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TREASURE ISLAND 032 – XXIVThe Cruise of the Coracle – 005
It was very tiring and slow work, yet I did visibly gain ground; and as we drew near the Cape of the Woods, though I saw I must infallibly miss that point, I had still made some hundred yards of easting.I was, indeed, close in.I could see the cool green tree-tops swaying together in the breeze, and I felt sure I should make the next promontory without fail.It was high time, for I now began to be tortured with thirst.The glow of the sun from above, its thousandfold reflection from the waves, the sea-water that fell and dried upon me, caking my very lips with salt, combined to make my throat burn and my brain ache.The sight of the trees so near at hand had almost made me sick with longing, but the current had soon carried me past the point, and as the next reach of sea opened out, I beheld a sight that changed the nature of my thoughts.Right in front of me, not half a mile away, I beheld the Hispaniola under sail.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
It was very tiring and slow work, / yet I did visibly gain ground; / and as we drew near the Cape of the Woods, / though I saw I must infallibly miss that point, / I had still made some hundred yards of easting.
그 일은 매우 피곤하고 느린 작업이었지만, 분명히 진전을 보였고, 우리는 Cape of the Woods에 가까워졌습니다. 그 지점을 놓칠 것을 알았지만, 수백 야드를 동쪽으로 나아갔습니다.
I was, indeed, close in.
나는, 실제로, 근처에 있었다.
I could see the cool green tree-tops / swaying together in the breeze, / and I felt sure / I should make the next promontory / without fail.
나는 시원한 초록색 나무 꼭대기들이 바람에 흔들리는 것을 볼 수 있었고, 나는 반드시 다음 곶에 도착할 것이라고 확신했습니다.
It was high time, / for I now began to be tortured with thirst.
The glow of the sun from above, / its thousandfold reflection from the waves, / the sea-water that fell and dried upon me, / caking my very lips with salt, / combined to make my throat burn and my brain ache.
이제 마침내 갈증으로 고통받기 시작할 때였습니다. 위에서 내리쬐는 태양의 빛, 파도로부터의 수천 번의 반사, 나에게 닿아 마르며 소금을 남긴 바닷물이 목을 타오르게 하고 뇌를 아프게 만들었습니다.
The sight of the trees / so near at hand / had almost made me sick with longing, / but the current had soon carried me past the point, / and as the next reach of sea opened out, / I beheld a sight / that changed the nature of my thoughts.
가까이에 있는 나무들을 보는 것은 내게 거의 그리움으로 아프게 했지만, 해류가 곧 나를 그 지점을 지나게 했고, 다음 바다 구간이 열리면서 나는 내 생각의 본질을 바꾼 광경을 보았습니다.
Right in front of me, / not half a mile away, / I beheld the Hispaniola under sail.
바로 내 앞에, 반 마일도 되지 않는 거리에서, 나는 돛을 내린 히스파니올라 호를 보았습니다.
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