리고 저녁 식사 후 물건들을 씻고, /이 혐오감과 질투가 점점 강해져 갔다, /마침내 /빵 가방 근처에 있고, /아무도 나를 보고 있지 않은 상태라서, /나는 첫 번째 단계를 밟았다 /탈출을 향한 /그리고 내 코트의 양쪽 주머니를 채웠다 /비스킷으로.
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