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TREASURE ISLAND 034 XXVIIsrael Hands 006

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

TREASURE ISLAND 034 – XXVIIsrael Hands – 006

We both desired to have her stranded safe enough, in a sheltered place, and so that, when the time came, she could be got off again with as little labour and danger as might be; and until that was done I considered that my life would certainly be spared.

While I was thus turning the business over in my mind, I had not been idle with my body.
I had stolen back to the cabin, slipped once more into my shoes, and laid my hand at random on a bottle of wine, and now, with this for an excuse, I made my reappearance on the deck.

Hands lay as I had left him, all fallen together in a bundle and with his eyelids lowered as though he were too weak to bear the light.
He looked up, however, at my coming, knocked the neck off the bottle like a man who had done the same thing often, and took a good swig, with his favourite toast of “Here’s luck!” Then he lay quiet for a little, and then, pulling out a stick of tobacco, begged me to cut him a quid.

“Cut me a junk o’ that,” says he, “for I haven’t no knife and hardly strength enough, so be as I had.
Ah, Jim, Jim, I reckon I’ve missed stays! Cut me a quid, as’ll likely be the last, lad, for I’m for my long home, and no mistake.”

“Well,” said I, “I’ll cut you some tobacco, but if I was you and thought myself so badly, I would go to my prayers like a Christian man.”

“Why?” said he.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. We both desired / to have her stranded / safe enough, / in a sheltered place, / and so that, / when the time came, / she could be got off / again with as little labour and danger / as might be; and until that was done / I considered / that my life would certainly be spared.

    우리는 그녀가 안전하게 좌초되어 / 보호된 장소에 있기를 바랐고, / 때가 되면 최소한의 노력과 위험으로 / 다시 출발할 수 있기를 원했습니다. / 그 일이 이루어질 때까지 / 제 생명은 확실히 보호받을 것이라고 생각했습니다.

  2. ⦁ stranded: 좌초된
    – The ship was stranded on the reef (배는 암초에 좌초되었다).

    ⦁ spared: 보호받은
    – His life was spared in the accident (그의 생명은 사고에서 보호받았다).

  3. While I was thus turning / the business over in my mind, / I had not been idle / with my body.

    제가 이렇게 그 일을 마음속으로 / 곰곰이 생각하는 동안, / 제 몸은 한가하지 않았습니다.

  4. ⦁ idle: 한가한
    – He was idle all day (그는 하루 종일 한가했다).

    ⦁ business: 일
    – He has a lot of business to handle (그는 처리해야 할 일이 많다).

  5. I had stolen back / to the cabin, / slipped once more / into my shoes, / and laid my hand / at random / on a bottle of wine, / and now, / with this / for an excuse, / I made my reappearance / on the deck.

    저는 몰래 선실로 돌아가 / 다시 한 번 신발을 신고, / 눈에 띄는 와인 병에 / 손을 올리고, / 이를 구실로 / 다시 갑판 위로 돌아갔습니다.

  6. ⦁ cabin: 선실
    – He went back to his cabin (그는 자신의 선실로 돌아갔다).

    ⦁ excuse: 구실
    – She needed an excuse to leave (그녀는 떠날 구실이 필요했다).

  7. Hands lay / as I had left him, / all fallen together / in a bundle / and with his eyelids lowered / as though he were too weak / to bear the light.

    핸즈는 제가 떠난 그대로, / 한 다발로 엉겨 들어 / 눈꺼풀이 내려간 채 / 너무 약해서 / 빛을 견디지 못할 것처럼 누워 있었습니다.

  8. ⦁ eyelids: 눈꺼풀
    – Her eyelids were heavy with sleep (그녀의 눈꺼풀이 잠에 무거웠다).

    ⦁ weak: 약한
    – He felt weak after the illness (그는 병을 앍고 나서 약해졌다).

  9. He looked up, / however, / at my coming, / knocked the neck / off the bottle / like a man / who had done the same thing often, / and took a good swig, / with his favourite toast / of “Here’s luck!”

    그러나 제가 오자 / 그는 고개를 들고, / 병의 목을 따서 / 자주 해본 사람처럼 / 한 모금 마시고, / 자신이 늘 하던 축배와 함께 / “여기 행운이!”라고 외쳤습니다.

  10. ⦁ swig: 한 모금
    – He took a swig of his drink (그는 음료를 한 모금 마셨다).

    ⦁ toast: 축배
    – He made a toast to their success (그는 그들의 성공을 축하하며 축배를 들었다).

  11. Then he lay quiet / for a little, / and then, pulling out / a stick of tobacco, / begged me / to cut him a quid.

    그는 잠시 조용히 누워 있다가, / 담배 한 개비를 꺼내며, / 저에게 한 개비 잘라 달라고 / 부탁했습니다.

  12. ⦁ quiet: 조용한
    – The room was quiet (방은 조용했다).

    ⦁ begged: 부탁했다
    – He begged for mercy (그는 자비를 구했다).

  13. “Cut me a junk o’ that,” / says he, / “for I haven’t no knife / and hardly strength enough, / so be as I had.
    Ah, Jim, Jim, / I reckon I’ve missed stays! / Cut me a quid, / as’ll likely be the last, lad, / for I’m for my long home, / and no mistake.”

    “한 조각 잘라줘,” / 그가 말했습니다. / “나는 칼도 없고 / 힘도 거의 못 쓰겠어, / 결국 이렇게 됐어.
    아, 짐, 짐, / 내 생각에는 이제는 끝난 것 같아! / 한 개비 잘라줘, / 아마도 마지막일 거야, 친구, / 이제 내 길로 갈 시간이야, / 틀림없이.

  14. ⦁ reckon: 생각하다
    – I reckon we’re late (우리는 늦었다고 생각해).

    ⦁ strength: 힘
    – He has the strength of an ox (그는 황소 같은 힘을 가지고 있다).

  15. “Well,” said I, / “I’ll cut you some tobacco, / but if I was you / and thought myself so badly, / I would go to my prayers / like a Christian man.”

    “좋아,” / 내가 말했습니다, / “담배 좀 잘라줄게, / 하지만 내가 너라면 / 그렇게 나쁘다고 생각한다면, / 기도를 하겠어 / 기독교인처럼.

  16. ⦁ tobacco: 담배
    – He smoked a pipe of tobacco (그는 파이프 담배를 피웠다).

    ⦁ prayers: 기도
    – She said her prayers before bed (그녀는 자리언 전에 기도했다).

  17. “Why?” / said he.

    “왜?” / 그가 말했습니다.

  18. ⦁ why: 왜
    – Why did you do that? (왜 그렇게 했니?).

    ⦁ said: 말했다
    – She said hello to everyone (그녀는 모두에게 인사했다).

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