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TREASURE ISLAND 034 XXVIIsrael Hands 003

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TREASURE ISLAND 034 – XXVIIsrael Hands – 003

I’ll chance it with the sperrits, Jim.
And now, you’ve spoke up free, and I’ll take it kind if you’d step down into that there cabin and get me a—well, a—shiver my timbers! I can’t hit the name on ’t; well, you get me a bottle of wine, Jim—this here brandy’s too strong for my head.”

Now, the coxswain’s hesitation seemed to be unnatural, and as for the notion of his preferring wine to brandy, I entirely disbelieved it.
The whole story was a pretext.
He wanted me to leave the deck—so much was plain; but with what purpose I could in no way imagine.
His eyes never met mine; they kept wandering to and fro, up and down, now with a look to the sky, now with a flitting glance upon the dead O’Brien.
All the time he kept smiling and putting his tongue out in the most guilty, embarrassed manner, so that a child could have told that he was bent on some deception.
I was prompt with my answer, however, for I saw where my advantage lay and that with a fellow so densely stupid I could easily conceal my suspicions to the end.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. I’ll chance it /with the sperrits, Jim.

    난 술로 모험을 걸어볼게, 짐.

  2. ⦁ chance: (기회를 잡다, 모험하다)
    – She decided to chance driving in the snow. (그녀는 눈 속에서 운전을 해보기로 했다.)

    ⦁ sperrits: (영혼, 정신, 술)
    – He tried to lift his spirits with a glass of wine. (그는 와인 한 잔으로 기분을 달래보려고 했다.)

  3. And now, / you’ve spoke up free, / and I’ll take it kind / if you’d step down / into that there cabin / and get me a—/ well, a—/ shiver my timbers! / I can’t hit the name on ’t; / well, you get me / a bottle of wine, / Jim—/ this here brandy’s too strong / for my head.

    그리고 지금, / 네가 자유롭게 말했으니, / 그걸 감사하게 받아들일게 / 그곳 선실로 내려가줘 / 그리고 병을 가져다줘—/ 음, / 어휴! / 내가 그 이름을 잊어버렸네; / 음, / 와인 병 하나 가져다줘, / 짐—/ 이 브랜디는 / 내 머리에 너무 강해.

  4. ⦁ spoke (speak의 과거 형태): (말하다, 이야기하다)
    – She spoke eloquently at the meeting. (그녀는 회의에서 유창하게 말했다.)

    ⦁ brandy: (브랜디, 증류주)
    – He drank a glass of brandy to warm up. (그는 몸을 데우기 위해 브랜디 한 잔을 마셨다.)

  5. Now, / the coxswain’s hesitation / seemed to be unnatural, / and as for the notion / of his preferring wine / to brandy, / I entirely disbelieved it.

    지금, / 조타수의 망설임은 / 부자연스러워 보였고, / 그가 와인을 / 브랜디보다 / 더 좋아한다는 생각은 / 전혀 믿을 수 없었다.

  6. ⦁ hesitation: (망설임, 주저)
    – His hesitation cost him the job. (그의 망설임이 그에게 직장을 잃게 했다.)

    ⦁ disbelieve: (믿지 않다, 부정하다)
    – They disbelieved his story. (그들은 그의 이야기를 믿지 않았다.)

  7. The whole story / was a pretext.

    전부 핑계였다.

  8. ⦁ story: (이야기, 스토리)
    – She told an interesting story. (그녀는 흥미로운 이야기를 했다.)

    ⦁ pretext: (핑계, 구실; 변명)
    – He used his cold as a pretext for not going to work. (그는 감기를 핑계로 일을 가지 않았다.)

  9. He wanted me / to leave the deck—/ so much / was plain; / but with what purpose / I could in no way imagine.

    그는 내가 / 갑판을 떠나길 원했다—/ 그것은 / 명백했다; / 그러나 어떤 목적을 가지고 있는지 / 상상할 수 없었다.

  10. ⦁ deck: (갑판)
    – The sailors cleaned the deck thoroughly. (선원들은 갑판을 철저히 청소했다.)

    ⦁ purpose: (목적, 의도)
    – The main purpose of the meeting is to discuss strategy. (회의의 주요 목적은 전략을 논의하는 것이다.)

  11. His eyes / never met mine; / they kept wandering / to and fro, / up and down, / now with a look / to the sky, / now with a flitting glance / upon the dead O’Brien.

    그의 눈은 / 결코 내 눈을 마주치지 않았다; / 그의 눈은 계속 / 이리저리 / 위아래로 / 하늘을 바라보기도 하고 / 죽은 오브라이언을 / 힐끗거리기도 했다.

  12. ⦁ eyes: (눈)
    – Her eyes sparkled with joy. (그녀의 눈은 기쁨으로 빛났다.)

    ⦁ met (meet의 과거 형태): (만나다, 마주치다)
    – They met for coffee. (그들은 커피를 마시기 위해 만났다.)

  13. All the time / he kept smiling / and putting his tongue out / in the most guilty, / embarrassed manner, / so that a child / could have told / that he was bent / on some deception.

    그는 계속 / 미소를 지으며 / 혀를 내밀고 있었다 / 가장 죄책감 있는, / 당황한 태도로, / 그래서 아이조차 / 알 수 있을 정도로 / 그가 어떤 / 속임수를 쓰려고 하고 있었다.

  14. ⦁ smiling: (미소 짓는)
    – She was always smiling. (그녀는 항상 웃고 있었다.)

    ⦁ deception: (속임수, 기만)
    – His deception was soon revealed. (그의 속임수는 곧 드러났다.)

  15. I was prompt / with my answer, / however, / for I saw / where my advantage lay / and that with a fellow / so densely stupid / I could easily / conceal my suspicions / to the end.

    난 즉답했다, / 그러나, / 나는 알았다 / 내 이점이 어디에 속해 있는지 / 그리고 그런 / 어리석기 짝이 없는 / 사람과는 / 내가 의심을 / 쉽게 숨길 수 있을 것이라는 걸 / 끝까지.

  16. ⦁ prompt: (신속한, 즉각적인)
    – She was prompt in her response. (그녀는 즉각적으로 응답했다.)

    ⦁ suspicions: (의심, 혐의)
    – His actions raised suspicions. (그의 행동은 의구심을 불러일으켰다.)

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