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TREASURE ISLAND 034 XXVIIsrael Hands 008

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

TREASURE ISLAND 034 – XXVIIsrael Hands – 008

Him as strikes first is my fancy; dead men don’t bite; them’s my views—amen, so be it.
And now, you look here,” he added, suddenly changing his tone, “we’ve had about enough of this foolery.
The tide’s made good enough by now.
You just take my orders, Cap’n Hawkins, and we’ll sail slap in and be done with it.”

All told, we had scarce two miles to run; but the navigation was delicate, the entrance to this northern anchorage was not only narrow and shoal, but lay east and west, so that the schooner must be nicely handled to be got in.
I think I was a good, prompt subaltern, and I am very sure that Hands was an excellent pilot, for we went about and about and dodged in, shaving the banks, with a certainty and a neatness that were a pleasure to behold.

Scarcely had we passed the heads before the land closed around us.
The shores of North Inlet were as thickly wooded as those of the southern anchorage, but the space was longer and narrower and more like, what in truth it was, the estuary of a river.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Him as strikes first / is my fancy; / dead men don’t bite; / them’s my views—amen, / so be it.

    먼저 치는 사람이 내 생각에 좋다; 죽은 사람은 물지 않는다; 그게 내 의견이다—아멘, 그렇게 되길.

  2. ⦁ fancy: 공상
    – She has a fancy for tall men. (그녀는 키 큰 남자를 좋아한다.)

    ⦁ views: 견해
    – Her views on education are progressive. (그녀의 교육에 대한 견해는 진보적이다.)

  3. And now, / you look here,” / he added, / suddenly changing his tone, / “we’ve had about enough / of this foolery.

    그리고 이제, 여기 봐,”라고 그는 말했다, 갑자기 목소리를 바꾸며, “우리 이 어리석음은 이제 충분히 했다.

  4. ⦁ suddenly: 갑자기
    – The weather changed suddenly. (날씨가 갑자기 변했다.)

    ⦁ tone: 어조
    – His tone was full of anger. (그의 어조는 분노로 가득 찼다.)

  5. The tide’s made / good enough by now.
    You just take my orders, / Cap’n Hawkins, / and we’ll sail slap in / and be done with it.

    지금쯤이면 조수가 충분히 좋을 것이다.
    내 명령을 따르기만 하면 돼, 호킨스 선장, 그러면 바로 들어가서 끝내자.

  6. ⦁ tide: 조수
    – The tide is coming in. (조수가 밀려오고 있다.)

    ⦁ orders: 명령
    – He gave orders for everyone to leave. (그는 모두에게 떠나라는 명령을 내렸다.)

  7. All told, / we had scarce two miles to run; / but the navigation was delicate, / the entrance to this northern anchorage / was not only narrow and shoal, / but lay east and west, / so that the schooner / must be nicely handled / to be got in.

    결론적으로, 우리는 불과 2마일을 가야 했으나; 항해는 까다로웠다, 이 북쪽 정박지의 입구는 좁고 얕았을 뿐만 아니라, 동서로 뻗어 있어서, 스쿠너를 잘 다루어야 들어갈 수 있었다.

  8. ⦁ navigation: 항해
    – Navigation was difficult in the rough sea. (거친 바다에서 항해는 어려웠다.)

    ⦁ delicate: 섬세한, 까다로운
    – The delicate flower requires special care. (그 섬세한 꽃은 특별한 관리를 필요로 한다.)

  9. I think / I was a good, / prompt subaltern, / and I am very sure that Hands / was an excellent pilot, / for we went about and about / and dodged in, / shaving the banks, / with a certainty and a neatness / that were a pleasure to behold.

    나는 내가 좋은, 신속한 하사관이었다고 생각하고, Hands는 훌륭한 조종사였다고 확신한다, 우리는 여기저기 돌며, 은행을 스치며, 확실하고 깔끔하게 들어갔다.

  10. ⦁ prompt: 신속한
    – His prompt response saved the day. (그의 신속한 대응이 하루를 구했다.)

    ⦁ pilot: 조종사
    – The pilot navigated the plane safely. (조종사는 비행기를 안전하게 운항했다.)

  11. Scarcely had we / passed the heads / before the land / closed around us.

    우리가 머리를 지나기도 전에 육지가 우리를 둘러쌌다.

  12. ⦁ scarcely: 거의 ~않다
    – He could scarcely believe his eyes. (그는 자신의 눈을 거의 믿을 수 없었다.)

    ⦁ land: 땅, 육지
    – The plane landed safely on the runway. (비행기는 활주로에 안전하게 착륙했다.)

  13. The shores of North Inlet / were as thickly wooded / as those of the southern anchorage, / but the space was longer and narrower / and more like, / what in truth it was, / the estuary of a river.

    북쪽 입구의 해안은 남쪽 정박지처럼 숲이 우거져 있었으나, 공간은 더 길고 좁았으며, 실제로 강의 하구 같았다.

  14. ⦁ wooded: 숲이 우거진
    – The wooded area was dense and dark. (숲이 우거진 지역은 밀집하고 어두웠다.)

    ⦁ estuary: 하구
    – The estuary was teeming with fish. (하구는 물고기로 가득 차 있었다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)