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TREASURE ISLAND 031 XXIIIThe Ebb tide Runs 005

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

TREASURE ISLAND 031 – XXIIIThe Ebb-tide Runs – 005

At last the breeze came; the schooner sidled and drew nearer in the dark; I felt the hawser slacken once more, and with a good, tough effort, cut the last fibres through.

The breeze had but little action on the coracle, and I was almost instantly swept against the bows of the Hispaniola.
At the same time, the schooner began to turn upon her heel, spinning slowly, end for end, across the current.

I wrought like a fiend, for I expected every moment to be swamped; and since I found I could not push the coracle directly off, I now shoved straight astern.
At length I was clear of my dangerous neighbour, and just as I gave the last impulsion, my hands came across a light cord that was trailing overboard across the stern bulwarks.
Instantly I grasped it.

Why I should have done so I can hardly say.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. At last / the breeze came; / the schooner sidled / and drew nearer / in the dark; / I felt / the hawser slacken / once more, / and with a good, tough effort, / cut the last fibres through.

    마침내 / 바람이 불어왔습니다; / 스쿠너가 슬그머니 움직여 / 어둠 속에서 가까워졌습니다; / 나는 느꼈습니다 / 밧줄이 느슨해지는 것을 / 다시 한번, / 그리곤 큰, 힘찬 노력을 기울여, / 마지막 섬유를 잘랐습니다.

  2. ⦁ breeze: 바람
    – The morning breeze was cool and refreshing. (아침 바람이 시원하고 상쾌했다.)

    ⦁ hawser: 밧줄
    – The heavy hawser was used to moor the ship. (무거운 밧줄은 배를 정박시키는 데 사용됐다.)

  3. The breeze / had but little action / on the coracle, / and I was / almost instantly swept / against the bows / of the Hispaniola.

    그 바람이 / 작은 배에 거의 영향을 주지 않았습니다, / 그리고 나는 / 거의 즉시 휩쓸려 / 히스파니올라의 / 선수에 부딪혔습니다.

  4. ⦁ action: 영향
    – The action of the wind can erode the rocks. (바람의 작용은 바위를 침식시킬 수 있다.)

    ⦁ sweep: 휩쓸다
    – The floodwaters swept away everything in its path. (홍수는 길을 따라 모든 것을 휩쓸어갔다.)

  5. At the same time, / the schooner began to turn / upon her heel, / spinning slowly, / end for end, / across the current.

    동시에, / 스쿠너는 회전하기 시작했습니다 / 그녀의 중심축을 중심으로, / 천천히 회전하며, / 머리와 꼬리를 바꾸면서, / 흐름을 가로질렀습니다.

  6. ⦁ turn: 회전하다
    – He turned the knob to open the door. (그는 문을 열기 위해 손잡이를 돌렸다.)

    ⦁ current: 흐름
    – The current in the river was very strong. (강의 물살이 매우 강했다.)

  7. I wrought like a fiend, / for I expected / every moment / to be swamped; / and since I found / I could not push / the coracle directly off, / I now shoved / straight astern.

    나는 악마처럼 일했습니다, / 왜냐하면 예상했기 때문에 / 매 순간 / 물에 잠길 것을; / 그리고 나는 알았기 때문에 / 작은 배를 직접 밀어내는 것이 불가능했습니다, / 지금 나는 밀었습니다 / 곧장 뒤로.

  8. ⦁ wrought: 애썼다
    – The artist wrought a beautiful sculpture from the marble. (그 예술가는 대리석에서 아름다운 조각품을 조각했다.)

    ⦁ shove: 밀다
    – He shoved the heavy boxes out of the way. (그는 무거운 상자들을 밀어내었다.)

  9. At length, / I was clear / of my dangerous neighbour, / and just as / I gave the last impulsion, / my hands came across / a light cord / that was trailing overboard / across the stern bulwarks.

    마침내, / 나는 벗어났습니다 / 위험한 이웃으로부터, / 그리고 마치 / 마지막 밀침을 준 것처럼, / 나는 발견했습니다 / 가벼운 밧줄을 / 그것이 배 밖으로 끌려 가고 있었으며 / 선미 방벽을 가로질러.

  10. ⦁ length: 길이
    – The length of the bridge is 500 meters. (다리의 길이는 500미터다.)

    ⦁ stern: 선미
    – The stern of the boat was badly damaged in the storm. (보트의 선미가 폭풍 속에서 심하게 손상되었다.)

  11. Instantly / I grasped it. Why / I should have done so / I can hardly say.

    즉시 / 내가 그것을 잡았습니다. 왜 / 내가 그랬는지 / 나는 잘 모르겠습니다.

  12. ⦁ instantly: 즉시
    – He instantly recognized the old photograph. (그는 오래된 사진을 즉시 알아보았다.)

    ⦁ grasp: 잡다
    – The child grasped her mother’s hand tightly. (아이가 엄마의 손을 꽉 잡았다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)