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TREASURE ISLAND 034 XXVIIsrael Hands 009

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

TREASURE ISLAND 034 – XXVIIsrael Hands – 009

Right before us, at the southern end, we saw the wreck of a ship in the last stages of dilapidation.
It had been a great vessel of three masts but had lain so long exposed to the injuries of the weather that it was hung about with great webs of dripping seaweed, and on the deck of it shore bushes had taken root and now flourished thick with flowers.
It was a sad sight, but it showed us that the anchorage was calm.

“Now,” said Hands, “look there; there’s a pet bit for to beach a ship in.
Fine flat sand, never a cat’s paw, trees all around of it, and flowers a-blowing like a garding on that old ship.”

“And once beached,” I inquired, “how shall we get her off again?”

“Why, so,” he replied: “you take a line ashore there on the other side at low water, take a turn about one of them big pines; bring it back, take a turn around the capstan, and lie to for the tide.
Come high water, all hands take a pull upon the line, and off she comes as sweet as natur’.
And now, boy, you stand by.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Right before us, / at the southern end, / we saw the wreck / of a ship / in the last stages / of dilapidation.

    바로 우리 앞, 남쪽 끝에, 우리는 폐허 상태에 있는 배의 잔해를 보았다.

    ⦁ wreck: 잔해
    – The wreck of the car was removed from the road. (자동차의 잔해가 도로에서 제거되었다.)

    ⦁ dilapidation: 황폐화
    – The old house had fallen into a state of dilapidation. (그 오래된 집은 황폐화된 상태로 떨어졌다.)

  2. It had been a great vessel / of three masts / but had lain / so long / exposed to the injuries / of the weather / that it was hung about / with great webs / of dripping seaweed, / and on the deck / of it shore bushes / had taken root / and now flourished / thick with flowers.

    그것은 세 개의 돛을 가진 큰 배였지만, 오랫동안 날씨의 손상에 노출되어 있던 상태로, 물에 젖은 해초가 얽혀 있었고, 갑판에는 해안의 관목들이 뿌리를 내려 지금은 꽃이 무성하게 피어있는 상태였다.

    ⦁ vessel: 배, 선박
    – The vessel sailed across the ocean. (그 배는 대양을 가로질러 항해했다.)

    ⦁ flourished: 번영했다, 무성하다
    – The plant flourished in the rich soil. (그 식물은 비옥한 토양에서 잘 자랐다.)

  3. It was a sad sight, / but it showed us / that the anchorage / was calm.

    그것은 슬픈 광경이었지만, 정박지가 평온하다는 것을 보여주었다.

    ⦁ sight: 광경, 모습
    – The sight of the mountains took my breath away. (산의 광경이 나의 숨을 멎게 했다.)

    ⦁ anchorage: 정박지
    – The ship found a safe anchorage in the harbor. (그 배는 항구에서 안전한 정박지를 찾았다.)

  4. “Now,” / said Hands, / “look there; there’s a pet bit / for to beach a ship in.

    Fine flat sand, / never a cat’s paw, / trees all around / of it, / and flowers / a-blowing / like a garding / on that old ship.”

    “자 이제,” Hands가 말했다, “저기 봐; 저곳은 배를 상륙시키기에 딱 좋은 곳이야. 평평한 고운 모래, 손가락 하나 까딱할 필요가 없는 잔잔한 물결, 주위에 나무들이 있고, 그 낡은 배에 마치 정원처럼 꽃이 피어있어.”

    ⦁ beach: 해안, 해변으로 끌어올리다
    – They beached the boat on the shore. (그들은 배를 해안으로 끌어올렸다.)

    ⦁ paw: 발, 손
    – The cat’s paw patted the toy gently. (고양이의 발이 장난감을 살짝 두드렸다.)

    ⦁ sand: 모래
    – He built a castle out of sand. (그는 모래로 성을 만들었다.)

    ⦁ garden: 정원
    – She loved spending time in her garden. (그녀는 정원에서 시간을 보내는 것을 좋아했다.)

  5. “And once beached,” / I inquired, / “how shall we get her off / again?”

    “그리고 한번 배를 상륙시킨 후,” 내가 물었다, “어떻게 다시 배를 띄울 수 있을까요?”

    ⦁ inquired: 물었다
    – She inquired about the job opening. (그녀는 채용 공고에 대해 물어봤다.)

    ⦁ get off: 내리다, 떼다
    – We need to get off the bus at the next stop. (우리는 다음 정류장에서 버스를 내려야 한다.)

  6. “Why, so,” / he replied: / “you take a line ashore / there on the other side / at low water, / take a turn about / one of them big pines; / bring it back, / take a turn around / the capstan, / and lie to / for the tide.

    Come high water, / all hands take a pull upon the line, / and off she comes / as sweet as natur’.

    And now, boy, / you stand by.

    “이봐,” 그가 대답했다: “썰물 때 저쪽 해안에 밧줄을 가져가서, 큰 소나무 중 하나를 돌아서 묶고 다시 가져와서 캡스턴에 감고, 밀물을 기다려라. 밀물이 오면, 모든 사람이 밧줄을 당기면, 자연스럽게 배가 떠오를 거야. 이제 소년, 준비해.”

    ⦁ replied: 대답했다
    – He replied quickly to the question. (그는 질문에 빨리 대답했다.)

    ⦁ capstan: 캡스턴, 밧줄 감는 기계
    – The crew used the capstan to hoist the anchor. (선원들은 앵커를 들어올리기 위해 캡스턴을 사용했다.)

    ⦁ tide: 밀물, 썰물
    – We need to be aware of the tide. (우리는 물의 밀물과 썰물을 알아야 한다.)

    ⦁ line: 밧줄
    – Secure the boat with a strong line. (강한 밧줄로 보트를 고정하십시오.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)