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TREASURE ISLAND 031 XXIIIThe Ebb tide Runs 004

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TREASURE ISLAND 031 – XXIIIThe Ebb-tide Runs – 004

But they were not only tipsy; it was plain that they were furiously angry.
Oaths flew like hailstones, and every now and then there came forth such an explosion as I thought was sure to end in blows.
But each time the quarrel passed off and the voices grumbled lower for a while, until the next crisis came and in its turn passed away without result.

On shore, I could see the glow of the great camp-fire burning warmly through the shore-side trees.
Someone was singing, a dull, old, droning sailor’s song, with a droop and a quaver at the end of every verse, and seemingly no end to it at all but the patience of the singer.
I had heard it on the voyage more than once and remembered these words:

“But one man of her crew alive, What put to sea with seventy-five.”

And I thought it was a ditty rather too dolefully appropriate for a company that had met such cruel losses in the morning.
But, indeed, from what I saw, all these buccaneers were as callous as the sea they sailed on.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. But they were not only tipsy; / it was plain / that they were furiously angry.

    하지만 그들은 단지 취했을 뿐만 아니라; / 그들이 몹시 화가 난 것도 분명했다.

  2. ⦁ tipsy: 약간 취한
    – He felt tipsy after a few drinks. (그는 몇 잔 마신 후에 약간 취한 느낌이었다.)

    ⦁ furiously: 격렬하게
    – She spoke furiously to the man. (그녀는 그 남자에게 격렬하게 말했다.)

  3. Oaths flew like hailstones, / and every now and then / there came forth / such an explosion / as I thought / was sure to end in blows.

    욕설은 우박처럼 날아다녔고, / 가끔 / 그런 폭발이 일어났다 / 내가 생각하기에 / 반드시 주먹질로 끝날 것 같은.

  4. ⦁ oaths: 욕설
    – He shouted oaths at the driver. (그는 운전사에게 욕설을 퍼부었다.)

    ⦁ explosion: 폭발
    – The gas leak caused an explosion. (가스 누출이 폭발을 일으켰다.)

  5. But each time / the quarrel passed off / and the voices grumbled lower / for a while, / until the next crisis came / and in its turn / passed away without result.

    하지만 매번 / 싸움은 지나가고 / 목소리는 잠시 동안 낮아졌으며, / 다음 위기가 올 때까지 / 그리고 다시 / 결과 없이 사라졌다.

  6. ⦁ quarrel: 싸움
    – They had a bitter quarrel. (그들은 심한 싸움을 했다.)

    ⦁ crisis: 위기
    – The company faced a financial crisis. (그 회사는 금융 위기를 맞았다.)

  7. On shore, / I could see the glow of the great camp-fire / burning warmly / through the shore-side trees. /

    해안에서, / 나는 커다란 캠프파이어의 빛이 / 따뜻하게 불타오르는 것을 볼 수 있었다 / 해안가 나무들 사이로.

  8. ⦁ shore: 해안
    – We walked along the shore. (우리는 해안을 따라 걸었다.)

    ⦁ glow: 빛
    – The fire’s glow lit up the night. (불빛이 밤을 밝혀주었다.)

  9. Someone was singing, / a dull, old, droning sailor’s song, / with a droop and a quaver / at the end of every verse, / and seemingly / no end to it / at all / but the patience of the singer.

    누군가가 노래를 부르고 있었다, / 깊고, 오래된, 단조로운 선원의 노래를, / 매 구절 끝에 / 처지고 떨림 있는, / 그리고 / 끝이 없어 보이는 / 오직 가수의 인내심 이외에는.

  10. ⦁ droning: 단조로운
    – His droning voice made me sleepy. (그의 단조로운 목소리가 나를 졸리게 만들었다.)

    ⦁ patience: 인내심
    – Her patience was tested by the delays. (지연 때문에 그녀의 인내심이 시험받았다.)

  11. I had heard it on the voyage / more than once / and remembered these words: /

    나는 항해 중에 그것을 여러 번 들었고 / 이 단어들을 기억했다:

  12. ⦁ voyage: 항해
    – Their voyage across the ocean took months. (그들의 대서양 횡단 항해는 몇 달이 걸렸다.)

    ⦁ remember: 기억하다
    – I remember her face well. (나는 그녀의 얼굴을 잘 기억하고 있다.)

  13. “But one man of her crew alive, / What put to sea with seventy-five.”

    “그의 승무원 중 단 한 사람만이 살아남아, / 75명과 함께 바다로 나갔다.”

  14. ⦁ crew: 승무원
    – The crew prepared the ship for departure. (승무원들은 출항 준비를 했다.)

    ⦁ alive: 살아있는
    – We were lucky to be alive. (우리는 살아남아 운이 좋았다.)

  15. And I thought / it was a ditty / rather too dolefully appropriate / for a company / that had met / such cruel losses / in the morning.

    나는 / 그것이 노래라고 생각했다 / 다소 너무 슬프게 적절한 / 한 무리에게 / 그들이 만났던 / 그러한 잔혹한 손실을 / 아침에.

  16. ⦁ ditty: 단순한 노래
    – She hummed a little ditty. (그녀는 작은 노래를 흥얼거렸다.)

    ⦁ cruel: 잔혹한
    – He was known for his cruel behavior. (그는 잔혹한 행동으로 유명했다.)

  17. But, indeed, / from what I saw, / all these buccaneers / were as callous / as the sea / they sailed on.

    하지만, 정말로, / 내가 본 바에 따르면, / 이 모든 해적들은 / 착하지 않았다 / 그들이 항해했던 / 바다처럼.

  18. ⦁ buccaneers: 해적
    – Legends tell of daring buccaneers. (전설은 대담한 해적들에 대해 이야기한다.)

    ⦁ callous: 착하지 않은
    – His callous attitude shocked everyone. (그의 무정한 태도는 모두를 충격에 빠지게 했다.)

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