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TREASURE ISLAND 033 – XXVI Strike the Jolly Roger – 009
The breeze served us admirably.We skimmed before it like a bird, the coast of the island flashing by and the view changing every minute.Soon we were past the high lands and bowling beside low, sandy country, sparsely dotted with dwarf pines, and soon we were beyond that again and had turned the corner of the rocky hill that ends the island on the north.I was greatly elated with my new command, and pleased with the bright, sunshiny weather and these different prospects of the coast.I had now plenty of water and good things to eat, and my conscience, which had smitten me hard for my desertion, was quieted by the great conquest I had made.I should, I think, have had nothing left me to desire but for the eyes of the coxswain as they followed me derisively about the deck and the odd smile that appeared continually on his face.It was a smile that had in it something both of pain and weakness—a haggard old man’s smile; but there was, besides that, a grain of derision, a shadow of treachery, in his expression as he craftily watched, and watched, and watched me at my work..
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The breeze / served us / admirably.
미풍은 우리를 완벽하게 도와주었다.
We skimmed / before it / like a bird, / the coast of the island / flashing by / and the view / changing / every minute.
우리는 새처럼 그것을 앞질러 섰고, 섬의 해안선이 빠르게 지나갔으며, 경치는 매 분마다 변했다.
Soon we were / past the high lands / and bowling beside / low, sandy country, / sparsely dotted / with dwarf pines, / and soon we were / beyond that again / and had turned the corner / of the rocky hill / that ends the island / on the north.
곧 우리는 높은 언덕을 지나 모래로 된 낮은 지형을 따라갔고, 여기저기 드문드문 산소나무가 점재했다. 곧 우리는 그 지역을 지나 북쪽에서 섬이 끝나는 바위 언덕의 모퉁이를 돌았다.
I was / greatly elated / with my new command, / and pleased / with the bright, sunshiny weather / and these different prospects / of the coast.
나는 새로운 지시에 크게 기뻐했고, 맑은 햇살과 해안의 다른 전망에 만족했다.
I had now / plenty of water / and good things to eat, / and my conscience, / which had smitten me hard / for my desertion, / was quieted / by the great conquest / I had made.
나는 이제 충분한 물과 좋은 음식이 있었고, 나의 탈출로 인해 나를 크게 괴롭혔던 양심은 내가 이룬 큰 정복으로 잠잠해졌다.
I should, / I think, / have had nothing left me / to desire / but for the eyes of the coxswain / as they followed me derisively / about the deck / and the odd smile / that appeared continually / on his face.
아마도 나는 갑판 주위를 비웃으며 따라다니는 조타수의 눈과 그의 얼굴에 계속해서 나타나는 이상한 미소를 제외하고는 더 바랄 것이 없었을 것이다.
It was a smile / that had in it / something both / of pain and weakness—a haggard old man’s smile; / but there was, / besides that, / a grain of derision, / a shadow of treachery, / in his expression / as he craftily watched, / and watched, / and watched me / at my work.
그것은 고통과 약함이 섞여 있는 초췌한 노인의 미소였지만, 그 외에도 그의 표정에는 비웃음의 기미와 배신의 그림자가 있었다. 그는 교활하게 지켜보면서 나를 감시하고 또 감시했다.
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