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TREASURE ISLAND 033 – XXVI Strike the Jolly Roger – 004
The floor was thick with mud where ruffians had sat down to drink or consult after wading in the marshes round their camp.The bulkheads, all painted in clear white and beaded round with gilt, bore a pattern of dirty hands.Dozens of empty bottles clinked together in corners to the rolling of the ship.One of the doctor’s medical books lay open on the table, half of the leaves gutted out, I suppose, for pipelights.In the midst of all this the lamp still cast a smoky glow, obscure and brown as umber.I went into the cellar; all the barrels were gone, and of the bottles a most surprising number had been drunk out and thrown away.Certainly, since the mutiny began, not a man of them could ever have been sober.Foraging about, I found a bottle with some brandy left, for Hands; and for myself I routed out some biscuit, some pickled fruits, a great bunch of raisins, and a piece of cheese.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The floor / was thick with mud / where ruffians had sat down / to drink or consult / after wading in the marshes / round their camp.
바닥은 진흙으로 두껍게 덮여 있었고, 캠프 주위의 갯벌을 건넌 후, 악당들이 앉아 술을 마시거나 논의하던 곳이었다.
The bulkheads, / all painted in clear white / and beaded round with gilt, / bore a pattern / of dirty hands.
선벽들은 모두 깨끗한 하얀색으로 칠해져 있었고, 금으로 윤곽이 그려져 있었으며, 더러운 손자국이 남아 있었다.
Dozens of empty bottles / clinked together / in corners / to the rolling of the ship.
수십 개의 빈 병이 배가 흔들릴 때마다 구석에서 서로 부딪히며 소리를 냈다.
One of the doctor’s medical books / lay open / on the table, / half of the leaves / gutted out, / I suppose, / for pipelights.
의사의 의학서적 중 하나가 테이블 위에 펼쳐져 있었고, 페이지의 반은 파이프 라이트용으로 찢겨져 있었다고 생각했다.
In the midst / of all this / the lamp still cast / a smoky glow, / obscure and brown / as umber.
이 모든 것의 한가운데에서 램프는 여전히 희미하고 갈색빛의 연기를 뿜어내고 있었다.
I went into the cellar; / all the barrels were gone, / and of the bottles / a most surprising number / had been drunk out / and thrown away.
나는 지하실로 갔는데, 모든 통들은 사라졌고, 병 중 상당히 많은 수가 마셔서 버려져 있었다.
Certainly, / since the mutiny began, / not a man of them / could ever have been sober.
확실히, 반란이 시작된 이후, 그들 중 단 한 명도 술에 취하지 않은 적이 없었다.
Foraging about, / I found a bottle / with some brandy left, / for Hands; / and for myself / I routed out some biscuit, / some pickled fruits, / a great bunch of raisins, / and a piece of cheese.
이리저리 뒤지다가, 한스에게 줄 조금 남은 브랜디 한 병을 찾았고, 나는 비스킷, 절인 과일 몇 개, 큰 건포도 다발, 그리고 치즈 한 조각을 찾아냈다.
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