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TREASURE ISLAND 030 XXIIHow I Began My Sea Adventure 004

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

TREASURE ISLAND 030 – XXIIHow I Began My Sea Adventure – 004

I was a fool, if you like, and certainly I was going to do a foolish, over-bold act; but I was determined to do it with all the precautions in my power.
These biscuits, should anything befall me, would keep me, at least, from starving till far on in the next day.

The next thing I laid hold of was a brace of pistols, and as I already had a powder-horn and bullets, I felt myself well supplied with arms.

As for the scheme I had in my head, it was not a bad one in itself.
I was to go down the sandy spit that divides the anchorage on the east from the open sea, find the white rock I had observed last evening, and ascertain whether it was there or not that Ben Gunn had hidden his boat, a thing quite worth doing, as I still believe.
But as I was certain I should not be allowed to leave the enclosure, my only plan was to take French leave and slip out when nobody was watching, and that was so bad a way of doing it as made the thing itself wrong.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. I was a fool, / if you like, / and certainly / I was going to do / a foolish, over-bold act; / but I was determined / to do it / with all the precautions / in my power.

    난 바보였어, / 그렇다고 한다면, / 그리고 확실히 / 난 하려고 했어 / 어리석고, 과감한 행동을; / 하지만 나는 결심했어 / 그것을 하기로 / 모든 예방책을 써서 / 내가 할 수 있는.

  2. ⦁ fool: 바보
    – I was a fool to trust him. (그를 믿은 내가 바보였어.)

    ⦁ precautions: 예방책
    – We took all the necessary precautions. (우리는 필요한 모든 예방책을 취했다.)

  3. These biscuits, / should anything befall me, / would keep me, / at least, / from starving / till far on / in the next day.

    이 비스킷은, / 만약 나에게 무슨 일이 생긴다면, / 나를 유지할 것이야, / 적어도, / 굶주리지 않게 / 다음 날 / 멀리까지.

  4. ⦁ biscuits: 비스킷
    – He offered me some biscuits. (그는 나에게 비스킷을 권했다.)

    ⦁ befall: 발생하다
    – Whatever may befall, I will be brave. (무슨 일이 일어나더라도, 나는 용감할 것이다.)

  5. The next thing / I laid hold of / was a brace of pistols, / and as I already had / a powder-horn / and bullets, / I felt myself / well supplied with arms.

    다음으로 / 내가 붙잡은 것은 / 권총 한 쌍이었고, / 이미 나는 가지고 있었기 때문에 / 화약통 / 그리고 총알을, / 나는 느꼈다 / 무기로 잘 무장된.

  6. ⦁ pistols: 권총
    – He carried two pistols. (그는 권총 두 자루를 가지고 있었다.)

    ⦁ supplied: 공급된
    – The troops were well supplied with food. (군대는 음식이 잘 공급되었다.)

  7. As for the scheme / I had in my head, / it was not a bad one / in itself.

    내 머릿속에 있는 계획은, / 그것은 나쁜 것이 아니었다 / 그 자체로는.

  8. I was to go down / the sandy spit / that divides the anchorage / on the east / from the open sea, / find the white rock / I had observed last evening, / and ascertain / whether it was there / or not / that Ben Gunn had hidden his boat, / a thing quite worth doing, / as I still believe.

    나는 내려가야 했다 / 모래톱을 / 그 닻을 내린 장소를 나누는 / 동쪽의 / 열린 바다로부터, / 흰색 바위를 찾아 / 내가 어젯밤에 관찰했던, / 그리고 확인하다 / 그것이 그곳에 있는지 / 아닌지를 / 벤 건이 그의 배를 숨겼던, / 충분히 할 가치가 있는 일, / 나는 여전히 믿는다.

  9. But as I was certain / I should not be allowed / to leave the enclosure, / my only plan / was to take French leave / and slip out / when nobody was watching, / and that was so bad a way / of doing it / as made the thing itself wrong.

    하지만 나는 확신했다 / 내가 허락되지 않을 것이라고 / 울타리를 벗어나도록, / 나의 유일한 계획은 / 몰래 빠져나가는 것이었다 / 아무도 보고 있지 않을 때, / 그리고 그것은 매우 나쁜 방법이었다 / 그것을 하는 / 그 자체로 일을 잘못되게 만드는.

  10. ⦁ scheme: 계획
    – The scheme was well thought out. (계획은 잘 생각되어졌다.)

    ⦁ ascertain: 확인하다
    – We need to ascertain the facts. (우리는 사실을 확인할 필요가 있다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)